Body pain: 60 percent Poles experience it at least once a week

Body pain makes us feel older, less attractive, and lethargic. According to the latest research, 51 to 60 percent experience it at least once a week. Poles. Americans, Australians, Canadians and Spaniards have an even bigger problem.

Pain is a more serious problem than it seems

Results the international Global Pain Index survey, commissioned by GSK, prove that pain literally makes life difficult for people around the world – it affects 85 percent population. Despite the development of medicine and improved access to medical resources, as much as 98 percent. Poles declare that throughout their life they feel or have felt body pain, and even 60% of them. of them experience it at least once a week. This affects many aspects of life, including work, relationships with loved ones, lifestyle and mental well-being. As much as 82 percent. of respondents from Poland notice a decrease in the quality of life caused by pain.

See: Physical activity strengthens not only muscles but also the brain

When pain is born, it is not only the body that suffers

The authors of the report are particularly worried psychological aspects of pain. Over 50 percent of those surveyed by recurring ailments feel older than they really are, and 41 percent. admits that pain affects their self-esteem. People with children are also complaining – as much as 64 percent. of respondents believe that if it were not for their malaise, they would be better parents.

See: Compendium of Knowledge About Pain

Come on, Poland!

Although specialists in the field of medicine enjoy great social trust, people struggling with various pains are not on their way to doctor’s offices. Long lines and widespread access to over-the-counter drugs mean that patients are self-medicated. However, they skip the step they should start with – starting physical activity. According to the World Health Organization, endurance, strength and stretching exercises can effectively eliminate the causes of many diseases of the locomotor system. Up to 20 minutes a day can bring you relief.

In order to raise awareness of the prophylaxis of body pain, GSK is launching a socio-educational campaign “Move, Poland!”. You can now use the online educational platform, where you can find 20-minute videos with exercises developed by a team of physiotherapists and health-promoting gymnastics specialists. Bartłomiej Krynicki, a trainer, provides professional support to those willing to take part in the campaign.

The training plan is elderly friendlywhich are at particular risk of recurrent musculoskeletal pain as a result of stiff joints. You can arrange it according to your needs as a YouTube playlist. The training includes a total of 50 different exercises and consists of the following stages:

  1. Week 1 – strengthening and relaxing exercises,
  2. Week 2 – exercises for the muscles of the hips and back,
  3. Week 3 – exercises for hip, knee and ankle joints,
  4. Week 4 – exercises for the abdomen and back muscles,
  5. Week 5 – exercises for the spine,
  6. Week 6 – exercises to strengthen and relax.

You can exercise regardless of age. The six-week program gradually activates the entire body, allows you to improve physical fitness, and – most importantly – prevents malaise. No one should suffer or get used to living with pain when ailments can be overcome with a simple lifestyle change.

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