Borders for garden paths (made of stone, polymer tape, improvised materials): installation methods + photos of ready-made solutions

Living borders for garden paths impress with a variety of shapes and shades. But even they do not always cope with the attacks of parasitic plants. For this purpose, more practical designs are needed that can not only decorate, but also protect the paths from weeds.

Why do you need a border

Garden paths can be completely concreted or covered with linoleum. Then weed grass will not disturb the neat appearance of flower beds and beds. But if the main material is wood, which is most susceptible to decay, you can’t do without curbs. They clearly delineate the boundaries of flower beds and lawns, and also contribute to the effective zoning of space in the country.

Borders for garden paths (made of stone, polymer tape, improvised materials): installation methods + photos of ready-made solutions

This creates order and harmony, corresponding to the trends of a particular style of landscape design. The practical functions of such fences include:

  • preservation of the initial volume of fertile soil in the garden;
  • retention of melt water that can violate the integrity of the paths from the saw cuts of the tree;
  • protection of paths from dirt;
  • planting plants by variety.

A properly installed border made of aluminum elements and even improvised means significantly reduces the need for frequent watering and weeding. As for the choice of materials, the final decision depends on their performance properties. For example, impact-resistant metal is more suitable for fencing gravel paths, and moisture and UV-resistant plastic, in addition to all its advantages, is lightweight. This allows you to use it to create original wavy lines on the site.

Video “Making a border with your own hands”

From this video you will learn how to make a concrete curb using a vibrating table.

Making curbs (vibrating table test)


Enclosing structures must show good resistance to dynamic compression, therefore, it is supposed to use concrete grade M-500 in their production. Its increased resistance to moisture allows installation work even in flooded areas, and the minimum setting time contributes to effective use at any time of the year.

To distinguish between lawns and pedestrian areas, curbs will be needed. Unlike ordinary curbs, they block the way for pedestrians, making it impossible to move from one area of ​​the site to another. However, these structures also have common features: strengthening the paths along the edges and protecting border flowers from being run over by vehicles.

Of the many other options for sidewalk fencing, the following deserve no less attention:

  • vibrocast products in the form of curved lines, arcs and steps;
  • lawn blocks that prevent the possibility of slipping soil;
  • road stones that preserve the integrity of the carriageway – their minimum shelf life is 35 years, and their large sizes contribute to the effective organization of drainage in the summer cottage.

stone or brick

Both materials are ideal for building small fences on unstable soils. At the same time, specialists often use the dry laying method, in which all structural elements are held by gravity. If we evaluate the indicators of frost resistance of products, it is more logical to prefer the first option. The stone better withstands alternating thawing and freezing. Among its other advantages are good strength, density, hydrophobicity and resistance to abnormally high temperatures.

Hard rocks are well combined with wooden and polymer materials, and in combination with specially treated glass, they perform drainage functions. The pavement curb can really be installed by hand in a day. For this you need:

  1. Make a marking of the site, taking into account the characteristics of the soil and plant formations.
  2. Mark the top of the fence with stakes.
  3. Dig a trench along the entire length of the marked area. At the same time, its depth should not be more than ⅓ of the top of the stone.
  4. Prepare a sand cushion and properly compact the loose mixture. If this is not done, over time the soil will sag, which will affect not only the paths, but also the plants in the flower beds.
  5. Pour cement mortar and place stones weighing from 8 to 16 kg at the level of the rope.
  6. Concrete the joints and do not touch the structure until the concrete has completely solidified. This is possible only in a day.

When using a side stone, on one side of it, you will have to make a small bevel using grinding technology. This will increase the ease of installation work.


Borders for garden paths (made of stone, polymer tape, improvised materials): installation methods + photos of ready-made solutions

If the durability of the product is in the foreground, and only then the appearance, there is no better option. The presented designs show excellent resistance to any manifestations of bad weather. And they do not require reinforcement and care, which cannot be said about the hedge. Concrete blocks can be made using ready-made molds. Such fences are easy to repair and dismantle.

If flower beds and flower beds are located a few meters from the main building, a monolithic border will definitely be needed. It is unlikely that it will be possible to change its design. But at the casting stage, bends of any complexity can be made. Wooden beams 100×100 mm for formwork, a laser level, nails, wire and construction twine are useful in the work. Sand is mixed with cement in a ratio of 3:1. Then water is added and the solution is brought to the consistency of a thick sour cream.

