Hello! Ayurveda refers to alternative methods of medicine. It originated three thousand years ago in India and still retains its relevance. Translated as «the art of longevity» or «the science of life.»
But in addition to medical aspects, it is also a philosophical trend that helps to determine for oneself what principles it is worth living by.
And also how to eat in order to maintain health and youth. Moreover, the choice of products occurs depending not only on the physique, but also on the seasons and even days.
But today we will talk about what types of people Ayurveda suggests. And how to define yours in order to understand what to pay attention to in order to achieve a sense of inner harmony, positive thinking and full interaction with the environment.
Introductory information
The main goal of Ayurveda is the prevention of disease. Which must be done, focusing on doshas — these are substances that are in the body of each person. So, it’s important to strike a balance. If only one substance prevails, this affects not only well-being, but also success and development in general.
They are also called life forces. They are not static at all, and constantly circulate through the body, replacing one another. But as soon as the balance is lost, diseases arise.
That is why it is important to pay attention to what and when we eat, what we think about and what actions we perform. You also need to listen to your own desires and needs of the body. Ignoring body urges leads to imbalance, stress.
It consists of such elements as Air, which is responsible for the activity of the individual, pushes him to achieve and, in general, any activity. And also from the Ether — it controls the work of internal organs. It is also responsible for the emotional perception of the surrounding reality, thinking and will.
It has such qualities as lightness, unevenness, dryness, mobility, clarity, subtlety and coolness. If there is a lot of it, then the person experiences difficulties with digestion, in particular, flatulence.
He becomes nervous, irritable, suffers from insomnia and nightmares.
If it is not enough, then vice versa, it loses flexibility and sensuality. His mental activity is significantly reduced, as is the speed of reaction to stimuli.
The main elements are Water, which, respectively, controls the amount and composition of fluid in the body, and Fire, which is responsible for the digestive system. Therefore, as you understand, Pita’s area of responsibility is metabolism, energy metabolism.
The qualities are completely different from those of Vata, it is sour, warm, oily, fluid, light, bright and odorous. The lack affects the metabolism, which becomes slow, which leads to fullness.
Consists of Water and Earth, which is responsible for teeth and bones. Helps shape body structures, lubricates tendons, joints, and more. It has properties such as smoothness, stability, density, coolness, heaviness and oiliness.
When there is a lot of it, an excessive amount of fluid (mucus) appears in the nasopharynx, and when it is small, the sinuses dry up, which leads to various diseases of the respiratory system.
The constitution of a person’s body depends on which or how many types of doshas prevail in his body.
• Slim build, thin hands, like ankles, flat chest
• Skin dry and cool
• Fast gait
• Such a person is disturbing
• Memory often fails
• The pace of life is very fast
• Appetite is good, but extra calories are not stored
• Frequent constipation, there is bloating
• Well developed fantasy
• Sleep problems
• The mood often changes, it is difficult to guess what will happen in just a minute
• Gets tired quickly, as he is very involved in the work process, giving himself completely to it
• There is talkativeness
• Does not like the cold season, because it is difficult to endure it
• Growth is either medium or high
• The way of life is completely irregular. For example, he can sleep until dinner, walking at night, and then suddenly become a «lark», waking up very early. Or eat a lot, at times, completely refusing to eat.
• The human body is dense, medium in size
• Hands and feet are usually warm
• Skin with a reddish tint, freckles are often present
• Hair is usually blond and prone to early graying
• The pace of life is average, such a person is not in a hurry and does not slow down
• Appetite is normal, but if you are hungry, you feel very unwell
• Often thirsty
• Hot-tempered, but quickly departs
• Punctual, neat
• Characterized by excessive sweating
• Does not tolerate heat
• Picky, demanding of himself and other people
• Memory is developed enough to retain information for a long period
• Likes to be the center of attention
• Well developed muscles
• Facial features can be large, or vice versa, excessively narrow
• Solid build, often overweight, wide bones
• Skin is pale, tender and cool to the touch
• Hair is usually dark and fairly thick, prone to wavy
• Movements are slow, measured
• The pace of life is the same slow and calm
• Patient and hardy, strong, both physically and emotionally
• Despite a tendency to be overweight, with appetite problems, eats little
• Tends to “eat” problems and stress
• Unsure of himself and usually thinks for a long time before he is ready to make a decision
• Does not tolerate wet weather, cold
• Calm and balanced
• Easily forgives insults, kind by nature
• If you already remember something, then it will remain in your memory almost forever
• Large facial features
• Is the owner of long and thick eyelashes
• Optimistic, loves humor
If you’re curious about what type you are, it’s easy enough to do so. You should put one point next to the item that matches you. Then summarize the scores of each dosha.
