Grapes Bohemia (Bohemia) – a table variety of culture, quite popular in many countries of the world. In addition to summer residents, the variety is in great demand among professional winegrowers. It can be grown both for personal consumption and for the purpose of subsequent sale.

Bohemia grape variety: photo and description, reviews.

The berries of the variety have an exemplary nutmeg taste.

History of occurrence

Bohemia grapes are a hybrid of Ukrainian selection, obtained by crossing such crop varieties as Common Malva (Malva) and Millennium (Millennium). The variety appeared in the city of Zaporozhye, thanks to the work of the famous breeder Vitaly Zagorulko.

Comment! The variety successfully retained the positive qualities of its progenitors.

Description of the Bohemian grape variety

Bohemia is an early grape variety, the fruits of which begin to be eaten in the summer. The bushes of culture are vigorous, but rather compact, about two, maximum two and a half meters high. Antennae are located on the shoots. The yield of the plant is high. In particular, this is influenced by the fact that the snow-white flowers of the variety are bisexual.


Clusters of grapes are loose, have a mass of more than 0,5 kg, an average of 600 g, but individual specimens can reach 1 kg. They are cylindrical in shape, wider at the base than at the end. They ripen evenly, without peas. On one vegetative shoot, three pieces are laid. All bunches are characterized by a good trade dress, they look beautiful on the table, they are suitable for sale on the market.


The berries of the Bohemian variety are large or medium in size, ovoid-nipple-shaped. The length of each is 2 cm, weight – about 20 g. There is a slight wax coating on the surface of the berries. The peel is opaque, dense. The color is attractive, red, with characteristic veins, like gooseberries. Sugar accumulation is above average.

Bohemia grape variety: photo and description, reviews.

Bohemian grape berries have a high resistance to rot


The vines of the plant are dense and powerful, covered with oval leaves of dark green color, consisting of five lobes. Outside, the leaves have small white stripes, rough on the inside, with a barely noticeable wax coating. Internodes are medium in size.

Characteristics of Bohemian grapes

The hybrid has a lot of positive qualities. It is characterized by early ripeness, high yields, excellent taste, good frost resistance and medium drought resistance. The variety can be grown for various purposes. It is well transported, can keep its qualities for a long time in a dark cool place.

Ripening time for Bohemian grapes

The period of the beginning of ripening of the grapes of the presented selection begins already in the first days of August. The vegetation period, judging by the description of the variety, is 110 days from the beginning of flowering. Active fruiting of the crop is observed already in the second year after planting.

Bohemia grape yield

The variety has a high yield. To achieve maximum performance, it is important to provide the bushes with a small load. With proper care, more than 10 kg of berries are harvested from one adult plant. After ripening, the crop can be stored on the bush without loss of quality for up to two months.

Taste of Bohemian grapes

The taste of the grape variety is sweet. The aroma of the variety is pleasant, nutmeg, with fruity notes. The pulp is fleshy, dense. The tasting score is 8,6.

Comment! After the bush reaches the age of three years, ascorbic acid appears in the composition of the berries, which makes the taste of the fruit piquant.
Bohemia grape variety: photo and description, reviews.

If the Bohemian grape bushes are overloaded, then the taste of the berries deteriorates.

Growing regions

Most of all, the variety is suitable for growing in the southern regions of Our Country. It is allowed to land in the Volga region. Most often, culture can be found on the territory of the Crimean peninsula, in the regions of the Krasnodar Territory, in the Caucasus.

Frost resistance

Variety Bohemia is frost-resistant. Able to tolerate temperatures down to -22 ° C, but young bushes up to three years old need warming. With the advent of cold weather, they need to be laid on spruce branches, and covered with foil or corrugated cardboard on top. In growing regions with colder winters, Bohemia grapes are covered at any age.

Comment! When sheltering, holes should be left where air circulation will occur.

Drought tolerance

Bohemian grape bushes have moderate drought tolerance. Moisturize the plant is required twice a month. It is allowed to reduce the number of waterings only if the plant is mulched with straw.

Disease and pest resistance

The variety is quite resistant to most diseases. Of the ailments that can affect the variety, only olive blotch, fruit rot and powdery mildew are distinguished.

From insects, the plant is attacked by ticks and fleas.

Attention! Timely processing of Bohemian grapes from diseases and pests helps to prevent their occurrence.

