Bormental diet

Bormental diet is a method of weight loss, the principle of which is based on an effective psychological technique that helps reduce appetite and helps to identify the motivation of weight loss. This shape correction system is patented in 2001 by Dr. Bormental. Every year its popularity gradually grows. During the course of therapy, breathing exercises, neuro-linguistic coding methods, and meditation may be involved.

In addition to the psychological approach, the Bormental system is based on a strict restriction of the calorie content of the daily diet to 1200 kcal per day (1400 kcal during hard physical work), four to five meals a day with intervals between meals up to 4,5 hours. Thanks to this routine, metabolism is activated, the size of the stomach is reduced, excess weight is lost, useful habits are formed.

The duration of the weight loss method is not strictly regulated, the average weight loss per week is 1-3 kg.

Principles of diet

The program from Dr. Bormental does not provide a specific list of authorized foods that should be eaten during the day. The person himself is the menu based on the following rules.

A distinctive feature of this method of losing weight is the calculation of the total caloric content of the daily diet. And also control the daily plummet. For these purposes, it is recommended to purchase floor and kitchen scales.

In order not to be mistaken, it is useful to have a Bormenthal diary in which to carry out an energy miscalculation of products or dishes planned for use on the day. In total, their energy value should not exceed the daily rate.

At first, this procedure requires a lot of time, but after a week of 2 a new habit will allow to perform these operations on the machine.

Personal diary is needed not only to record the data on caloric content of food and the state of weight, but also to conduct an analysis of eating behavior. Already after 20 days of the diet, losing weight can clearly see what results achieved, as well as correct the menu to improve the results.

The principles on which the Bormetal weight loss program is based:

  1. The absence of strict bans on food. That is, if you wish to eat a cake, it is allowed to eat it, however, subject to the subtraction of its caloric value from the daily energy ration. Through this approach, a person does not feel the psychological discomfort, which inevitably leads to stress, breakdowns and overeating. After the desired product enters the body, the centers of food pleasure send signals about the satisfaction of needs. As a result, the craving for this dish weakens or disappears as soon as possible.
  2. Strict drinking regime. The daily norm of clean water is 2 liters.
  3. Four meals. The maximum time between meals is 4,5 hours. If necessary, switch to five meals.
  4. The daily calorie content of the diet is 1200 kcal, in extreme cases it increases to 1400 kcal, subject to hard physical labor. The volume of a single serving is up to 200 g.
  5. Limiting the intake of simple carbohydrates. The prohibited products include: products from higher grades of wheat (pasta, confectionery), alcoholic beverages. In addition, pickled, smoked, fatty, salty foods should be discarded. Preferred methods of cooking: baking, steaming, boiling and stewing.
  6. The calorie content of each meal should be distributed according to the principle (relative to the daily norm): breakfast – 30%, second breakfast – 10%, lunch – 40%, dinner – 20%.
  7. The emphasis in nutrition is on sour-milk products with low fat content, protein foods (meat, fish, seafood), unsweetened fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Last meal – 3,5 hours before bedtime.
  8. Give up heavy exercise. During weight loss in terms of reducing the daily calorie intake, additional energy costs can be harmful.
  9. Weighing weekly.

With the observance of the rules of the technique, for 7 days you can become easier on 2-4 kg. At the same time, do not have to experience any strong restrictions, it is allowed to make changes in the diet. Bormental diet can be practiced for 2 months. In the event of weakness, exhaustion, loss of strength, the daily diet should be increased by 200 kcal.

This program of weight loss gradually forms the habits of proper nutrition, which further contribute to maintaining the desired shape.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the ranking of diets, the Bormenthal weight loss program occupies the 25 position. To develop and maintain the motivation of losing weight, first of all, you must admit to yourself obesity. Despite the fact that there is nothing shameful about this, not every person has enough courage to admit the fact. In this case, it would not be superfluous to seek help from a psychotherapist. The doctor will help to tune in a positive way, thereby losing weight will be easier to tolerate.

