
This book about great battles and courageous heroes was literally read to the holes by the boys of the 70s. 30 years have passed, it has been revised for the second time by the author, republished, and the new generation is no less passionate about it! It is curious that high-tech computer games — all these colorful military-historical strategies — only increased interest in that subtle, detailed and very lively description of the famous battles of world history, which Anatoly Mityaev’s book is famous for. The oldest Soviet journalist (now 83 years old), who once directed Murzilka, managed to find a convincing and simple tone for his encyclopedia — the tone is not a teacher or a scientist, but a storyteller with imagination and a bright temperament. These heroic-epic stories attract boys, it seems, from birth. “Mom, how can you not understand? explains the son, pointing to the diagram in the book. — After all, if the phalanx is attacked from the rear, it will be helpless, like a turtle! Like a turtle turned upside down! Play war, read about war, delve into the intricacies of the maneuvers of the Greco-Persian troops and develop their own battle plan. No, girls do not understand these truly masculine joys.

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