How quickly can you determine which of them has higher self-esteem?

The possibility of his development as a person is recorded in the human body. The body determines our interests and our values, it imprints our character on us, it records what our vocation is and whether we can have it at all. The body, clogged with clamps and twisted by depression, interferes with development. If we want to develop our own or someone else’s personality, we need to start with the development of the body.

There is a fact: today, in order to understand the essence of a person, his problems and his prospects, I pay more attention not to what a person says, but to how he does it. At the same time, his intonation and voice in principle, his facial expression and eyes, his shoulders, hand gestures and his legs. A man’s walk tells me more about him than his resume.

I love and know how to educate people — but I do this only with those who lend themselves to my upbringing. And for this — I look at his body, how malleable it is to the necessary development. It is written in the human body what can be made of it, and what is not in this rebirth.

A sad joke: “Anyone can become a genius, it just takes thirty years for one, three hundred for another …”

Body programs are stronger than our intellectual chatter. When a person comes to a psychologist to find out how to find a business that will become HIS CASE, his vocation, it usually seems to him that he just needs to pass some tests, understand himself — and the psychologist will select his vocation for him, the person will have his vocation .


You must first look at the movements and face of a person. If a person has a lively face, eyes are burning, gestures are energetic — yes, it is not difficult for such a person to pick up his vocation. He has a body ready for a calling, open to a calling.

If a person is lethargic, his eyes are sleepy, dead, his gestures are downcast, then any vocation is still closed to him. Such a body blocks any calling. The vocation is the soul, but if a person has the wrong body, the soul will be blocked by the body.

On the other hand, if a young man is 18 years old, he is active and bodily charged, like a stallion, he wants to move and move, he needs physical exercise and relaxation, then his soul will most likely be controlled and moved by his body. He will fall in love, his soul will fall in love, because he is eighteen years old and his body is sexually charged. He likes sports and doesn’t like to sit in the audience a lot because his body demands it. He has such a soul, such views and desires, because he now has such a body.

And when a man is 50, then if his body has long become decrepit, his belly hangs, and his breathing is heavy, then long conversations and sitting in general will seem to him much more sincere, and running around is somehow not to his liking. Yes, and falling in love is somehow stupid … The body is aging — the soul is aging.

When a person wants to change his life, he usually rushes to the book to figure it out. He is sure that he will figure everything out and understand everything, he will start a different life. He will have leadership qualities, other energy, love and of course a lot of happiness.


Letters of text are unlikely to change his life until he begins to change his body. In order to change his soul, he must have a different body. Therefore, you need to get up from the table more often, you need to start moving correctly, you need to retrain your body, do a variety of physical exercises — or just learn to relax so that the body gradually becomes different, suitable for a new soul, for new programs.

The possibilities of spiritual, intellectual and spiritual development are determined by what possibilities are already inherent in the existing human body. And if something limits the body, it makes no sense to engage in either high or deep psychology, you need to deal with the body, the development of the body, the removal of blocks and restrictions from it.

Dear parents, be careful: choosing this or that sport for your children, you choose their character and destiny. Skiing for long distances — in this sport, a loner is formed, who knows how, through tension, on one will, to move towards the goal, which he always looks at a little frowningly. Swimming — less will, more technique and the ability to enjoy life. Tennis is a feeling of a couple, the ability to build tactics, not be afraid to lose and be able to deliver accurate strong blows. Football is the feeling of a team, the ability to catch the excitement and kick backhand, throwing all your aggression into the blow! See →

The soul is determined by the body. The possibilities of human development are determined by the actual development of his body.

How body drawing affects our mental life and personality

A person begins with a drawing of the body. That is: from the muzzle or face, from the carcass or camp, from paws or strong and beautiful brushes. And also from physical energy or pale infirmity. The way our body is built and in what condition it is is a serious factor that affects both situational mental states and the prospects for personal development. See →

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