Bonn soup: eat without limits and lose weight! Bonn soup recipes for the 7 day diet
The rest was a success, but your favorite skirt does not want to be buttoned up, and the belly seems to have grown, if not twice, then one and a half times, for sure? We will tell you how to get your waist back quickly and without too much stress. The super popular Bonn soup will help you lose weight and get rid of edema! Haven’t you heard of this recipe before?
Bon soup is a great recipe if you need to lose a few extra pounds quickly and without much pain and remove excess fluid from the body. It is not recommended to sit on such a diet for a long time, but if you are planning an important event in a week or two, and you suddenly don’t fit into your favorite dress, then start cooking Bonn soup – since the recipe for its preparation is simplicity akin to scrambled eggs …
Bonn soup like a lifesaver
Do not rush to get upset because of the gained, for example, on holidays or for vacations, a couple of extra pounds! You have a very real chance to get rid of them quickly, without even bothering yourself with grueling workouts in the gym.
But before telling you about the famous recipe for the so-called Bonn soup for weight loss, as well as the results and risks of this mini-diet, we suggest making simple, but curious calculations in your mind. At least they will convince you that the extra pounds gained during a vacation or, say, a barbecue weekend, are not as scary as you imagine …
So, 1 kilogram of subcutaneous fat contains about 7 thousand kilocalories (respectively, 2 kg – 14 thousand, 3 – 21 thousand). It is unlikely that you managed to absorb so much during the holidays or vacation days, even if your physical activity was reduced exclusively to the movement of the jaws.
Thus, speaking of excess weight, most likely, we are talking not so much about fat as about edema. Water is inevitably retained in the body if we eat too much salty (smoked fish, caviar, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, cheeses, sausages – the list goes on and on) and drink alcohol. But isn’t that how we usually eat for the holidays? Alas, more often than not – just like that.
So: there is no better way to quickly get rid of swelling and not yet “compacted” fat than Bonn soup. The main advantage of which is obvious – you don’t have to limit yourself in terms of meal time and portion sizes!
Eat Bonn soup every time you feel hungry. If there were not so many excesses during the holidays, it is quite possible that three days will be enough for you to get in shape. For those who are particularly demanding of themselves, it is allowed to extend the Bonn soup diet up to 7 days.
Bonn Slimming Soup Recipe
6 bulbs;
6 fresh large tomatoes (you can take a can of tomatoes in your own juice);
1 head of white cabbage (or any other – Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, kohlrabi or cauliflower);
2 large bell peppers;
1 bunch of green celery (can be replaced with tubers);
1 bunch of parsley.
How to make Bonn soup:
Finely chop the vegetables, put in a saucepan and cover with water so that they are completely in the water and let it boil. After ten minutes, reduce heat and let the soup simmer until the vegetables are cooked through. Pepper (red, black, white, chili), curry, tabasco – to taste. You can arm yourself with a blender and turn Bonn soup into a puree soup. Just no thickeners or flavor enhancers like cream, flour or starch.
Celery and parsley are the must-have ingredients of Bonn’s slimming soup. The rest of the vegetables can be varied if desired.
For a start, it’s better to cook half a serving (or even a quarter)! If you have not eaten celery before, be sure to smell it on the market first, it smells quite intense. Is the smell disgusting? Do not take this recipe as dogma. Rather, as a basis for a culinary fantasy – for a Bonn soup, it is quite possible to vary the ratio of products. Put a smaller onion or, conversely, more. Reduce the amount of cabbage, put two tomatoes instead of six, etc. Don’t be lazy to cook – fresh Bonn soup always tastes better.
The main rule of the Bonn soup diet: do not try to cheat and eat only “additional foods” from the list. The main part of the diet should be exactly the soup, in which the presence of parsley and celery is mandatory (!). If celery isn’t your favorite, add more parsley!
What can you drink on a diet with Bonn soup
You have every right to drink all types of tea (without sugar), coffee without milk (also without sugar) and still water in any quantity. Purchased juices are prohibited due to their high sugar content. If you are completely unbearable, in the morning until 12 o’clock, you can afford 1 slice of dark chocolate with tea or coffee. You can salt the soup! But only a little bit and only on the plate, just before the meal.
First day: only Bonn soup and fresh fruit (with the exception of bananas, watermelons and melons, they are not allowed).
Second day: only Bonn soup and green vegetables (raw, boiled or canned). For example, green beans, green peas, cucumbers. No fruit. For lunch, you can eat 1 baked potato with olive oil.
The third day: only soup and any vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (bananas are still banned).
Fourth day: Bonn soup and three bananas, low-fat milk (no more than 1% fat).
Fifth day: Bonn soup and 500 g of boiled or baked meat, a can of canned or six fresh tomatoes.
Sixth day: Bonn soup, meat and green vegetables without limits.
Seventh day: Bonn soup, brown rice (you can use a mixture of brown and white rice or a mixture of wild and white), vegetables, fruit salad.
If you feel like you can’t stand the week, just dine (or have breakfast) Bonn soup! Just be sure to calculate the time so that you always have 15-20 minutes in stock. The effect of eating soup will not be long in coming.
In addition, you should not get carried away with Bonn soup and “sit” on this diet for more than a week (even if the results are very pleasing to you), otherwise you risk losing precious muscle mass …
What do you think: can a Bonn soup diet be considered a truly effective way to lose weight?
Yes, absolutely. I tried to lose weight in Bonn soup and am very happy with the result.
Hardly. I “sat” on Bonn slimming soup, but the result disappointed me.
This may be effective, but I couldn’t eat Bonn soup because of its awful taste.
This is the first time I hear about this diet.