Boring tales are short: how to compose, invent for children in grade 3
Boring tales are a vivid example of Russian folklore. There is a version that these tales are tricks. were invented by the storyteller on the go and helped to get rid of annoying listeners.
What are these – boring fairy tales?
The boring fairy tale was created as a parody of a real fairy tale. In it, meaning, length and coherence were brought to the point of absurdity, repeating itself many times and turning into a bad infinity.
Boring tales are told to get rid of annoying listeners
The tale became obsessed with a short piece of text, a phrase or a saying. At the same time, the rest of the blende text was minimized to a complete loss of meaning and played an auxiliary role. Such a tale could be told endlessly, until the process became boring (annoying) for the listener and the narrator.
The docs include a fairy tale-saying about a white bull, a rhyme “Buy an elephant” and a well-known fairy tale-song “The priest had a dog …”.
Modern fairy tales for children have the same structure. Many of them contain rhyme and rhythm, but are also found in prose. They look like a long chain held together by a repeating phrase or question. In some tricks, there is an appeal to the listener, a question to which he is obliged to answer. After that, the narrative starts up again.
Such tales have no plot. Each new round of the narrative causes more and more perplexity and annoyance in the listener. Especially often they like to get rid of annoying kids with such documents.
How to come up with a fairy tale-docoku for a 3rd grade child?
Today, the study of dokuk fairy tales is included in the compulsory curriculum for third graders. Pupils not only read well-known funny rhymes without meaning, but also come up with them themselves. Of course, not without the help of parents.
How to write a snag rhyme? It couldn’t be easier. It is necessary to take any action as a basis and dwell on it. The main thing is to show your maximum imagination.
Sequence of composition:
- A fairy tale usually begins with deceiving the listener and promising to tell him an interesting story.
- Then there is a brief description of the main character – there lived such and such, went there, did this.
- Any action of the hero is repeated many times, with the end of the tale becoming its beginning.
In order not to tire the child and make it easier to memorize the rhyme, you should not come up with a complex and long work. Let it be a little fairy tale about clear things with a funny ending. The kid will love it.