Bone on big toe
The bones on the legs interfere with walking and cause constant pain. The problem mostly occurs in women, but sometimes men also suffer from it. We will tell you why they appear, how they treat and how to prevent the disease.

What is a bone in the leg

A bone in the big toe is, scientifically, hallux valgus deformity of the toe. When the thumb is bent inward, towards the other toes, an angle is formed with the first metatarsal bone. There is no bone or bump – it seems so. That is, it is not a new development.

If you ignore the problem at the very beginning of its development, then over time the situation will only worsen and the “bone” will stick out more and more. It not only looks ugly, but also creates incredible difficulties in choosing shoes, brings a lot of discomfort.

At an early stage of the problem, redness and swelling appear at the base of the thumb. These symptoms do not go away on their own and at this stage of the disease it is necessary to consult a doctor. In the absence of therapy and prevention, the disease progresses, and a person develops a aching pain, which becomes completely unbearable when walking, and in completely advanced cases, even at rest.

Useful information about the bone on the leg

Causesgenetics, narrow shoes with heels, flat feet
Symptomsdeviation of the thumb outward, a bump at its base, redness, swelling, pain when walking
Treatmentorthopedic treatment, physiotherapy, medicines, surgery
Preventioncomfortable shoes, orthopedic insoles

Causes of a bunion in the big toe

– The bone on the big toe is not some kind of neoplasm, it is a consequence of transverse flat feet. Very often, transverse flat feet do not occur on their own, it happens with longitudinal flat feet. Just the same, one of the consequences is the deviation of the angle of the first metatarsal bone, which manifests itself for an ordinary person in the form of a bump. Transverse flat feet, in turn, appears due to some factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • wearing the wrong shoes;
  • aggressive physical activity and so on.

– Up to three years, the child has a flat-valgus installation of the feet. This diagnosis should be made by an orthopedist, and not by the parents of a minor. At five or seven years old, the child’s foot begins to gather, to take on its arched structure. At the age of 12 to 18 years, during puberty, the foot is already fully formed. The arched structure of the foot is maintained due to the balanced work of the entire musculoskeletal system. The task of the orthopedist is to identify flat feet in time and take action – the sooner this happens, the better the result will be, and there will be fewer consequences, – says the doctor says traumatologist-orthopedic doctor Ural Mustaev.

Symptoms of a bunion on the big toe

  • The thumb deviates outward, while forming a “ball” at its base.
  • There is constant aching pain in the deformity area.
  • The person gets tired quickly.
  • There are difficulties with the choice of shoes.

If a person does not go to the doctor in time, then he may have a hammer-shaped form of the remaining toes on the foot. The appearance of the slightest signs of the disease should be the reason for contacting an orthopedist.

Bone treatment on the big toe

In some cases, the bones in the legs can be associated with arthritis, gout, and other joint diseases. That is why it is important to consult a doctor when the first signs of deformation appear, not to self-medicate, wasting time. If the bone is not cured in time, then over time it causes even more pain, deformation of other fingers and even the entire foot.

Basically, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, gymnastics to relieve pain and inflammation, use special shoe insoles that correct foot movements and relieve pain.

The surgical method is resorted to in cases where the case has gone too far or medical treatment has not helped.

Before the operation, the doctor examines the foot, makes an x-ray, measures the angle that the bones of the foot form, and determines the degree of deformation. After all these procedures, the method of surgical intervention is already selected.

If easy deformation, then the orthopedist removes bone growths, and also performs plastic surgery of the tendons and ligaments around the joint.

If you have to medium deformity treatment, the doctor removes the bone outgrowth, returns the bone to the correct position, performs plastic surgery of tendons and ligaments around the joint.

RџSЂRё severe deformity radical intervention is required – the doctor will have to remove bone growths and part of the bone, return the bone to the correct position and fix it with metal structures, and perform plastic surgery of tendons and ligaments.

The operation is performed on one foot, the second is usually recommended to operate after 4-6 months. After the operation, a bandage is applied to the leg, and special shoes are selected for the patient for 3-6 weeks. Physical activity is limited for another 8-12 weeks.


Bone treatment begins with a visit to an orthopedic doctor. The doctor examines the leg visually, then an X-ray examination is performed in three projections, and then plantography.

According to the results of the research, the doctor conducts a differential diagnosis with arthritis, osteoporosis, gout and prescribes treatment.

Modern treatments

After the operation, many begin to live a normal life, while someone continues to complain of pain.

As auxiliary methods of treatment of a protruding thumb bone, the following are used:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy treatment;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • hardware pull.

There are also closed operations performed through several punctures. During the intervention, the bone is removed and the phalanx of the finger is fixed in the correct position.

After surgical treatment, the patient must constantly wear comfortable shoes with an arch support and orthopedic insoles to avoid recurrence of the pathology.

Prevention of bones on the big toe at home

As mentioned earlier, the problem of the bone occurs mainly in women. The fair sex loves to wear high-heeled shoes, go on diets – all this affects their health.

The appearance of bones on the legs is a direct call from your legs for help. In order to avoid this problem, you need to take care of this in advance: choose shoes that are wider in diameter, which will not squeeze your toes. Orthopedists advise buying shoes made of soft, genuine leather. Also, with a large amount of physical activity, it is advisable to use orthopedic insoles. Do not forget that movement is life, and practice walking. It is useful to walk on sand or small pebbles.

Popular questions and answers

What causes untimely treatment of foot deformity?

The arched structure of the foot is formed by the musculoskeletal system, that is, both bones and ligaments, joints, and muscles participate in the formation of the foot. This balance creates an arch system, its main function is shock absorption, because the foot receives the first impact on the ground – and the better it absorbs this impact, the less impact forces are transmitted to the upper sections of the musculoskeletal system.

Therefore, if the foot does not fulfill its shock-absorbing function, all the loads go to the upper sections – the ankle, knee, hip joints, spine, up to the cervical spine and the cranial vault.

Is there an effect of treatment with folk remedies? Is it worth spending time on it?

Lotions and herbs – it’s all useless. Useful – this is the correct selection of shoes, the selection of special exercises and physiotherapy exercises, a balanced diet, weight control.

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