Bodymax – composition, action, indications, way of taking

Many of us are looking for preparations that provide the body with the daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Preparations of this type are a great complement to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. However, an overabundance of available products can create a feeling of being lost. How to choose a supplement that will be effective, safe and easily digestible?

For those looking for dietary supplements, there is a set of preparations from the Bodymax line, produced by the Danish company Orkla Health. The Bodymax line includes four preparations:

  1. Bodymax Plus,
  2. Bodymax Active,
  3. Bodymax 50+,
  4. Bodymax 50+ liquid.

Composition and action of Bodymax

The specificity of the preparations from the Bodymax line results from their composition, in which, in addition to the set of necessary vitamins and minerals, you will also find ginseng root extract.

Ginseng root has been used in natural medicine for many centuries. The first traces of its use come from China and date back to the second millennium BC. It is estimated that the beneficial effects of ginseng mainly concern cognitive functions and general well-being. Regular consumption of ginseng root improves the ability to concentrate, the work of long- and short-term memory and the learning mechanism. Ginsenosides contained in ginseng also affect the work of the nervous system, reducing the level of nervous tension and stress, reducing fatigue and increasing the amount of energy and improving well-being. In addition, ginseng is used in cosmetics as an ingredient in dermatological preparations.

Ginseng used in the production of preparations from the Bodymax line must meet certain requirements. Only 3-5-year-old roots growing in mountainous regions are used.

In addition to ginseng, the composition of Bodymax preparations also includes vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, niacin, B6, folic acid, B12, biotin, as well as pantothenic acid, lecithin and minerals: magnesium, iron, zinc , copper, selenium, chromium, molybdenum and iodine.

Depending on the specific formulation, the amount of minerals and vitamins present may vary.

Individual preparations from the Bodymax line

Bodymax plus is the first of the preparations included in the Bodymax line. Bodymax plus is intended for people leading an intense and active lifestyle who do not suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, lack of energy, and weariness. The amount of minerals present in the Bodymax plus composition is slightly lower compared to the other preparations. This is not a problem for people who practice sports, which is why this preparation is dedicated to them.

Bodymax active is another of the preparations representing the Bodymax line. It is dedicated to people who lead an active and intense lifestyle, who still suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, lack of energy, and lack of motivation to act. In the case of Bodymax active, its composition includes more minerals in increased doses. Regular use of Bodymax active should help to reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Bodymax 50+ is a preparation designed for elderly people whose body shows an increased demand for vitamins and minerals. Bodymax 50+ is designed to provide the body with microelements to support the activity of elderly people.

The last of the preparations in the Bodymax line is Bodymax 50+ liquid. This preparation has the same indications for use as Bodymax 50+, it differs only in the way it is taken. It is intended for use by people over 50 who have problems taking medications orally.

The specificity of Bodymax preparations

Bodymax preparations contain not only ginseng root extract. Their specificity also results from the fact that it is one of the few dietary supplements whose effectiveness has been verified by scientific methods. This means that the positive effect of supplementation with Bodymax preparations has been tested, documented and confirmed in 180 different research trials.

Bodymax – reception method and opinions

Bodymax are preparations generally available, without a prescription. You can stock up on them in pharmacies. The daily dose is 1 tablet, which is recommended to be taken with or after a meal. Bodymax preparations should not be taken directly with other supplements or medications. The best time to take the preparation is breakfast. Bodymax preparations can also be taken by children.

Bodymax are considered safe preparations. Nevertheless, they should be accepted according to certain rules. It is not recommended to exceed the daily recommended dose of Bodymax. The product should be stored at room temperature, not exposed to sunlight.

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