Advantages of the technique:

  • the possibility of making changes in the diet, drawing up an individual menu;
  • freedom of choice of dishes;
  • lasting result;
  • lack of hunger;
  • decrease in the size of the stomach;
  • the formation of new healthy eating habits, the main of which is not to overeat.

Proponents of the diet note the absence of stress caused by the rejection of their favorite food. Unlike other methods of weight loss (especially strict programs that imply being on a single vegetable, fruit, cereal, or fermented milk drink), the Bormental program does not preclude the intake of high-calorie foods: bananas, dates, figs, raisins, grapes. They can be eaten, however, provided that the daily caloric intake of the ration should be at the mark of 1200 units.

Cons of the diet:

  1. Constant calorie counting. This causes discomfort, for example, in case of need for food outside the home, with frequent business trips.
  2. Not the universality of the system. The Bormental diet provides for a “low-calorie corridor,” which not every person can withstand.
  3. Incompatibility with physical activity. People who regularly visit the gym and do fitness are advised to pay attention to the Ducane diet. Protein nutrition system allows you to accelerate weight loss, build muscle and at the same time feel good. Otherwise, intense exercise during the practice of Bormental’s diet can lead to depletion of the body.
  4. Contraindications: mental disorders, diabetes, pregnancy and lactation, acute, oncological and chronic diseases, age up to 18 years and after 60 years.

Dr Bormental’s nutrition program is prohibited for people who have had a heart attack or stroke.

  1. The deterioration of mood, performance and overall vitality, the appearance of weakness. As a result, the immunity weakens, the body’s susceptibility to viral infections increases, the likelihood of anemia, hormonal disorders, and cancer.
  2. Flabby skin, flabby muscular tissue. In order to avoid these unpleasant consequences of losing weight, according to Bormental, it is necessary to undergo physiotherapy, one should not neglect light physical exercises. To maintain the tone of the dermis, it is helpful to undergo spa procedures, wraps, and massage.
  3. Imbalance In order to maintain the body and prevent nutritional deficiencies, it is recommended to consume a vitamin-mineral complex (Vitrum, Alphabet) throughout the diet.

Remember, after the transition from the usual diet to a diet, with a sharp restriction of high-carbohydrate food, the body feels discomfort, which manifests itself in indisposition. This is a normal reaction, which usually passes within a few days. Gradually, the stomach adapts to the changes, the discomfort disappears.

It happens at any stage the weight stops. In this case, you should not doubt the effectiveness of the diet. This is normal. It is necessary to continue to adhere to the technique, and after some time (5-7 days) the daily plummet will move from zero to minus.

Before you go on a dietary diet, it is recommended to undergo an examination and consult with your doctor for contraindications.

Bormental calorie table

The daily diet ration should be based on the energy value of cooked dishes (not raw). This is precisely the feature of the Bormental table.

Before you go on a diet, it is recommended to make a menu on the 3-4 of the day, writing down the calorie content of each dish in the diary. The diet can be adjusted based on your own preferences, which do not violate the fundamental principles of nutrition. Before eating, products must be weighed.

Nutritional value of ready meals in Bormental
NameCalorie content in 100 g of product, kcal
Meat, Poultry
Pork neck234
Fat duck214
Lamb (filet)121
Pig tongue115
Chicken (fillet)113
Beef tongue112
Veal (tenderloin)97
Chicken breast91
Turkey (breast)84
Dairy produce
Milk powder481
Gouda cheese (45%)368
Cheese (50%)299
Cream (20%)205
Sour cream (15%)160
Curd (9%)166
Ryazhenka (6%)85
Cow’s milk (2,5%)55
Yogurt (1,5%)52
Kefir (2%)50
Kefir (1%)37
Fish and Seafood
Red caviar251
Pollock roe131
Cod roe115
Sea bass108
Blue whiting72
Alaska Pollock45
Sea kale5
Bread, porridge
Premium wheat bread233
Rye bread214
Wheat bran154
Pearl barley106
Macaroni boiled103
Viscous wheat90
Mashed milk65
Bell pepper30
Green onion25
White cabbage24
Salad leaves11
Black currant34
Strawberries and strawberries33
Drinks and broths
Gin, whiskey, cognac220
Meat broth20
Fish broth15
Mushroom broth10
Vegetable broth0
Water, tea without sugar0

