😉 Welcome new and regular readers! Gentlemen, the cult of the body is a hot topic today. Let’s talk about it.
The modern super-fast pace of life, the general dependence on the Internet, the latest marketing technologies, advertising slogans and the media dictate, and sometimes forcibly impose on us ideals, values, and behavioral patterns.
It is very difficult to resist such influence, to have your own independent opinion. “People are increasingly learning what they think about on TV,” said contemporary writer Viktor Pelevin. And he is actually right. Sometimes you have to be “blind and deaf” in order to remain an individual.
Man in the modern world
Changes in modern society have not left out of sight and attitude to their own body. A beautiful, well-groomed, athletic body has become an ideal, a goal for the achievement of which incredible, sometimes even titanic efforts are made.
On the one hand, this stimulates people to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and eat healthy, environmentally friendly food. It makes sense to get rid of bad habits. The quality of human life and its duration are increasing.
Thus, public morality changes over time. New traditions and ideas are being formed, new models of behavior are being formed.
Having a healthy beautiful body means that a person is physically healthy, devotes enough time to himself for this. Owns a sufficient amount of appropriate resources (including material) in order to always be in shape.
This, in turn, raises a person’s social status. The outer shell becomes an object to be proud of, exposed to the public. The cult of the body is everywhere! And here we find ourselves in a diametrically opposite situation. Another not so rosy side of the coin appears.
New diseases
The cult of the body is sweeping the planet. Thoughtlessly copying “new norms” often leads to dire consequences. Sometimes even tragic. The following problems appear: anorexia, bulimia, psychological dependence on constant plastic surgery.
Medical professionals, psychologists and sociologists have proven that these diseases are new in our society. They arose precisely under the influence of erroneous, forcibly imposed, ideas about the beauty and ideal of the human body.
The body is perceived as a visiting card, as a ticket to a better future, as a guarantee of a successful marriage.
For modern youth, their “carcass” becomes a means of achieving a goal, a means of earning. That is why today so many young people fall under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. Therefore, cosmetic injection procedures are insanely popular. For example, lip augmentation.
“Duck” lips. Why disfigure a beautiful face?
The modern world needs instant results. Nobody wants to wait long to get what they want. Nobody wants to exhaust themselves with prolonged sports activities, prolonged diets.
Their own natural beauty and its uniqueness have completely ceased to be appreciated. Priority is given to artificial “enhancements” with botox.
And the result of this trend can always be found on the street. Same Artificial Silicone Faces, Same Artificial Silicone Bodies. A new sarcastically dismissive notion of “duck-face” – “duck face” has appeared.
In the pursuit of beauty, people often turn into silicone monsters, even this cannot stop them.
And then a deep, oppressive, devastating disappointment sets in. Long-term depression, psychological problems, even mental disorders. Young people are faced with the failure to achieve the desired and such illusory “90-60-90”.
It is physically impossible to break the laws of Nature and become like a Barbie doll. The striking discrepancy between the desired and the real becomes the cause of the appearance of internal conflicts, with which not every person can cope on their own.
The spiritual world of man
To the greatest regret, today such universal human qualities as modesty, honesty, disinterestedness, responsibility are leveled and depreciated. They are replaced by outright, sometimes even aggressive obsessive sexuality, the value of profit. Priority is given to the outer gloss over the inner content.
The cult of the body is everywhere. The internet is off the charts for selfies. Everywhere there are photos of half-naked girls with smartphones, but what’s in their heads?
The unbridled fanatical desire to have an ideal “shell” is the reason for the deterioration of the reproductive health of young people. The so-called “Child free” appeared – married couples who deliberately renounce paternity.
Women, for fear of losing their physical beauty, refuse to become pregnant. Others, for the same reasons, refuse to breastfeed. Again, outer physical beauty comes to the fore.
Similar photos filled the entire Internet
Nowadays it is “not fashionable” to have a figure that differs from the modern canons of beauty. A female figure that has physical effects after childbirth and breastfeeding is considered unattractive. It loses its “value”, moreover, such a figure is shy.
The inner world of a person, his feelings, emotions are not taken into account. Although inner beauty, harmony are the key to the formation of a mature personality and the construction of effective relationships in society.
Each person should, first of all, set a goal for himself:
- Achieve harmony of your inner world.
- Appreciate each person as unique.
To put on the first step such human qualities as:
- soulfulness;
- modesty;
- decency;
- sincerity;
- kindness;
- honesty.
If everyone is guided by this moral principle, accepts it as their own, the world will change for the better.
The human body, like the physical shell, must be beautiful. It is worth making an effort for this, but beauty must come from within. Light of the soul, kindness, a smile make a person especially attractive.
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