Body language: what does the position you sleep in mean?

On the back, on the stomach, in the position of the fetus or starfish … Favorite positions during sleep can talk about our emotions: about anxiety or, conversely, calmness, about anger or joy. We asked Olga Chiesko, a body language specialist, to decipher these messages.

“The position you sleep in is interesting material for an expert,” explains Olga Chiesko. – If during the day we can control our body language and avoid certain gestures or movements – indicators of emotions, then at night we take this or that position unconsciously. Many believe that the favorite sleeping position is associated with a particular trait of a person’s character and can even predict his fate. However, this is misleading. It rather reflects the feelings that a person experienced when falling asleep. At night, our body and mind thus continue the dialogue that began in the evening.

So, what does our body want to say?

Embryo pose

The name of this pose perfectly describes the position of the body during sleep: on the side, the back is rounded, the arms are bent at the elbows, and the legs are at the knees and tucked up to the stomach. According to British sleep researcher Chris Idzikowski, most people sleep in this position. Many believe that this pose is a signal that we need protection, that we are trying to return to childhood.

Expert opinion: “The fetal position for a person is the most familiar and comfortable, because it is in this position that we are in the womb. There is no need to look for hidden meaning in this. This pose suggests that you just want to calm down and relax. Perhaps something is bothering you or making you feel uncomfortable.”

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Not the most natural and common position. The arms are extended at the seams and pressed to the body, the back is tense and straight, as if you are squeezed in a cramped space or sleeping between two people.

Expert opinion: “This is not the most comfortable position suggests that a person is not let go of worries and unfinished business. He seemed ready to jump up and take action at any moment. Perhaps he is worried about important things that await him in the morning. There can be no talk of complete rest and relaxation in such a position.

On the stomach

The shoulders are clamped, the spine is tense, the head is turned to the side, breathing and blood circulation are difficult. Doctors say that sleeping on your stomach is extremely unhealthy. Cosmetologists add that such a position leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles, because the skin of the face “wrinkles” due to contact with the pillow, microcirculation processes are disturbed in it, and besides, dust mites and other microorganisms that inhabit the pillow attack it all night.

Expert opinion: “This posture is an indicator of extreme fatigue. Turning our backs to the outside world, we try to fall asleep as soon as possible, concentrate on rest, subconsciously want to protect our sleep from external aggression. Sometimes, however, the reason forcing us to choose such a position is quite obvious – for example, light or some sounds prevent us from sleeping.

Also, we often fall asleep face down in a pillow when not at home, because we don’t feel comfortable enough in a new environment and thus try to abstract. This position cannot be called beneficial for the body, but many people say that this is the only way they can fall asleep faster and more soundly.

Hands under the pillow or on the stomach

Whether you lie on your stomach, on your side, or on your back, pay attention to where your hands are. If in a dream you hug a pillow or touch your stomach, this is an important body signal.

Expert opinion: “Sometimes touching some objects helps us calm down. Someone turns a knob during a meeting or plays with car keys when approaching a stranger with a request. Touching the pillow or stomach is also a kind of “tranquilizer”. In addition, this way the body can signal the need for physical contact.

About the expert: Olga Chiesko is a specialist in non-verbal communication, author of the book “Decipher Body Language”.

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