On weekdays, the emphasis is better to make breakfast. It should contain a small amount of carbohydrates. This will improve your well-being and will allow you to maintain high activity, at least in the morning. For lunch it is recommended to eat protein foods (meat or fish) with vegetables. Like breakfast, it should be dense, and dinner, on the contrary, light. In the evening, it is preferable to eat a salad of fresh vegetables, baked apples, drink yogurt.

Menu for every day

The Bormental diet does not provide clear guidance on the daily use of foods. Losing weight itself is the diet. To determine the nutritional value of a dish, all of its components are subject to precise weighing, then the calorific value is determined from the table and energy calculations are made. This number is recorded in the diary, calculate the remaining daily allowance.

Sample menu for the week

Option number 1:

  • breakfast – chicken – 80 g, tomato – 1 pc, buckwheat – 80 g;
  • second breakfast – half a marshmallow, green tea without sugar – 200 ml;
  • lunch – mashed potatoes – 100 g, pollock – 150 g, half red pepper;
  • afternoon snack – orange – 1 pc;
  • dinner – beef baked with herbs – 100 g, kefir 1% – 150 ml, cucumber and tomato salad – 150 g.

Option number 2:

  • breakfast – buckwheat with milk – 100 g;
  • second breakfast – low-fat yogurt without additives – 180 ml, bran bread – 3 pcs;
  • lunch – cucumber – 1 pc, tomato – 1 pc, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage – 200 g, a slice of whole grain bread – 1 pc;
  • afternoon snack – not fried almonds – 30 g;
  • dinner – chicken with vegetables – 200 g.

Option number 3:

  • breakfast – cottage cheese 5% – 100 g;
  • second breakfast – walnuts – 30 g;
  • lunch – whole grain bread – 1 piece, fish – 100 g, carrots – 50 g, kefir 1% – 150 ml;
  • afternoon snack – tomato juice – 180 ml;
  • dinner – a vegetable mix of green peas, white cabbage and cucumber – 100 g, chicken fillet – 100 g.

Eating should take place in a relaxed atmosphere at the table. It is necessary to eat slowly (at least 15 minutes) so that the center for regulating hunger can promptly signal a satiety. Otherwise, if there is on the move, after eating a portion, a person will not feel that he was full for some time (up to 20 minutes). This threatens to increase portions, which can lead to a breakdown of the diet.

Breakfast should be within 60 minutes after waking up, and dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime. Every 2 of the week it is allowed to drink a glass of natural red dry wine.

Feedback and exit rules

The diet of Dr. Bormental is considered one of the most effective methods of losing weight. Adherents of a low-calorie diet claim successful weight loss without subsequent regression. During the first week, 2-5 leaves extra kilos, depending on individual factors, constitution and initial weight. Subsequently, the “natural loss” of weight corresponds to 6-12 kilogram per month. Together with the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body decreases swelling, the dermis becomes healthy.

The victory over excess weight is a real reason to be proud of yourself. However, the joy of this achievement overshadows the question: “How to restore elasticity to the skin?”. The dermis has the ability to contract and stretch. Naturally, excess fat under the skin presses on it. As a result, the dermis is stretched, fitting all the folds. With weight loss, it does not go anywhere, but sags.

The most problematic areas: chest, buttocks, inner thighs, abdomen and arms. To remove flabby skin, it is necessary to act on it from the outside and from the inside simultaneously. Ways of struggle: water procedures, cosmetics, wraps, massage, physical activity, scrubs and peels, abundant drinking, balanced low-carb diet.

