Bonifier: what is it + how to do it yourself

Bonifier is a fairly common term in home brewing, but far from every distiller, especially a beginner, will definitely be able to answer a simple question: what is it.

What is a Bonificator?

Bonifier is a mixture of additives, concentrates and other substances that are recommended to be added to alcohol to improve its taste, change color, and reduce the harmful effects on the drinker’s body.

Thanks to enzymes, the improver really changes the taste and color of the drink, but its positive effect on the human body remains in question.

Manufacturers claim that the substances in the composition will help reduce the burden on the liver, as well as rid the body of a hangover. Naturally, there are no official studies confirming this theory at all.

Depending on the manufacturer of the bonifier, the following substances may be included in it:

  1. Lactose.

  2. Milk whey (used to change the taste).

  3. Amino acids.

  4. Glucose or dextrose.

  5. Group C vitamins.

  6. Herbal tinctures such as ginseng, chamomile, etc.

  7. Hepatoprotectors (substances obtained by chemical reactions, designed to destroy ethanol in the liver).

Don’t use cheap bonuses

Manufacturers add aspartame and sucralose (known to everyone as E951 and E955), as well as other flavors, to their composition.

Of course, they change the taste and color, but you will have to forget about the naturalness of the improver. In addition, some of these supplements may cause allergic reactions or nausea.

Making a do-it-yourself bonifictor

The composition of the supplement does not include anything supernatural. All components can be found in the nearest pharmacy or grocery store.

It is recommended to supplement the drink with the following flavors (which, with the exception of caramel, do not affect the color of moonshine):

  1. fructose

    Add 0.2-2 grams per liter of distillate (to taste), this is the optimal dose to soften the taste.

  2. Glucose

    It is added to vodka and moonshine directly. The dosage required for softening is from 0.5 to 3 grams. However, it is better to start with a minimum dose.

  3. Sugar (about 10 grams per liter)

    It is added in the form of caramel, the taste sensations practically do not change, but the color of the drink changes.

  4. Lemon acid

    It is used to oxidize sugar moonshine and some other sweetish distillates. It is necessary to be very careful when dosing – the optimal rate is 0.1 grams per liter of drink.

  5. glycine

    Add 0.2-0.4 grams (per liter) and forget about the bitterness or hotness of moonshine.

  6. Glycerol

    The dosage is measured in teaspoons (one per liter), added to soften moonshine.

Shake Highly Recommends

Use bonifiers with caution and in small batches, otherwise you risk transforming moonshine beyond recognition.

Relevance: 06.02.2020

Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine

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