Body Secrets: Chakras

They cannot be seen or touched. But it is worth blocking one of the seven main chakras – the soul and body will react. Traditional medicine of ancient India is based on this teaching.

India is in vogue today. From meditation centers to spas, there is talk of “energy flow balance” and “chakra harmony” everywhere. Only yesterday these outlandish terms were accessible only to a few initiates, and today they are already firmly entrenched in the vocabulary of Europeans, who, as a rule, have a very vague idea of ​​what, in fact, they are talking about …

Seven invisible “wheels”

“Wheel” – this is how the word “chakra” is translated from Sanskrit. These invisible wheels are the energy centers of the body. They are able to absorb life force from the surrounding world and distribute it inside a person, directing it through tens of thousands of energy channels. Various systems number from 4 to 13 chakras, but the seven central ones are best known, located along the line of the spine from the perineum to the crown.

According to sacred texts, chakras are like vortexes. With their tops they rest against the spine – the main energy channel, and with wide round bases they come to the surface of the body. Each chakra has its own zone of influence, each is responsible for the state of mind and the work of certain human organs.

The life force moves clockwise up and down the seven chakras. It is important that its smooth, measured flow is not hindered by any energy waterfalls, dams or whirlpools. But, of course, our eternal companions: stress, an unhealthy lifestyle – and here they put spokes in the wheels (in the literal sense of the word). As a result, the chakras can become blocked and the free flow of energy is disrupted. Indians believe that this is what gives rise to all ailments.

It has been proven that the chakras emit waves of various lengths, and are also associated with the internal organs of a person.

Other Eastern medical systems also recognize the existence of chakras. In China, they talk about energy centers connected by a network of channels with acupuncture points. In Tibet – about ten “doors” through which energy enters the body (Tibetans call it “wind”). The location of the “doors” almost coincides with the location of the chakras.

Although the chakras are an attribute of the subtle body, which cannot be dissected, touched, or seen, Western doctors who rely exclusively on the scalpel and microscope see plexuses of nerves and blood vessels in the chakra zones (why not energy channels?). The most famous of these is the solar plexus.

Some less skeptical modern scientists are inspired by the search for common ground between ancient knowledge and modern scientific revelations. For example, the Japanese physiologist Hideaki Motoyama measured electromagnetic radiation in the zones of the chakras and the main acupuncture points with the help of instruments and confirmed that the chakras emit waves of various lengths, and are also associated with the internal organs of a person. It is believed that the chakras have their own colors, described in ancient texts. The Indian theoretical physicist Fritov Capra even wrote the book “Tao of Physics”, in which he convincingly proves the closeness of the ideas of modern quantum physics and ancient Eastern teachings about the structure of the world and man.

lotus essence

Chakras are often depicted as lotus flowers with varying numbers of petals. This ancient symbol very subtly and elegantly expresses the true meaning and purpose of the chakras – to serve as a source of life-giving force. The lotus, like the well-known water lily, blooms on the surface of the water, and its roots go into the viscous, unsightly silt. Similarly, a human being, bogged down in the swamp of his imaginary problems, unspoken desires and trampled passions, like a stalk, stretches through the gloomy thickness of the water towards the light and finally opens under the rays of the sun with beautiful flowers of enlightenment. Like a bud, a chakra may be closed or barely open. And only a fully blossomed flower testifies to the fullness and harmony of life.

Chakra medicine

But what to do if the chakras are blocked and do not allow you to properly energize the soul, mind and body? At the service of those who wish – meditation, massage, acupuncture, hypnosis, breathing exercises, yoga, qigong – you can’t list all the exotic practices.

“A lot of people are initially skeptical about chakra massage, and even the very idea that opening them can improve mental and physical condition,” says Renata Palchik, a specialist in chakra stone massage. “And suddenly, in the middle of the session, a person literally starts to sob, because from the impact on certain chakras and acupuncture points, the blocked energy breaks out…”

Finding a good energy healing specialist in Russia is not easy. Of course, there are many psychics and others like them. But those who studied in India or China, seriously engaged in oriental medicine, devoted more than one year to practice, are very few. Like any other doctor, such a specialist knows the limits of his abilities and should not hide this from even the most devoted patients.

In the East, chakra therapy is used mainly for prevention. If the disease has gone too far and requires, for example, urgent surgical intervention, do not disdain the knowledge and qualifications of doctors. But during the recovery period, acupuncture or meditation will be very appropriate and useful.

According to any system received from the hands of a competent specialist, the chakras are “reset” equally successfully.

You can learn how to manage your chakras in groups of yoga, qigong, tai chi, ki-aikido and others – there would be a desire …

Fedor is 44 years old (to be honest, he looks much younger). A happy, self-confident person, a successful businessman and the head of a wonderful family. It’s hard to believe, but six years ago his marriage practically fell apart, and he himself, having got into a car accident, almost became disabled. “Then I cut my hand very badly with glass. Gradually, she completely stopped moving and began to dry. Traditional medicine proved powerless. A friend advised me to contact a Korean medical center. There they began to treat me with acupuncture, cauterization, but most importantly, they taught me to mentally “drive” energy to certain points on the arm. At first I was skeptical about this, but, probably, out of desperation, I conscientiously followed all the advice. After a month and a half, the hand was almost completely restored!

After that, Fedor took up qigong, learned to handle internal energy and collect it from the outside world. Now every morning he does such exercises for an hour and feels stronger and younger than he was in his 30s. “If earlier in the evening I wanted to come home and lie down, now after a working day I am full of energy. And in general, he became much calmer about problems. Friends ask all the time: “Why are you so joyful?” By the way, Fedor’s wife could not resist the temptation of such grandiose changes and is now engaged with her husband.

There are many such stories in each group of admirers of one or another Eastern practice. You just need to choose what you like: active kundalini yoga or relaxing meditation, Taoist qigong or Japanese tantra. According to any system received from the hands of a competent specialist, the chakras are “reset” equally successfully.

Caution: the chakra is closing…

What could this mean for our physical well-being or mental state?

  • Root chakra (perineum). For the body: circulatory disorders, anemia, prostatitis, inflammation of the ovaries. For the soul: selfishness, self-doubt, depression.
  • Sex chakra (above the genitals). For the body: impotence, frigidity, diseases of the kidneys and bladder. For the soul: dissatisfaction, anger, aggressiveness, jealousy, envy.
  • Solar plexus chakra (above the navel). For the body: digestive problems, liver and gallbladder disease, diabetes, obesity. For the soul: fear, guilt, irritability, nightmares, distrust of the outside world, the desire to control everything.
  • Heart Chakra (in the center of the chest). For the body: cardiovascular disease, back pain, lung problems. For the soul: coldness, difficulties in communication, passivity and despondency.
  • Throat chakra (larynx). For the body: sore throat, toothache, hearing problems, thyroid problems. For the soul: lethargy, shyness, speech disorders.
  • Chakra “third eye” (above the bridge of the nose). For the body: headaches, visual disturbances, diseases of the nervous system. For the soul: memory problems, distraction, schizophrenia.
  • Crown chakra (at the crown). For the body: headaches, chronic diseases, paralysis, immune system problems. For the Soul: Escape from reality, depression, indecision, psychosis.

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