After losing weight (when achieving the desired result), first of all, you need to fix the weight, eliminating the likelihood of its return. This can be achieved through constant maintenance of the new regime and adherence to the basic principles of nutrition: satisfying, tasty, useful, necessary for slimming. When the correct habits are formed, you can smoothly increase the daily energy value of the diet by 200-300 kcal. Thus, the body will be able to protect from stress and to avoid the return of the dropped kilos.

Dr. Bormental insists that the reason for the appearance of excess weight is in the head. To cope with it, it is enough to change the attitude to this fact: to destroy the previously established stereotypes of improper eating behavior and eliminate the psychological causes of overeating. Only after full awareness and their removal, a person has a chance to control habits, appetite, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Remember, overweight is not only an ugly appearance, but also a hidden threat to health. Obesity is the cause of the development of many diseases, in particular, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Therefore, the decision to start losing weight, first of all, should be based on the preservation of health, and only then on beauty.

Diet recipes

A low-calorie diet according to Bormental is in most cases easily tolerated. The main thing is not to observe monotony in food. Eating constantly one vegetable or fruit can not only not achieve the desired result, but also undermine health. The human body does not imply monotony in nutrition. For the proper functioning of internal organs and systems, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements must be supplied with food. Moreover, if any of the nutritional components or nutrients is in short supply, a person’s well-being worsens, health suffers. Therefore, it is important to balance the diet, diversify the menu with lenten dishes.

Recipe number 1 “Vegetable stew with mushrooms”


  • sour cream – 15 ml;
  • carrots – 4 pieces;
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • boiled mushrooms – 200 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper – 3;
  • white or Beijing cabbage – 300 g;
  • onion – 2pc;
  • garlic – 2 tooth.

Method of preparation:

  1. Peel carrots, onions and garlic.
  2. Vegetables cut, mix, simmer 20 minutes.
  3. Stew insist 30 minutes. Served hot with meat or porridge.

The energy value of the dish is 100 kcal per 100.

Recipe # 2 “Eggplant Soup”


  • carrots – 1 pieces;
  • boiled red beans – 100 g;
  • eggplant – 150 g;
  • water – 1,5 l;
  • leek or green – 1 pc;
  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs;
  • sunflower or olive oil – 20 ml;
  • bay leaf – 1 pcs.

Principle of preparation:

  1. Peel carrots, onions, potatoes and eggplant, chop.
  2. Bring water to a boil.
  3. Boil the potatoes with beans for 20 minutes.
  4. Passion onions, eggplant, carrots with vegetable oil, pour into a boiling pan. Add bay leaf, boil for another 10 minutes.

The energy value of the eggplant soup is equal to 60 kcal per 100 g. Due to the presence of protein, fiber and balanced composition, the dish gives a sense of saturation of the body for a long time.


The Bormental Diet is a nutrition system developed by psychotherapists and nutritionists in order to systematically reduce body weight. This weight loss technique is designed for a long period, is easily tolerated by the human body, and gives a stable result. The main thing is to be able to count calories. A varied grocery basket, with a minimum number of prohibitions, facilitates the process of losing weight.

The essence of the Bormental diet is to reduce the daily calorie intake to 1200 units. People who are sedentary are encouraged to limit their 1000 calories per day. In order to avoid disrupting the diet and exceeding the allowable caloric content of the daily menu, it is useful to have a food diary in which to note the energy value of the dishes eaten and planned for use. Thanks to this, it will be possible to constantly monitor your diet.

To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to drink tea within 50 minutes after a meal. This will prolong the feeling of fullness. The maximum intervals between meals should not exceed 4,5 hours. As a snack, it is useful to use low-calorie fruits (apples, strawberries, orange, grapefruit) or sour-milk drinks (kefir, yogurt without fillers, fermented baked milk, yogurt).

In addition to losing weight, the Bormental diet has many advantages: it improves health, returns its former activity, lightness, improves skin condition, quality of sexual life, reduces stress on the heart and joints. In addition, losing weight contributes to self-esteem, gives confidence, eliminates the inferiority complex.

A slender figure is a reason to be proud of your achievement. It’s never too late to get on the road to health and beauty!

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