Borlotto beans

Asparagus beans began to be used for food much later than shelling. But in the XNUMXth century, curious Italians decided to taste the unripe green pods. They liked this novelty and soon took root in Italian cuisine. And only decades later, the Europeans brought out a special variety, which they called string or asparagus beans.

Borlotto beans

It is Italy that is the birthplace of the Borlotto bean variety, popular in Europe. There he was bred and called – “Borlotti”. This variety is very popular in Ukraine, as it is ideal for the main national dish of borscht. A special variety of “Borlotto” is that it is cooked very quickly. And this is very important for beans, because usually they have to be soaked overnight, and then boiled for a long time until fully cooked.

This bean is also valued for its beneficial properties. It contains a large amount of protein and is suitable even for diet food. It also contains potassium, iodine, iron, zinc, sodium, magnesium and other important trace elements. It is worth noting that asparagus beans contain many times less kcal, only 31 kcal per 100 g, and grain beans – 298 kcal.

Borlotto beans

Now it would be logical to figure out what is so special about the Borlotto variety and whether it is worth growing such beans in your garden.

Characteristic of the variety

There is some rather controversial information about Borlotto beans. Some say that it is a bush plant, while others say that it is a climbing plant. Perhaps there are several varieties. Also, a feature of the variety is that such beans can be consumed at different degrees of ripening.

 “Borlotto” is used in cooking as:

  • black Eyed Peas;
  • young semi-dry seeds;
  • fully ripe grains.

Borlotto beans

According to the ripening time, the variety belongs to early ripening. From the first shoots to the beginning of ripening, it takes up to 60 days, although unripe green pods can be harvested much earlier. To obtain fully ripened dry seeds, you will need to wait up to 80 days. The plant is unpretentious to weather conditions and does not require complex care.

Ripe beans are large and wide with burgundy stains. Large beans with a similar red and white pattern. At the initial degree of ripening, the pods are green, without a parchment layer and fibers. The taste is mild sweet. This bean is considered the most delicious at the stage of incomplete ripening.

Borlotto beans

Advice! The yield is very high, so the weight of the beans can fall to the ground. In some cases, it will be better to use supports.

The length of the pods can reach up to 15 cm in length, and the width – up to 19 mm. Up to 5 grains ripen in a bean. At the stage of incomplete ripening, they have a slight nutty flavor. Used for preservation, freezing and cooking various dishes. The variety has a high disease resistance to possible viruses and fungi. Loves warmth, grows well in moist, loose soil.

Borlotto beans


Sowing grains can begin after the frost has completely passed. The soil must warm up to +15 ° C, otherwise the seeds will not germinate. The end of May – the beginning of June will be the ideal period for planting in open ground. Pre-sowing beans must be soaked in water for at least a few hours. When the seeds soften a little, you can start planting.

Advice! As a fertilizer, before sowing it would be good to fertilize the soil with humus.

Borlotto beans

We place the grains in the ground to a depth of 3-4 cm. The distance between the bushes should be about 20 cm, and between the rows we leave 40-50 cm. From above, the bed can be covered with a film, this will retain moisture in the soil and help keep warm. When sprouts appear, the beans need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest.

Loose soil, as well as with impurities of sand, is perfect for this variety. At the same time, clay soil is unsuitable for growing beans, as it does not allow moisture to seep to the roots of the plant.

Borlotto beans

Important! Good predecessors for beans are representatives of the nightshade family: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers.

This variety can also be grown from seedlings. Then sowing should begin in early May. Seeds are planted in separate pots, and already in early June, seedlings can be planted in open ground.


Borlotto beans are easy to care for. The main thing is to install supports in time and loosen the ground from time to time. If the air temperature is very high, then do not forget about watering. But this should be done no more than 1-2 times a week, and best of all in the morning or afternoon. To keep moisture in the soil longer, you can mulch, as shown in the photo.

Borlotto beans


Elena, 42 years old, Krasnodar
I first bought Borlotto seeds as a bush variety. At least that’s what it said on the package. The beans quickly sprouted, but soon began to curl around the neighboring trees. I did not have time to build the supports and left it as it was. Luckily, the beans adapted well to such conditions and gave a good harvest. I tried to pick unripe pods, very tasty. But most of all I liked the young beans, soft and sweet in taste. The variety is good, just don’t be surprised when the beans start to curl.
Maria, 56 years old, city ​​of Saratov
I have been growing the Borlotto variety for a long time. Very happy with this bean. No matter how hot or rainy the summer is, it will always give a generous harvest. I collect the seeds when they are still not completely dry. Beans cook very quickly and have excellent taste. Can be frozen raw. I also like to make preserves out of it. I try to leave seeds for planting from the previous harvest. Always rises quickly.

To summarize

This variety has long won the attention of many gardeners. She is loved for the opportunity to use both the seeds themselves and the unripe pods. And the taste has not left anyone indifferent. Everyone can grow Borlotto. So if you have not tried to plant this variety, then be sure to do it!

Beans. Tips for gardeners.

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