Boeing, things of the former and 7 more unexpected finds on Avito

Boeing, things of the former and 7 more unexpected finds on Avito

You can find absolutely everything on free classifieds sites. Even things that you never knew existed.

The times of total scarcity have sunk into oblivion. Now you can buy almost everything on the Internet: from outright rubbish to luxury goods that only billionaires can afford. Here are the most unusual finds from the Avito classifieds site.

Cat hair necklace

While you, swearing and sneezing, every day collect tons of wool from your Barsik around the apartment, someone makes money on it. For example, a Muscovite Rita makes necklaces from the fur of her cat.

“It took six months to comb out the beloved animal to knock off this decoration. And zonal, so that there is a separate wool of different shades ”, – Rita praises her product. A photo of the cat whose fur was used to create the masterpiece is attached.

The necklace is complemented by natural semi-precious stones: black pearls and quartz druses. Who knows, maybe such a necklace will protect you from the evil eye. And the decoration costs 3000 rubles.

Ksenia from St. Petersburg, judging by the announcement, is parting with a real monster, in which, “if you look closely, you can see space in the eyes.” The girl titled her ad “The Dog from Chernobyl”, and not because of its strange appearance. The animal was indeed brought from Pripyat.

“Doesn’t understand any commands, can’t be trained. Absolutely not oriented in space, often sticks to one point. She may start barking for no reason and will not calm her down for hours. Also, in the dark, it often barks and backs away. If you stroke her, she can describe herself. “

In general, it is still a treasure. However, the dog is still accustomed to go to the toilet – on the diaper, “more precisely, around the diaper, he misses all the time, does not go to the toilet on the street.”

In every word of the announcement, there is a universal sadness and bitterness from the days spent together. The reason for the sale is “I can no longer live with this strange creature.” For “space in the eyes” Ksenia requested 70 rubles.

Ex-boyfriend stuff

Women’s revenge – she is. Anastasia from Chelyabinsk decided to sell a quite decent-looking checkered jersey worn by her ex for a pittance – 39,58 rubles. The girl gives preference to “dirty and smelly” customers. The size is the smallest, “because the guy is thin as a match.”

“Good for mopping the floor or as a dog mat. Even if it is cold in your place, you can heat the stove with it or fry barbecue in the summer at the dacha. I warn you right away that the energy of the jacket is not very good, so if you are superstitious, do not take it, it will be bad, ”the saleswoman warned.

A resident of Novosibirsk went even further. And she arranged a sale of the things of her ex-boyfriend, who did not want to go with her to the registry office and further in life. The first lot is a size 54 robe with brandy stains. Further – more: a suitcase, socks, a blanket, hats and even a bouquet from the former. By the way, the method turned out to be effective: the guy tried several times to return his beloved. Well, or at least things.

Many people do it almost automatically: they bought a ticket on the bus, counted the numbers. If the sum of the first three coincides with the sum of the last three, it is fortunate to be. True, for the sake of happiness, they say, the ticket will have to be eaten.

Well, who did not want to choke on paper, shares their happiness on ad sites. You can often see bills with lucky numbers on sale. They only ask for cosmic money.

So, Sergey from Moscow sells a thousand-ruble bill for 290 thousand rubles. She has a really good number – solid zeros, and an eight at the end. “Rare number” – says the seller.

“A lucky bill with a beautiful number that brings good luck,” says Roman from the Republic of Adygea. Judging by the state of the hundred, luck has been squeezed out of this bill for years. The seller estimated the happiness at 100 thousand rubles.

Vladimir from Belgorod also tears his money amulet from his heart. “If you want big money to be attracted to you, you simply must have this lucky bill! The number of the bill is awesome, I give it reluctantly! ” For a 1000-ruble note with the number 4888884, he asks for 4 million 888 thousand 884 rubles. And if there is a gullible one who will shell out such an amount, it means that the lucky bill literally brings money.

By the way, many have adopted this approach to pricing. A bill of 5 thousand rubles and number 7777777 is sold for … 7 million 777 thousand 777 rubles. Alexey from Moscow did not skimp on the description of the product and its literally magical properties.

“A note for luck, $ € and wealth, financial prosperity. Precisely seven sevens rubles! Don’t scare off your luck! As Ostap Bender said, bargaining is inappropriate here. ” The magic bill, according to the author of the ad, was touched by only one person, which, apparently, only adds value to the artifact.

This is, apparently, for those who want to show off great connections. This is how you take out a purse, and a business card with black embossing: “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin” peeps out of the pocket. Well, the fact that the business card is a hundred years old at lunchtime and the position on it is by no means a presidential one is the tenth thing.

Muscovite Maria sells Vladimir Vladimirovich’s old business card for 550 thousand rubles. The positions he held from 1992 to 1996 are printed on it in Russian and English: Deputy Mayor for International and Economic Relations, Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the City Hall of St. Petersburg.