Methods of Use

Bohemia is ideal for fresh consumption, it contains many useful substances and vitamins. In addition, berries are often used in winemaking. Many housewives prepare delicious compote from them for the winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Bohemian variety has a number of positive and negative qualities, but it should be noted that the variety has much more advantages.

Bohemia grape variety: photo and description, reviews.

Vaccinated grape seedlings have higher immunity


  • early ripening;
  • quality harvest;
  • good transportability;
  • universal application;
  • cold resistance;
  • compact size of the bush;
  • good commercial qualities;
  • strong immunity;
  • excellent taste.


  • demanding watering;
  • small size of clusters;
  • susceptibility to powdery mildew;
  • the difficulty of rooting seedlings.

Features of landing

Bohemia is a grape that grows well and bears fruit, regardless of the illumination of the site. It can be planted both in the sun and in the shade.

Advice! The brighter the bed, the faster the moment of ripening of the berries will come.

Preference should be given to places with nutrient soil, on loam or chernozem. The pH content must be low. If the soil is too acidic, then it should be limed.

When buying Bohemian seedlings, they are chosen according to the following criteria:

  • developed root system of a plant with a length of at least 20 cm;
  • height of material for planting from 100 cm;
  • the presence of a trace of vaccination near the root neck of the seedling;
  • the absence of damage on the handle and areas of influence of insects.

Before planting grapes in the fall, they dig a hole 80 cm wide and 60 cm deep. They fill it with rubble, peat or humus. At the time of planting, a hill of fertile soil is poured on top of the drainage, a seedling is placed, spreading its roots over the surface, well covered with earth, tamped, watered. A bush support is dug in next to the hole.

When planting several Bohemian seedlings, a distance of about 300 cm is kept between them, the inter-row space is made at a distance of 4 cm.

Warning! Without drainage, the growth and fruiting of grapes deteriorates significantly.

Care instructions

Caring for the Bohemian variety cannot be called difficult. The only thing that is very demanding culture is high-quality watering. It must be carried out on time, about once every half a month, spending 25 liters of settled warm water per bush.

Important! Humidification should be carried out in the evening or when there is no scorching sun.

Feeding is optional, but the yield depends entirely on their availability and quality. If you neglect the fertilizer of the crop, then it is unlikely that you will be able to collect many good berries. Top dressing begins to be applied two years after planting the plant according to the following scheme:

  • in the spring, 2 kg of humus is poured under the root of the Bohemia grape;
  • in the middle of summer, they are fed with a solution of potassium nitrate (5 g of the substance is taken for 30 liters of water);
  • a couple of weeks before harvesting, fertilize with ammonium nitrate (120 g per bucket of water);
  • in mid-autumn, minerals and organic fertilizers are applied.

A mandatory procedure during the care of grapes is pruning bushes. When flowering ends, all extra shoots are removed from the Bohemian variety, leaving up to eight eyes on each. Dry and damaged vines are also pruned, which interfere with the full development of the culture.

Bohemia grape variety: photo and description, reviews.

When growing Bohemian grapes, it is required to monitor the quality of watering


The Bohemian grape is a variety that, with proper care, shows excellent results. The fruits are very tasty, high quality, versatile in use. Despite the fact that the variety appeared relatively recently, it has already managed to win the love of gardeners and get a lot of positive feedback.

Grapes Bohemia selection V. Zagorulko

Reviews of grapes Bohemia

Melnikov Ivan, Simferopol
I have been growing grapes Bohemia for four years. I want to note that the variety is worthwhile, the clusters, although small, are of high quality, with a beautiful appearance. The taste of berries is pleasant. Of the minuses, I can note that Bohemia takes root badly, I suffered with it for a long time.
Stepina Elizaveta, Mr. Morozovsk
She did not regret that Bohemia planted grapes. The harvest of the variety pleases me, the berries are all even, of the same size, without a trifle. The taste is pleasant, bright, with a honey aftertaste. It needs careful care, but, in principle, all other hybrid grape varieties.
Makdeeva Tanzilya, Krasnodar
Grapes Bohemia – a good variety of early ripening. The clusters are medium-sized, the berries are beautiful, pink-cherry color. The pulp is juicy, tender, the berry can be eaten whole with the skin. Bones are also almost not felt, in their fruits there are 1-2 pieces.

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