Boiled and fried shrimp recipe

Good afternoon, readers of Shrimps are a classic beer appetizer, which almost no beer party or just a “delicious” feast can do without. Someone prefers to cook fried shrimp, someone loves the classics – deliciously cook shrimp with dill, bay leaf and salt. As a result, everyone wants to achieve several important characteristics from this dish: juiciness, softness, alluring aroma and excellent taste. This article will be needed not only for beer lovers, but also for those who are going to use shrimp in recipes, for example, in salads.

! Important: overcooking shrimp is strictly not recommended, as they are not only tough, but also lose their taste.

fried shrimp recipe

In most cases, the recipe for fried shrimp is not much more complicated than the boiled shrimp recipe.

1. Shrimps can be thawed in advance, or you can let them thaw already in the pan so that they are slightly boiled before frying.

2. Heat olive or sunflower oil (only refined and deodorized) in a pan. In oil, you can immediately slightly heat the spices to taste and fry the garlic, after which the defrosted shrimp are loaded into the pan. If defrosting will take place in a pan, then it is better to add garlic and spices already with the oil, when all the liquid has evaporated.

3. Fry the shrimp for a few minutes (3-5) until pinkish golden. As with cooking, it is very undesirable to overexpose them on fire, otherwise they can become “rubber”.

4. At the end of cooking, you can add a little white wine (one tablespoon), salt, pepper, and chopped herbs to the pan.

5. Lemon juice (here you can not skimp, use a whole lemon for 0,5-1 kg of shrimp) it is recommended to add either to the pan just before the end of cooking, or already on a plate.

Fried shrimp are traditionally served with beer, but they can also be used as a base for salads and other dishes.

How to cook shrimp properly

Delicious shrimp – the decoration of any table, tough and tasteless cooked – a waste of time and food. Therefore, you need to brew very carefully, without being distracted by the beer already cooling on the table. It is necessary to throw frozen shrimp into boiling water; before that, you can add dill to it (together with sprigs, without cutting anything), bay leaf, salt and / or other additives to taste.

They should be cooked for only a few minutes after boiling water, until they acquire a pink color. The process of cooking shrimp depends on their type: king shrimp are cooked a little longer (3-5 minutes), and for Atlantic and smaller ones, 1,5-2 minutes will be enough. Next, the shrimp should be thrown into a colander and put on a dish (unpleasant twigs and leaves can be safely removed).

! Water should be enough, about 2-2,5 times more in volume than shrimp. They must be completely covered with water.

Many people recommend pouring lemon juice over shrimp, but in a large company, everyone can do it on their own.

Some do not boil frozen shrimp at all, but only keep them in hot water for several minutes, having thawed them in advance.

Shrimps can be served with spicy, spicy, sweet and sour, creamy and other sauces:

Fried shrimp with sauce

  • curry;
  • garlic (based on mayonnaise or sour cream);
  • salsacase: mix mayonnaise (about 200 g), ketchup (about 80 g), juice of one orange, then let cool in the refrigerator for 10 minutes;
  • cheese (based on processed cheese with various additives).

A few facts:

  • shrimp are sold most often in a boiled-frozen state;
  • you can clean them both before and after cooking (or it’s better to leave this matter to eaters, because the process of peeling shrimp under a glass of beer is a good economical tradition);
  • shrimp can be boiled, fried, baked, “stewed” in the microwave, etc.;
  • they can also be cooked in batter or breading;
  • Shrimp meat contains calcium and protein.

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