“Original. Good condition. Since 2004, it has been in my wallet. At that time I worked in the company with his advisor, ”wrote the author of the ad, noting that she was ready to bargain.

By the way, in 2019, a St. Petersburg resident named Yusef was selling a similar business card for 2 million rubles. “Vladimir Putin’s business card, which he gave to my father when he was still chairman of the committee. I have been waiting for my moment in the business card holder for more than 20 years, ”reads the description of the ad.

Sometimes it happens. Lot, as they say, for an amateur. The painting with the signature of Adolf Hitler in the corner (“experts can see if they have the necessary equipment”) fell into the seller’s family in 1948. The author of the announcement claims: all the necessary documents confirming the authenticity of the artifact are in his hands. Including the bill of sale. Once Hitler gave the canvas to German officers. The painting depicts an elderly fisherman sitting on a chair and smoking a pipe. The issue price is 30 million rubles. It really would be better if he became an artist.

After such a purchase, you definitely won’t have to look for sale tickets. This passenger plane was put up for Avito for 261 million 700 thousand rubles. They say you can buy on credit.

The announcement presents the most common version of the narrow-body Boeing 757 airliner. The aircraft was launched in 1993, during its operation it flew 75 314 hours and made 21 540 landings. The liner was repaired six years ago. The aircraft was put up for sale in the framework of arbitration proceedings: the owner has nothing to pay debts with.

But the air transport is smaller. The 355 Eurocopter 2007N helicopter assembly in perfect condition is offered for 95 million rubles. “The helicopter was not damaged, it is stored in a warm hangar, and is operated by certified personnel,” says Yulia from the Leningrad Region.

Another helicopter, the Mi-8 of 1983, although it is no longer able to fly – there are no engines, but it looks very colorful. Alexander from Kaluga sells a “turntable” written off for sale or lease for 2,45 million rubles.

“The restoration has been done inside and out. Illumination of devices, dimensions are highlighted. Customization is possible. Any color can be made at the request of the buyer. This Mi-8 helicopter is ideal for events, for a pedestal, for filming films and other purposes, ”the seller says.

The Taleon Imperial Hotel is the only hotel in St. Petersburg located in a historic palace of the XNUMXth century, the author of the ad writes.

In this former palace of the chief of police of St. Petersburg Nikolai Chicherin, Pushkin often visited, Dostoevsky performed, and Alexander Green wrote his famous “Scarlet Sails”. In Soviet times, a cinema popular with Leningraders was located in a building on the corner of Nevsky Prospekt with Moika Embankment and Bolshaya Morskaya Street, and after the restructuring, a chic five-star hotel was arranged in the interiors.

Well, now a complex of three buildings with a total area of ​​24 thousand square meters. m was put up for sale for 7 billion 300 million rubles. The hotel has 89 rooms with individual design and headsets from the best factories in Europe.

“When buying a single complex of three buildings, it is possible to preserve the hotel or use all the premises for office or separate groups of premises for any commercial purposes,” the announcement says.

1 Comment

  1. Мој бивши муж и ја смо раскинули пре годину и два месеца, а ја сам била у шестом месецу трудноће. Обоје се волимо и то је био шок за мене и заиста ми је сломило срце. Покушао сам да га позовем и обе линије су биле прекинуте. Покушао сам да дођем до њега на друштвеним мрежама, али ме је склонио са њих. Покушао сам да дођем до његових родитеља и они су ми рекли да је њихов син рекао да ме не воли и да не жели да ме види и да не знају шта није у реду. Плакала сам и плакала сваки дан јер сам га много волела. Док се нисам породила и беба није имала годину дана, нисам могла да вратим своју љубав. Опет сам био збуњен. Не знам шта да радим, а остала сам и без посла и немам новца да се бринем о беби. Била сам несрећна у животу па сам плакала сестри и рекла јој свој проблем и рекла да зна за моћну чаролију која је бачена др апатом која јој помаже када није могла да затрудни. Контактирала сам га путем е-поште и он је рекао да ће ми помоћи и рекао ми је да је жена ставила чини на мог мужа и рекла да ће ми помоћи да разбијем чини тако да ће ми се муж заувек вратити и да ће бити мој. За мене је било велико изненађење што се догодило све што је рекао. Муж ми се одмах вратио и рекао ми да му опростим. Хвала вам пуно овом моћном и искреном чаролију. Молим се да ће дуго живети и радити више од свог дивног дела. Ако имате проблем који вас мучи у животу, обратите се овом моћном играчу чаролија! Он ти може помоћи. Неће вас изневерити, можете га контактирати путем гмаил адресе: драпата4@гмаил.цом или преко његовог вибера/вхатсапп-а:(+447307347648)

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