Body signals: why blood pressure rises

Everyone knows that high blood pressure is dangerous. But do we know why our body “lifts” it? What is the real cause of hypertension? Perhaps she is a signal worth paying attention to.

Nature has created our body harmonious and strong, and there are quite understandable, reasonable reasons for all deviations from the norm of its activity. Why, for example, does the pressure rise? Of course, this can be a symptom of an illness, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor.

But besides this, sometimes hypertension can be the result of a violation of posture.

Neck gets in the way

Our body is a single structure, and if there is a curvature in some part of the spine, then the rest adjust to it. The two most flexible parts of the spine, the neck and lower back, are most commonly affected.

The neck, for example, with any curvature, should “hold” the head so that the eyes are on the horizon line. And if something is broken below the neck – a person stoops, hyperlordosis, scoliotic curvature was revealed in him – then the neck will “scroll”, tense up. Which, in turn, leads to a violation of the outflow of blood from the head.

Tense muscles compress the vessels in the region of the first cervical vertebra, and the blood begins to circulate more slowly. As a result, blood flow is disturbed, because there is no normal outflow, which means there is nowhere to rush. The brain sounds the alarm: “I don’t have enough oxygen” – and “gives the order” to the heart to work faster. It pumps blood more intensively, the pressure in the arteries rises, the brain is better nourished.

From the point of view of biological processes, everything is logical: there was a problem – they eliminated it, the brain receives oxygen. But the cardiovascular system against the background of constantly elevated pressure wears out much faster than we would like.

How to remove the obstacle?

So that the pressure does not jump due to the curvature in the cervical region, it is necessary to remove the barrier – the “dam”, which prevents the outflow of blood from the head. To do this, you need to restore the correct position of the neck, relax overstrained muscles. Why should you work on your posture: then the joints will take the correct position.

How to work on your posture so that the pressure no longer rises? Is it difficult? My experience and the experience of my students suggests: it is necessary to do exercises for 15 minutes a day and visit an osteopath once a month.

A complex approach

If you have 15 minutes a day and one free hour a month, then you will be interested in a method by which you can restore your posture and keep it beautiful and correct all your life.

  • osteopathic procedures. They have replaced manual therapy, have virtually no side effects and are effective in working on posture. The doctor eliminates the usual tension, corrects the position of the skeleton, works on the shape of the body.
  • Healing gymnastics for relaxation. You find tension, release it, and build a new type of movement. Such relaxing complexes include most qigong practices, for example, qigong for the spine Sing Shen Juang. Its plus is that the implementation of the complex takes only 15 minutes a day and brings tangible benefits almost immediately.
  • Regular relaxing treatments. Bath, body wrap, relaxing massage will also be useful and enjoyable.
  • Cardio exercises. They are especially useful when the body is released from clamps, relaxed. Such exercises will train the cardiovascular system and raise muscle tone.

Here, in fact, is all that is needed. On the one hand, this method requires regular practice and only then brings results. On the other hand, only such an integrated approach helps for a long time – not just for a year or two, but for life. So if you have a history of cardiovascular disease in your family or if you have high blood pressure, it’s time to think about how you can help your body work at its best.

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