Boris Grebenshchikov: biography, interesting facts

Boris Grebenshchikov: biography, interesting facts

😉 Greetings to my dear readers! The article “Boris Grebenshchikov: biography, interesting facts” – about the main stages of the life of a famous rock musician, composer and poet. An interesting video for you.

Biography of Boris Grebenshchikov

The biography of a rock musician begins in the city of Leningrad. Borya was born on November 27, 1953. He can be called the founder of Russian rock music.

He grew up in a Soviet family of intellectuals. Mom worked at a research institute in the department of sociological research. His father, an engineer by profession, was engaged in scientific research, and was later appointed director of a plant in the Baltic Shipping Company.

The entire childhood of the future musician was spent in the legendary city on the Neva. He studied at the prestigious city school number 421. After the 8th grade, he moved to a school with a mathematical bias. Back in his school years, the guy became interested in music, this hobby became the meaning of life.

Boris Grebenshchikov: biography, interesting facts

After graduating from school, the young man enters the University of Leningrad, choosing the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. He continues to pursue his favorite hobby – music.

Together with Anatoly Gunitsky, a school friend, he created a musical group called “Aquarium”. She devotes all her free time to her favorite business. The guys wrote songs mostly at home, and they rarely toured.

The beginning of the creative path

In 1977 Boris graduated from the university and went to work at the Research Institute. Along the way with work, he continues to write songs, and sometimes organize concerts. The USSR was a closed country from many influences, including musical ones, but records with recordings of foreign performers appeared here as well.

Boris had them among the first. Thanks to his excellent knowledge of English, he knew the meaning of all new songs well. The songs of Western artists were his reference point in the world of music. In 1973, his team released their first album, The Temptation of the Holy Aquarium.

Aquarium (BG) – Golden City

The music performed by the group had no analogues in the musical field of that time. This was especially true of such a direction as rock. It was a completely new direction in music. Reversal of views and established stereotypes.

In 1978, together with Mark Naumenko and Mikhail Feinstein, they released the album “All Brothers-Sisters”. And 2 years later, the group performed at a rock festival held in Tbilisi.

For which later Grebenshchikov was expelled from the Komsomol. In addition, he was also deprived of his position, at that time he was a junior researcher. And the existence of his group was in jeopardy. Formally, the “Aquarium” group was considered prohibited.

In 1981, Aquarium released the first real album, entitled Blue Album. “Aquarium” was officially admitted to the rock club of the city of Leningrad.

Since that time, the group has been taking an active part in the ongoing rock festivals. A year later, Boris becomes the producer of the “Kino” group, working on the release of the first album “45”.

Interesting Facts

  • 1987 – the first disc of the legendary group “Aquarium” appeared on sale in the USSR;
  • 1991 – the group ceased to exist. A year later, Boris is recruiting a new lineup of the group;
  • 2003 – Grebenshchikov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree;
  • 2005 – work on the radio. For almost an hour, Boris has been broadcasting an author’s program called “Aerostat”.

Boris Grebenshchikov published several books, his music sounds in many films and performances. He is fond of photography (several of his photo exhibitions have been organized). A talented person!

Personal life

The first time the musician married in 1976, Natalia Kozlovskaya. The marriage lasted 4 years. In marriage, a daughter, Alice, was born, who later became an actress.

The second marriage was civil, with Lyudmila Shurygina. The family relationship lasted 9 years. The son Gleb was born in marriage. Subsequently he became a famous DJ.

The third marriage was concluded with Irina Titova. The daughter of Vasilisa appeared in the marriage, and the spouses also raised the son of Mark from Irina’s first marriage. Now Mark has become a musician, Vasilisa is an artist.

The musician has undergone two operations since 2006, one for vision correction, and the second for heart bypass surgery. But he continues to actively engage in the work of his whole life – music. His height is 1,76 m, his zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

Boris Grebenshchikov: biography, interesting facts

Boris Grebenshchikov and the XIV Dalai Lama

Grebenshchikov is a believer, but is not an adherent of any particular religion. At one time he became interested in Buddhism. Studied Chinese and Indian philosophy. This is reflected in his music album “Refuge”. It turned out great!

Boris Grebenshchikov: biography (video)

Boris Grebenshchikov on spiritual values. Part 1

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