BODY&MIND workouts – for those who love harmony

The direction of fitness BODY & MIND has a large number of fans among women and is great for beginners. The development of flexibility and coordination, beautiful posture are important aspects of the disclosure of female energy

BODY&MIND is a direction of fitness that practices soft loads. Its complex may include such areas as Pilates, yoga and stretching, as well as other exercises for soft adaptation and healing of the body. Proper execution of BODY&MIND workouts allows you to achieve the following results:

  • strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system without overload;
  • work out the muscular corset of the back;
  • get rid of clamps, headaches;
  • develop flexibility and endurance, maintain correct posture.

With the right increase in load, BODY&MIND will help you lose weight and model a beautiful body. The training itself lasts up to one and a half hours and includes the following steps:

  • warm-up (warming up the muscles);
  • breathing exercises;
  • basic exercises.

To start the class, you will need comfortable sportswear, comfortable shoes with soft soles and a yoga mat. In addition, some exercises with Pilates elements can be performed on a fitball.

Types of BODY&MIND workouts for beginners

BODY&MIND includes many directions. The general course contains more than 500 exercises that the trainer selects taking into account the individual characteristics of the group members. The main areas of BODY&MIND include the following:

  1. Yoga and yoga therapy – Balance of spiritual and physical development. Asanas are used as exercises in yoga – static postures, which require at least 30-40 seconds to hold. Much attention in yoga is given to proper breathing and meditation. Also, here you can include aerial yoga and energy yoga. 
  2. Stretching – A set of exercises to stretch muscles and joints. They are held at a relaxed pace and can be combined with other sports. Stretching classes are aimed at developing the flexibility of the body, strengthening the back and forming a beautiful posture. Also, here you can include aerostretching.
  3. Pilates – A system of exercises to improve posture, pumping the muscles of the press and abdomen, strengthening the back. Initially, this direction appeared as a rehabilitation course for people with spinal injuries.

Reasons to start doing BODY&MIND workouts

Restorative action

BODY&MIND is a sports direction that helps to strengthen the immune system and improve the overall health of the body. In addition, during training, the muscles of the back and abs are actively involved. Therefore, BODY&MIND will help to form a muscular corset and develop the main muscle groups.

Slim and flexible body

At first glance, BODY & MIND workouts seem useless for weight loss, because they do not burn a lot of calories. However, it is not. The exercises of the program are designed specifically to speed up the metabolism, and a gradual increase in the load and proper breathing will help to make the body slim and toned. An important aspect is the development of flexibility. Stretching muscles and joints, athletes create a mobile body. Following mobility, coordination and posture improve.

No stress for the body

An important aspect of BODY&MIND training is the absence of overload for the body. Training takes place at a calm pace and have a low intensity. Thanks to this, the pulse does not reach critical levels, breathing does not go astray, and the heart does not experience overload. BODY&MIND classes are suitable even for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory system. Moreover, a competent approach to training can strengthen the heart and contribute to the treatment of such pathologies.

Relaxing effect

BODY&MIND – physical exercises that combine elements of breathing exercises. With this approach, BODY&MIND is similar to classical yoga. Therefore, an important aspect of classes is meditation and achieving a relaxing effect. During the BODY&MIND workout, you can get rid of stress, clear your mind and just relax after a hard day’s work. And morning workouts will give you a boost of energy and a resource for the whole day.

Ease of execution

Among BODY&MIND exercises there is the simplest (beginner) level. It is suitable even for overweight people, pregnant women or the elderly. Training does not require special training and can be individually adjusted to the characteristics of each person.

Recommendations and contraindications for BODY&MIND workouts

BODY&MIND is a unique training system that will suit almost everyone. If you do not like to work “for wear”, but prefer low-intensity activities, BODY&MIND is created just for you.

Workouts are suitable even for those who have not previously had physical activity. In addition, they have practically no contraindications. They are available to overweight people, young mothers and pregnant women.

Rare contraindications for BODY&MIND classes include:

  • recent trauma;
  • the presence of asthma, epilepsy and other pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • serious spinal injury.

It is recommended to temporarily suspend training during the illness of a cold or SARS, with an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

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