Boost your confidence with hairstyles

More than forty-one percent of respondents from India, Thailand, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, the United States and Bangladesh noted that hair and hair condition are a very important part of a girl’s image – more important than, for example, clothing, makeup and skin condition.

At the same time, the overwhelming majority (ninety-seven percent) agreed that the hairstyle determines the sense of self and the degree of self-confidence. In Russia, Thailand and Bangladesh, the number of such opinions is even higher – ninety-nine percent.

If something is wrong with the hair, fifty percent of the respondents feel insecure, unattractive, “unsettled”, “want to hide from the world”. In Russia, their number is higher (sixty percent), and residents of Thailand (fifty percent), in this case, prefer not to leave their homes at all.

The researchers found that eighty percent of the respondents, when forming their opinion about a person at the first meeting, first of all pay attention to the condition of the hair, and eighty-seven percent of girls are sure that if everything is in order with the hairdo, then a sense of self-confidence will help its owner to open new opportunities are in front of you.

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