Dispensary examination is a set of tests and studies that doctors recommend at different intervals (but at least once every two years).
The first thing you need to do is remember your family history: what did your grandparents die of, and if they are still alive, what chronic diseases they suffer from. The fact is that, knowing what your ancestors were ill with and from what they died, it will be easier for the doctor to draw up an individual medical examination plan for you. But even if we discard the individual characteristics of your genetic tree, all women, without exception, need:
take a general blood test (from a finger or from a vein),
pass a general urine test,
pass a biochemical blood test for a number of indicators, about which the story will be a little later,
get examined by a gynecologist,
be examined by a mammologist,
get tested for vaginal flora,
undergo an examination of the mammary glands (ultrasound – if you are not yet 35-40 years old, mammography – if you are already 35 or 40 years old; the doctor, after listening to your anamnesis, in borderline cases, by age, will decide which examination is best for you),
undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs (to detect diseases and neoplasms),
undergo a colposcopy (examination of the tissues of the cervix to exclude the degeneration of cells into malignant),
check the lipid profile (it will show how high the risk of blood clots is),
make an ECG,
donate blood for sugar (so as not to miss the onset of the development of diabetes mellitus),
check okomarkers (take a blood test for at least three tumor markers: CA-125 – for ovarian cancer, CA-15-3 – for breast cancer, CA-19-19 – for colon and rectal cancer, which is in third place by prevalence in women after breast and lung cancer),
visit a psychologist,
analysis for hormones (must be taken at the beginning and on the 20th day of the cycle). It will show how well your ovaries and thyroid gland are working.
Let’s move on to deciphering the indicators of a biochemical blood test.
Alanine aminotransferase (AMT) shows if there is liver damage (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, or cancer). If its level is increased, this is a reason for doctors to suspect a disease. True, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis based on this analysis, so additional research may be required.
Amylase total in serum – an enzyme of the pancreas. The test will tell you if you have pancreatitis or other damage to your stomach. Again, if its level is increased, then the doctors will sound the alarm, but they will not be able to say for sure what is wrong with you: more research is needed.
Antibodies to thyroperoxidase – an indicator of autoimmune thyroid disease.
Antithrombin III has a depressing effect on blood clotting. A decrease in its concentration indicates that there is a risk of blood clots.
Total whey protein… Blood proteins are divided into albumin (synthesized from protein supplied with food in the liver) and globulins (support immunity, transport nutrients to tissues, ensure normal blood clotting, and are also represented by enzymes and hormones. Doctors may be worried about the fact that the amount of protein you have reduced, and they are interested in the absolute value, and not the relative, which depends on the delay or, conversely, the loss of fluid.So, if the absolute content of protein in the blood is reduced, then this may indicate a violation of protein metabolism, which in itself can be a symptom of liver dysfunction (as the content of albumin usually decreases), kidney or endocrine system disorders.In general, if they find out that something is wrong, then they will offer further examination.
Total bilirubin – bilirubin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin contained in red blood cells that die naturally or something provokes their death. Normally, 1% of erythrocytes disintegrates in a healthy person per day; accordingly, approximately 100–250 mg of bilirubin enters the bloodstream. Bilirubin can increase due to increased breakdown of red blood cells (which is typical for some types of anemia) or liver damage (for example, with hepatitis). The fact is that further processing of bilirubin occurs in the liver in order to remove it from the body, however, if the liver is damaged in any way, then bilirubin is released from the damaged cells, entering the blood. An increase in bilirubin can also be associated with difficulties in the outflow of bile (for example, if the bile duct is compressed by something, for example, a tumor, an enlarged lymph node, a stone or a scar), then this condition is called bile duct dyskinesia. To find out if you have one of these abnormalities in body functions, this analysis is prescribed.
Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) – an enzyme that is found in the cells of the liver and bile ducts, respectively, the result shows again how your liver functions. The test result will help to find out if you have bile stasis (holistasis). At the same time, the production of this enzyme is also triggered by alcohol, therefore, on the eve of the analysis, you should not drink or take paracetomol or phenobarbital (contained in Corvalol), which also increase the GGT index.
Plasma glucose… This is not at all about the popular singer on the screen, but about the result that will help you find out if you have diabetes. This is important because diabetes starts with minor symptoms that can be easily overlooked. The analysis is especially necessary for those who have a genetic predisposition to diabetes (the closest relative is a diabetic), are overweight, or you are over 45 years old.
Homocysteine… Accumulating in the body, homocysteine begins to attack the inner walls of blood vessels, intima, lined with endothelium. And the body seeks to heal the resulting gaps. For this, the body has cholesterol and calcium, which form atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of damaged vessels. And everything would be fine if these plaques did not ultimately lead to blockage of the vessels being repaired! Homocysteine should be checked if your immediate family members have blood clots, coronary heart disease, or strokes with heart attacks. It is especially necessary to monitor its level if such diseases develop in the family before the age of 50.
Iron in serum… You are not in danger of becoming a woodcutter if your analysis is normal. If you have anemia, then this indicator will help to find out whether it is associated with a low iron content in the body or, perhaps, it developed, for example, due to a lack of vitamin B12. If your iron content, on the contrary, is increased, then this may be due to hereditary hemochromatosis (a disease associated with increased absorption and accumulation of iron) or an overdose of iron preparations.
Serum calcium… Calcium is the main building material of the body, in addition, it is involved in the contraction of muscles and the heart. This mineral is in constant balance with phosphorus. That is, if the amount of calcium in the blood decreases, the content of phosphorus rises, and vice versa. Therefore, they talk about phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The content of calcium in the blood is regulated by the parathyroid and thyroid glands. This test shows calcium metabolism in the body, which is important for assessing kidney function (they excrete calcium), indirectly evaluates whether there is breast, lung, brain or throat cancer, whether there is myeloma (a type of blood cancer), also indirectly indicates hyperthyroidism ( if the calcium level is high). However, this analysis will not tell doctors anything about the calcium content in the bones of the skeleton! To assess this indicator, there is a separate technique – densiometry.
Coagulogram (prothrombin according to Quick and INR) – the result shows how well the blood clots.
Leukocyte formula (leukogram) shows, firstly, how much the body can resist infection, and secondly, it can show, when shifting to the left (that is, an increase in immature leukocytes), cancer of some organs, including the breast.