
Useful properties and application of Boldo

Description of Boldo


Boldo – This is a unique plant of the Monimiev family, which occupies a special place in modern pharmacology. The composition of the components makes it indispensable in the treatment of many serious diseases. The habitat includes various central regions of the small country of Chile, between 33 and 42 degrees south latitude. This evergreen tree grows up to 7 meters tall. All its parts have spicy fragrant notes and smell quite strongly. As a rule, in culture, the plant grows in a small bush.

The opposite arrangement of leaves with a wedge-shaped base gives it a special charm. They are elliptical in shape and rounded at the ends. The bumpy surface of the leaves is covered both below and above with interesting bubble-like bulges called papules. They are bearing bundles of incredibly small hairs. The petiole is very short. Dioecious flowers are presented in short terminal paniculate inflorescences and axillary inflorescences.

Staminate flowers have 12 tepals, which are arranged in 2 or 3 rows. Some of the inner flowers are more petal-like. A large number of stamens are located in a spiral on the inner surface of a small cup-shaped receptacle. Graceful anthers open with beautiful longitudinal cracks. Delightful pistillate flowers are much smaller than stamens. They have small staminodes and a huge number of free pistils. The receptacle of these pistillate flowers becomes fleshy only after flowering.

Boldo prefers fairly dry habitats. Its leathery leaves with short petioles are harvested throughout the year, which makes it unusual in comparison with other herbaceous plants. The smell of dense leaves when fresh is very reminiscent of the aroma of peppermint combined with camphor. Many experts note an interesting taste that makes taking funds based on boldo pleasant.

Useful properties of Boldo

The main active ingredient in this plant is an essential oil with unique substances: ascaridol, cymol and eucalyptol. Boldo also contains various alkaloids and some flavonoids. The unusual combination of essential oil and alkaloids makes this pharmaceutical raw material very unique. In pharmacology, plant leaves occupy a special place due to the presence of valuable components.

Boldin and other available alkaloids perfectly stimulate the necessary formation of bile and gastric juice. It enhances the separation of uric acid and urine itself, and also has a fairly mild hypnotic effect. Wonderful essential oil has the best qualities of this group. Due to this, the leaves of the plant can serve as a healing additive to all kinds of fragrant teas.

To restore immunity, increase efficiency and mood, it would be great to add boldo infusion to regular traditional tea. It will fill your everyday drink with luxurious taste and incomparable aroma. At the same time, such a drink will have a positive effect on overall well-being.

Boldo application


Delicious teas based on Boldo are indicated for diseases of the intestines, stomach, gallbladder, urinary tract and, of course, kidneys. Often the leaves of this plant are prescribed as a mild sedative. In the form of an anthelmintic drug, they are used only in Chile. It has been proven that Boldo exhibits mild spastic phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract and some dyspeptic disorders.

Due to its exceptional properties, Boldo is widely used in modern homeopathy. In this area, only dried leaves of the plant are used. Medicines are prescribed mainly for serious violations of bile secretion, for complaints of improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and for dangerous conditions associated with cholelithiasis. It should be used in the second and sometimes in the third degree of careful dilution.

Boldo contraindications

Special contraindications for the use of the presented Boldo plant have not been identified. But you should not use all kinds of tea mixtures containing the leaves of the plant in too large quantities, as auditory and visual hallucinations may occur.

In some patients with high sensitivity to essential oils, such drugs cause severe vomiting and prolonged dizziness. And also in case of severe liver diseases and blockage of the biliary tract, it is not recommended to use even weakly brewed teas from the leaves of Boldo.

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