If the predominance of one is clearly expressed, then you belong to the one-sided type, if several, then to the two-sided type. And if it so happened that Pita, Kapha and Vata gained almost the same amount, then you have achieved harmony and balance. Continue in the same spirit to take care of your health, both emotional and physical.
According to the laws of Ayurveda, malnutrition is the main cause of serious ailments, dangerous diseases. If the products do not correspond to the dosha of a person, they will simply poison his body. Despite the fact that they can be considered the most useful.
Such individuals enjoy sweet, sour, and salty foods. They need to choose something that is easy to digest and digest. Before eating, on an empty stomach, be sure to drink a glass of warm water. Do it better in small sips.
• Milk, cream, butter, ice cream;
• Herbal tea with ginger and honey, biscuits, crackers;
• Vegetables other than cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, peas and sweet peppers;
• Fruits and berries, only limit the consumption of pears, apples and dried fruits;
• Rice, lentils, oats. Nuts can be different, only in small quantities;
• Try to avoid meat products;
• Various spices, except for turmeric, coriander and saffron, will have a beneficial effect on health.
Emphasis should be placed on bitter or sweet food. Never consume excessively hot or cold foods. It is important to observe the measure, despite the fact that individuals with such a body constitution do not have a tendency to obesity. And in general, vegetarianism is exactly what the Petes need.
• Suitable dairy products, except for sour cream;
• Any vegetables, only slightly limit the consumption of beets, eggplant, tomatoes and garlic with onions;
• If berries, fruits, then without sourness. For example, it is better not to eat cranberries;
• Wheat, rice, oats, barley. Be careful with corn, lentils and millet.
Considering that they have rather “cold digestion”, it is necessary to choose hot dishes more often that can warm, give warmth. It is better to completely exclude bitter and sweet, sour and salty from your diet.
• Any vegetables and mushrooms. Be careful only with cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini;
• With berries and fruits the situation is a bit more complicated, apples, apricots, pears, dried fruits and pomegranates are allowed. Limit the rest, or exclude it altogether;
• Can be pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cereals and legumes. Just not rice, wheat and soybeans with beans;
• Sugar is better to replace with honey, especially if you add it to tea or coffee.
If you adhere to the following recommendations that Ayurveda offers, then you will be able to bring harmony and balance into your life, preserve beauty, youth and health. They are not so difficult, but in some cases require increased willpower. If you are not different, then check out this article.
Basic rules of nutrition
- Skip sour or salty foods for dinner. Otherwise, you will drink a lot, and the liquid will not really come out. Which, at a minimum, will lead to swelling and bruising under the eyes.
- After a meal, in no case should you immediately go to work, but it is also not recommended to go to bed. Give yourself the opportunity to rest, switch and digest food at least a little.
- Between meals, the most optimal time interval is 180 minutes. And then, for example, breakfast is worth it only if there is hunger, and not because it’s time by the clock.
- If the Sun has already set, there can be no question of any dinner. Wait for the morning, otherwise harm your body.
- The main meal should be at 12 noon. It is desirable that it takes place in a quiet environment, nothing annoys or upsets you. Turn off the TV, eat silently, without being distracted by conversations and other things. Your attention should be devoted to the process of eating and digesting food. Otherwise, you will overeat without noticing saturation. And don’t enjoy it.
- Eat slowly, chewing each bite slowly.
- Choose warm water, especially in the process of eating, otherwise disrupt the digestion process.
- Completely eliminate fried foods from your diet. This applies to absolutely all types of doshas.
Go in for sports, your body and mind will thank you if you opt for breathing techniques and meditations.
Exhausting strength training is only suitable when it is important to get rid of anxiety or aggression. In general, listen to your feelings and needs. But be sure to include physical activity in your daily routine.
Finally, I want to bring to your attention an article about what types of temperament exist. It also shows how to determine whether you are a sanguine, choleric, melancholic or phlegmatic person.
Develop, take care of yourself, your health and be happy!
The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina