Borders for flower beds: do it yourself for the garden

When decorating a suburban area, the main attention is paid to filling flower beds, the design of paths, the location of bushes and trees. Of course, flowers and other vegetation immediately catch the eye, however, borders for flower beds and paths are also important elements of landscape design. They can be purchased ready-made or made by hand from various improvised materials.

What you need to create a border

Garden borders are used to frame flower beds, lawns, paths and paths. They are designed to limit the growth of plants beyond a certain area, prevent washout, protect the edges of the paths from overgrowing with grass, prevent the spread of paved paths, etc. They must also have an aesthetically pleasing appearance.  

Borders for flower beds: do it yourself for the garden

Borders for flower beds, lawns and paths logically complete the composition. At the same time, it is important that they fit perfectly into the overall design of the site, in harmony with the surrounding vegetation, the decor of garden paths and the decoration of buildings. It should also be noted that some borders are a hidden element. At the initial stage, you should decide on the areas that need to be fenced, and on the amount of money that you plan to spend for this. You can then proceed to select a specific fencing option from a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors and materials. Each of them has its own advantages and functional limitations, so you need to be guided by their future purpose.   

A ready-made plastic border will perfectly protect flowers in flower beds, vegetation of beds or a lawn from damage. It is quite strong and durable, but almost invisible and does not have decorative properties. Also, this edging is combined with any version of the tracks on the site. Similar properties have a fence in the form of a metal tape.

Borders for flower beds: do it yourself for the garden

Wooden fences have a beautiful decorative look. However, they do not differ in durability. Brick borders will look spectacular on an English-style or country-style suburban area. For lovers of the natural landscape, natural stone fencing is an excellent choice. Installing borders on their own is within the power of almost any owner of a suburban area. Moreover, in addition to ready-made structures, it is quite possible to make them from improvised materials with your own hands. Such fences will give the surrounding landscape completeness and well-groomed appearance.

Video “Demonstrative video with examples”

Video compilation with examples of borders.

30 examples of a border for flower beds and garden beds


One of the easiest to install and affordable in price are ready-made plastic borders. They are able to harmoniously fit into any style of landscape design of the site. You can use them to fence paths and paths of the most bizarre winding shape, use them to frame beds and border flowers in multi-tiered flower beds.   

Plastic borders are sold in the form of a tape wound into a roll or broken into fragments. For installation, it is not required to dig a trench and equip drainage. Such a tape is fixed in the ground with the help of special anchor pins. The texture of the type of natural stone, garden boards, etc., as well as the variety of colors allows you to choose tapes for any situation.

Borders for flower beds: do it yourself for the garden

A metal border is also used to preserve the shape of the paths and prevent soil from being washed out of flower beds and beds. Like plastic, it is an element of protection, not decoration. Such a fence is made in the form of a flexible tape from inexpensive alloys of copper, aluminum or steel. To install it, a narrow trench is dug about 10 centimeters deep, into which the tape is placed and covered with the extracted soil. At the same time, a part of the tape about 1.5–2 cm high should protrude above the ground. Such a border is reliable and quite durable.

You can make the design of the site original with the help of improvised materials. The most popular for making DIY borders is the use of plastic or glass bottles. Plastic does not rot, moisture or frost, so the fence from such bottles will be durable. The border of such bottles is equipped very simply and quickly. It is necessary to cut off the neck of each of them and stick it upside down into the ground. The fence with the same height of the bottles will have a particularly attractive look. Also, to increase the aesthetic perception, it is possible to use bottles of different colors.

Borders for flower beds: do it yourself for the garden

In addition to plastic, glass bottles can be used for fencing. They also dig into the ground upside down, but in this case, you should be careful not to accidentally break the glass. Bottle borders are a cheap way to decorate the yard and protect the flowers in the flower beds and the vegetation of the beds.    

It is easy to make concrete curbs with your own hands. For this, special plastic stencil molds are used, which are filled with a mixture of cement, sand and a fine fraction of crushed stone. After drying, the resulting curbstone is placed in a previously dug trench, at the bottom of which there is drainage from layers of rubble and sand. The addition of special plasticizers and dyes allows you to make beautiful and durable concrete garden borders.  

Borders for flower beds: do it yourself for the garden

Of stone

The fencing of a flower garden or path made of natural stone will always have a decorative look and will serve as a worthy decoration for a suburban area.

For its arrangement, beautifully shaped gravel, fragments of shell rock, sandstone, limestone, granite or marble are used. Despite the considerable cost of materials, investments in a stone border will pay off in full. To equip the fence with your own hands, you should dig a trench, on the bottom of which lay drainage and a layer of agrofibre, which prevents the germination of weeds. Then the elements of the fence are laid. Masonry can be either “dry” or with the use of cement mortar poured into the trench.


An elegant option would be to border a flower bed, beds or lawn with a wicker fence. It will not only protect flowers, grass and other vegetation, but also give the landscape home warmth and comfort. Such a border is not difficult to make with your own hands. To do this, you will need a set of such improvised materials as logs, sticks and willow twigs of the same length. Churbachki are dug in along the entire perimeter of the fence at a distance of the length of the bars. Sticks are installed between them every 5–10 cm. The rods are cleaned of bark, treated with a protective antiseptic and woven between sticks and logs.

Borders for flower beds: do it yourself for the garden

Of wood

Eco-friendly and elegant is the wood border. For its manufacture, you can use boards or bars. Such a fence is perfectly decorated with paint, firing or carving. It is installed in a previously dug trench with a drainage layer of rubble at the bottom. The bars are located end to end and, as a rule, at the same height. But sometimes the fence is made at different levels. To increase the service life, the tree is treated with a special antiseptic.

Of brick

A brick fence can successfully protect the flowers in the flower bed, the vegetation of the beds or the paths on the site. This type of border is traditional and quite popular. For its arrangement, a trench is dug, the bottom of which is covered with a cement-sand mixture, after which bricks are laid upright, flat or at an angle. Then, to increase the decorative effect, the fence can be painted with special paint.  

Borders for flower beds: do it yourself for the garden


The original option for framing flower beds will be a border mosaic. It is made by hand from such improvised materials as glass fragments, pebbles, pebbles, pieces of ceramic tiles, etc. The mosaic is fixed on fresh cement mortar applied around the perimeter of the flower bed. It is also possible that the base is made of boards on which the elements are glued. Such a border not only protects the flowers, but also is a unique decoration of the site.   

trench border

The simplest and not requiring any material costs will be a fence in the form of a flower garden dug around the perimeter, beds or lawn of a U-shaped trench. Its depth is determined by the type of soil and the root system of plants. The bottom of the trench is cleared of remnants of roots and pebbles and mulched with wood chips or peat.

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Border for flower beds

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