Name of the breed | bombay cat, bombay |
Country of origin | USA |
The time of the birth of the breed | 1950-ies |
A type | short haired cat |
The weight | 3 – 6 kg |
Height (at the withers) | 25 – 30 cm |
Lifespan | 12 – 15 years |
Price of kittens | 15 – 000 rubles |
Most popular nicknames | Arya, Aisha, Airis, Elor, Elir, Melania, Sebastian, Alvin, Tyson, Olivia, Frida |
History of origin
Despite its name, the Bombay cat did not originate in India at all, but in the United States. In the 50s, American breeder Niki Horner traveled to India and was fascinated by pitch-black cougars, and when she returned to America, she set out to breed a new breed of cats that would resemble these graceful predators. For crossing, she chose black American Shorthair cats and sable Burmese. The experiment lasted for several years, and, finally, in the fourth generation, small “panthers” were born – with dense coal-black shiny hair and amber expressive eyes. The new breed was registered in 1958 and was named the Bombay cat.
And although at first the felinological community was skeptical about domestic “cougars”, the cats aroused admiration from other breeders who continued to breed them. In 1976, Bombays took part in the Cat Championship and won a prize there. Now Bombay cats are very popular all over the world. But it is worth noting that this is a small breed, and therefore the price of kittens, especially the show class, can reach 50 thousand rubles and more. In Our Country, the Bombay cat is considered one of the rarest breeds, so catteries can be counted on the fingers.
Breed description
The body of the Bombay cat is medium in size, slightly elongated, with well-developed muscles and a powerful broad chest. The limbs are elongated, slender; There are five toes on the front paws and four on the back paws. The length of the tail is in proportion to the body, the tail itself is strong and straight. Curved or excessively long tail is considered a fault, and such cats cannot participate in exhibitions.
The head of the Bombay is round, the muzzle is wide, and the nose is slightly flattened. The ears, set wide apart, are erect, rounded at the ends and tilted slightly forward. Huge expressive eyes, as a rule, are a bright amber color, although golden and honey shades can also be found. It should be noted that kittens are born with blue eyes, which change their color after four months.
The hallmark of the Bombay cat is its coat: silky, thick and close to the body, with a bright “varnish” sheen. The undercoat is practically absent, so these cats are great for allergy sufferers. The color is always black, other shades are not allowed, although at birth the kittens may have small light spots on the fur, but over time they disappear.
Despite their somewhat arrogant appearance, the Bombay is one of the most affectionate and loyal cats in the world. They simply cannot imagine their life without the owner and will be very bored when he is not at home. A favorite pastime for these cats is to bask on the owner’s lap, purring songs for him. In general, Bombays are not very talkative, but if they decide to start a sincere conversation with you, then this can drag on for a long time.
“Unlike, for example, Siamese cats with their sharp and loud meow, the voice of the Bombays is gentle and pleasant,” says breeder Kristina Anisimova. – Under their purring, you can relax and fall asleep, this is a wonderful backdrop for relaxation. Although there are also “silent” cats who will not utter a sound, even if they are annoyed or hungry with something.
Breeders note that Bombays do not tolerate loneliness well, so try not to leave them alone for a long time or get a second cat so that they do not get bored. Bombays love to play and frolic, so make sure your pet has plenty of toys, and also hide fragile things away and remove long hanging curtains and tablecloths.
Bombay cats get along well with small children and will gladly take part in games without snapping or scratching if the child squeezes them or pulls by the tail. With other pets, these cats also get along well, although they may strive for dominance and show jealousy towards the owner. Bombays are wary of strangers and will avoid close acquaintance.
– Bombay cats are very touchy and do not tolerate rudeness in their address. If a cat is naughty, never yell at her, and even more so, don’t beat her, says breeder Kristina Anisimova. – It is better to sprinkle a little water on him, this will cool the ardor of your pet.
Care and maintenance
Bombay cats are quite simple and unpretentious in care. Since the coat of cats is short and has practically no undercoat, it will be enough to comb it out with a rubber brush once a week, with molting more often. After brushing, run your cat’s body with a damp hand to collect dead hairs, and then “polish” it with a chamois cloth to add shine. It is enough to bathe a cat once every six months, especially since Bombays are not very friendly with water. The main thing is to choose a shampoo that matches the type of coat, otherwise it will become dull, and dandruff and irritation will appear.
The cat’s claws should be cut as they grow, but if the pet makes friends with the scratching post, then you can do without this procedure.
Inspect your cat’s ears and eyes regularly, and wipe them with a damp cotton swab as they get dirty. If you notice strange discharge from your eyes or nose, contact your veterinarian for treatment. Since Bombays often have gum problems, pay attention to the examination of the oral cavity, as well as brush the cat’s teeth with a special brush and paste.
Another nice “plus” of the Bombay cat is its cleanliness. Do not forget to wash the cat’s tray in time and change the filler, then no unpleasant odors will spoil your mood. As a last resort, in any veterinary store you can buy a special spray that will easily eliminate the “ambre”.
As a rule, breeders recommend feeding Bombay cats dry professional premium and super-premium food. If you still prefer “natural” for your pet, make sure that it is balanced in fats and carbohydrates (since cats are prone to obesity), minerals and vitamins.
Boiled lean meats and offal, chicken and turkey, boiled vegetables and sour-milk products are perfect for the Bombay diet. Occasionally, you can pamper a cat with boiled egg yolk, and kittens should be given oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. River fish and smoked and salted “delicacies” from the master’s table are strictly prohibited.
– In winter, when the cat’s body especially needs vitamins, you can give her fish oil capsules rich in OMEGA-3 vitamins, – says breeder Elena Zolotareva. – This will make the cat’s coat strong and shiny, relieve dry skin.
Education and training
Bombay cats are distinguished by a developed intellect, and therefore quickly become accustomed to a tray, walking on a harness and bathing and combing procedures. The kitten should immediately be taught to sleep in one place (equip him with a spacious sleeping place away from drafts), and also not climb tables and, moreover, steal food from there.
Wanting to please the owner, Bombays quickly learn and perform a few simple tricks with pleasure: they can, on command, stand on the rear magnifiers, meow, bring a toy in their teeth, or jump over an obstacle. The main thing is to teach these commands from an early age and with the help of affection and tasty treats. Never yell at a cat and do not force it to do something against its will, otherwise it will flatly refuse to show anything later.
Health and disease
Bombay cats are distinguished by good health, and with proper care can live up to 20 years. The most common diseases in these cats are hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the walls of the ventricles), nasal breathing disorders and gum problems.
The most common symptoms of heart disease are drowsiness, shortness of breath, palpitations, and even fainting. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your pet shows signs of illness. Timely treatment will prolong the life of the animal and alleviate its condition.
Due to the special structure of the nose, cats can suffer from a runny nose, accompanied by lacrimation. The veterinarian may recommend rinsing the nose with a special solution, and prescribing drops for the eyes.
Since Bombays have an excellent appetite, they can be obese or have digestive problems. Feed your cat only a balanced diet and never overfeed, no matter how hungry she is sitting in front of her.
It is very important to make all the necessary vaccinations for the cat in a timely manner, as well as regularly carry out antihelminthic prophylaxis.
Popular questions and answers
The most popular questions of KP readers answered us leading surgeon of the European Veterinary Center EVC, endoscopist Marina Sengmani.