Bone recovery after diet

This fact was established in the course of a study in which obese people took part. During the experiment, it was found that even after the completion of the dietary regimen, metabolic changes in the bone tissue were preserved.

The bone remodeling in question is a physiological process. During it, bone tissue is destroyed by some types of cells and replenished by others. It is known that a decrease in body weight is accompanied by an increase in its intensity, introducing a certain imbalance. However, it was still unclear how long these changes in bone metabolism last.

Studies have shown that people experienced a decrease in bone mass, however, after stopping the diet the balance was restored. However, the level of intensity of remodeling remained elevated after that.

This should be borne in mind, says lead researcher Dr. Pamela Hinton, because increased bone remodeling is an independent risk factor for fractures. However, Hinton notes, long-term studies are required to adequately assess the long-term effects of therapeutic diets. The change in bone mass is a rather sluggish process, and minimal changes can be detected 6-12 months after starting the diet.

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Yahoo! Health


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