Bodybuilding is one of the sports in which muscles play the most important role. However, the muscle strength itself is not the most important thing, but the best way to show them, thus presenting the beauty of the human body. Bodybuilding is an open field, it can be practiced by both men and women.
How is the physique of a bodybuilder built?
Building a perfect figure of a bodybuilder requires many sacrifices. First of all, the beauty of muscles is exposed through their slight or greater hypertrophy – i.e. their hypertrophy. This is done in many different, co-occurring ways. First of all, a bodybuilder follows a proper diet, which often changes in his sports career, orienting himself in different ways, so as to make the best use of each stage of muscle growth. Secondly, the bodybuilder performs a lot of strength physical exercises, most often with a load, which gives him muscle strength manifested by the growth of muscle tissue. Both diet and exercise are also supposed to lead to a significant reduction in body fat.
What “counts” in competitions?
At professional and amateur bodybuilding competitions, it is primarily the appearance of the competitors that is assessed, not the strength of their muscles, but their growth and mass. The most important in the assessment is the quality of musculature itself, the amount of muscle tissue, but also its proportional distribution and general symmetry of the body and all its parts.
The following muscles and their presentation are assessed at the competition:
- Biceps, biceps, triceps
- Quadriceps thigh muscles
- Gastrocnemius muscles
- Back muscles
- Chest muscles, rectus abdominis muscles
The history of bodybuilding in the world
Bodybuilding, as a way of life, clarified quite recently – only in the XNUMXth century. However, already in the XNUMXth century, men exercised their muscles, trained them for strength and for their appearance, and for wrestling. As a sports discipline, bodybuilding was brought to life even later – only in the XNUMXs. Undoubtedly, the most recognizable and well-known bodybuilder in the world is the main actor in the hit movie Terminator – Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has won seven Mr. Olympia and also won the Mister Universe, Mister World and Mister International competitions.
Women in bodybuilding have their place only recently. The first competition was organized only in 1970.
Bodybuilding is not equal to bodybuilding
As in almost every single sport discipline, also in bodybuilding there were some differences that had to divide people interested in this field. This is how, for example, natural bodybuilding was created, in which the competitors are absolutely not allowed to take any additional anabolics and steroids. Any doping agents, additional hormones or even diuretics are prohibited. The completely opposite field is the so-called “Extreme” bodybuilding – Arnold Schwarzenegger belongs to this bodybuilding world. Here, all “tricks” are allowed, and the ultimate goal is to obtain the greatest possible muscle mass available to man. There is also classical bodybuilding, in which competitors are divided according to height and weight, creating different types of categories in which they can compete with each other.