To create individual elements of the fence, you need to use a mallet, screwdriver and trowel. It is better to make the form with your own hands, because finished products are not suitable for convenient extraction of the frozen mass. At best, slight deformation is possible, and at worst, complete destruction of the section. For its independent production, planed beams, screws and a sheet of plywood with a thickness of at least 6 mm are needed.

Having decided on the optimal length of the fence (no more than 120 cm), we proceed to the main work:

  1. We knead the cement-sand mortar, and before pouring the foundation, we lubricate the formwork with oil for better adhesion with concrete.
  2. We cover the bottom of the form with shells or pebbles.
  3. We lay the armature.
  4. We connect the rods with metal wire.
  5. We fill the remaining space with the mixture and wait for the concrete to completely harden.
  6. After 3 days, we separate the form, and place the sections in a shady place for further drying.

In the case of a cast curb, the mold does not need to be made. The main thing is to dig a trench, and use corrugated board as a formwork. Then the concrete mixture will take the form of a wave.


Plastic border tapes are light in weight, due to which original winding lines are obtained. The optimal width of such structures is 25 cm. Despite the low refractoriness and susceptibility to mechanical stress, the material is in demand due to its good resistance to temperature extremes and moisture. With a limited budget, it is better to buy inexpensive tape models in standard sizes. For decorating the site – impact-resistant products that imitate wood and natural stone.

Work begins with making a small recess around the entire perimeter of the site. In this case, the width of the ditch must correspond to the dimensions of the curb tape. After it is installed, and the ground around is well tamped, they look for stakes. They serve as a support for fences.

Handmade supporters will certainly be interested in picturesque options for borders made of plastic bottles with a capacity of 1,5–2 liters. This is a good way to delimit several functional areas in the garden at once, while saving 70% of the budget.


Borders for garden paths (made of stone, polymer tape, improvised materials): installation methods + photos of ready-made solutions

The simplest, and most importantly, inexpensive option for fencing. Willow branches, logs and well-dried boards will come in handy, from which boxes of different sizes can be knocked down. The latter serve as the basis of the pyramid, suitable for growing cucumbers in high beds. Of the flowers, asters, chrysanthemums and carnations are more suitable.

Properly knocked down boxes contribute to the active development of plants. Before use, they should be impregnated with protective compounds and placed on top of each other in the shape of a diamond. In the central part of the structure, you can equip the irrigation system and make drainage. Since conifers are more resistant to moisture and insects, it is recommended to make borders from pine and larch.

Long fences are built from logs. To do this, they are sawn into cylinders and immersed in the ground to a depth of 8–10 cm. The structural elements are installed randomly, and if the site is decorated in the style of strict classics, then on the same level.

living border

Borders for garden paths (made of stone, polymer tape, improvised materials): installation methods + photos of ready-made solutions

We are talking about evergreen fences with a height of 50 to 120 cm. Unlike concrete and stone structures, they need regular maintenance. But you will not find a more original way of zoning the landscape gardening space. For these purposes, undersized shrubs are ideal: cotoneaster, golden currant and boxwood. From the branches of the latter, it is really possible to weave compositions that can overshadow the beauty of the best flower beds on the site. This plant recovers quickly and lends itself well to pruning.

If there is neither time nor desire for regular care, plant a snowberry or a wrinkled rose. Deciduous shrubs do not require frequent watering and grow quickly even on stony soils.


Borders for garden paths (made of stone, polymer tape, improvised materials): installation methods + photos of ready-made solutions

Aluminum fences can be tape and sectional. The former protect the soil from erosion, the latter perform an exclusively decorative function. For an independent device of such curbs, you will need flexible devices with a width of 15 to 30 cm. They are almost invisible on the site, and this is also the best basis for creating undulating fences.

You don’t need to dig a trench. It is enough to use a hammer, with which it is really possible to immerse a light and at the same time strong structure to a depth of 5-7 cm. If the ground is hard, you will have to make a small groove. It is better to use wooden pegs as supporting elements.

From improvised means

In order to save the budget, you should consider unusual tire options. So, whole products are dug into the ground up to half, and cut ones are attached to logs. For greater structural strength, the latter are “sit down” on a concrete solution. Fences made of PET containers withstand heat and frost well. In the presence of a large number of glass bottles, it is possible to distinguish between recreation and work areas in the country with an area of ​​​​5 to 20 squares.

Vine borders look great in eco-style areas. The main task of the master is to stretch rods 2–2,5 mm thick between the racks. This can be done in a vertical, horizontal or staggered way. To fix the branches you need a wire.

As an option, you can offer a low border made of clay plates or the remains of slate.

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