Boric acid in the eyes: how physicians who have detected a coronavirus in a patient should protect themselves

Boric acid in the eyes: how physicians who have detected a coronavirus in a patient should protect themselves

As the pandemic continues, new personal safety requirements are being imposed on doctors and nurses – some of which are surprising.

Boric acid in the eyes: how physicians who have detected a coronavirus in a patient should protect themselves

The coronavirus pandemic is gradually fading away, although it is too early to talk about the victory over the terrible disease.

An important role in reducing the number of patients is played by safety rules, which we all try to comply with.

While many are indignant about the need to wear a mask and gloves when going to the store, doctors are forced to constantly work in hot protective suits.

In addition, the personnel of the infectious diseases wards observe other rules, which are becoming more and more.

So, on June 3, the Ministry of Health published new guidelines for physicians working with potential carriers of COVID-19.

Now, after the detection of a coronavirus case, it is not enough just to change a protective suit, disinfect a room and pass a COVID-19 test.

“A medical worker who has identified a patient removes personal protective equipment, places them in a tank with a disinfectant solution, treats shoes and hands with a disinfectant solution, and completely changes into a spare set of clothes. The exposed parts of the body are treated with a skin antiseptic. The mouth and throat are rinsed with 70% ethyl alcohol, a 2% solution of boric acid is instilled into the nose and eyes, “the newspaper quotes. “Fontanka” text of the document.

The new rules are vigorously discussed on the Web and are partly outraged by them. The Russians are sure that the use of such products in their pure form threatens with serious burns to the mucous membranes. Are there really no other ways to protect yourself from the virus?

All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum


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