Bodo Schaefer: biography of Mozart finance and his books

😉 Hello everyone! To be successful, you need to read good books and connect with successful people. For example, Bodo Schaefer: biography and his teachings. He is currently the # 1 financial consultant in Europe. He has written dozens of popular books and is a billionaire, which means a successful businessman.

“Mozart of Finance”

Bodo was born on September 10, 1960 in Cologne into a family of lawyers. Attending the consultations of his father, he decided to become rich without fail, because his father’s clients were mostly poor. In 1973, his father passed away, and this tragedy became a turning point in the fate of a teenager.

Seminars, which he conducts in different countries of the world, gather full audiences, they are recorded for several months before the announced date. This brilliant practitioner in the field of management and financial management has an out-of-the-box thinking, for which he became a famous popularizer of his ideas.

Bodo Schaefer: biography of Mozart finance and his books

At home, Schaefer is often called the “Mozart of Finance”. The businessman is a talented speaker and motivator. His books, tapes and seminars are in great demand. Some young people who have reached some heights in business admit that they have used his books.

Schaefer’s books are textbooks on many issues of finance, as well as, which is important for a businessman, the correct use of his time.

Way to success

The path to success and popularity with Bodo was quite a thorny one. As a 16-year-old teenager, he went to the United States. Ten years later, numerous mistakes inherent in young people and sometimes a false worldview served his complete bankruptcy and debts in the amount of 75 marks.

Schaefer found a slightly strange way out of this situation. He drew a business analogy with sports and realized that even the most successful athletes have coaches and decided that he needed a financial “coach”.

And indeed it is. Luck doesn’t fall from the sky. You need constant striving for your goal, incredible perseverance, perseverance and great patience. And the main thing is not to be afraid of mistakes that are inevitable at first, learning from them a useful lesson for the future.

But you can also notice that almost every millionaire in his life had a person who helped with advice. That is, he was a coach. Bodo began to look for such a person. And one day I saw an announcement for an event where a billionaire from the United States was supposed to give a short lecture about the path he went through before becoming rich.

Lucky companion

An entrepreneur speaking at the seminar created an oil company with about $ 1. Eight years later, his assets were already listed in the amount of $ 000 million. He was convinced that with the help it was possible to turn into reality projects that seem fantastical.

Bodo managed to get to know this man and earn his trust. Together they became the founders of the firm. After 36 months, listening to the advice of a partner, Schaefer earned 100 thousand marks in a month. Then he multiplied this capital, becoming a millionaire.

He learned from experience how money works and became a finance coach. Since 1995, Schaefer has been giving several lectures and writing books on self-development and the path to well-being.

In the summer of 2002, many complaints arose about his lectures in Germany on financial freedom, and he began speaking in Eastern Europe, including in Moscow and Riga.

1989 – 2002 Bodo Schaefer worked as an insurance agent for Hamburg Mannheimer-Versicherung.

Criticism of Schaefer

Critics often charge Mozart with well-founded accusations of receiving money by abuse of trust.

For example, in 2000 he sold his company to Schfer-Finanzcoaching GmbH for 250 thousand marks. Three months later, the firm crashed. A thorough audit was carried out, and during the audit, 1,7 million marks of debt were discovered.

Speaking on German television, Schaefer recommended a UK-owned service. The assets of the service, a month later, lost their value, and a month later the company filed for bankruptcy. Her connection with Shefer was established, and it was at the request of this company that a recommendation was made on television.

ARD Plusminus magazine independently analyzed B. Schaefer’s claim about US oil tycoon Daniel S. Peña, who founded the consulting firm.

During the investigation, it was established that in the summer of 1996, Bodo worked for him as a translator for less than two months, then he was asked to resign of his own free will.

Bodo Schaefer quotes

Bodo Schaefer: biography of Mozart finance and his books

  • To become better, one must not wait for the right circumstances, but get the most out of the existing situation.
  • Take risks. The one who lies on the ground has nowhere to fall.
  • If you want to get rich, then you do not need to complete tasks of exceptional difficulty, but simply do the ordinary things exceptionally well.
  • We must constantly force ourselves to keep a diary, read books, attend seminars, communicate with people from whom we can learn something.
  • Socrates established the following criterion: “I call a lazy person who is capable of more.”
  • Another reason not to give up is that you do it for yourself.

Bodo Schaefer: books

  • Mani the dog
  • Way to Financial Freedom
  • Mani, or the ABC of money
  • The laws of the winners
  • Kira and the bagel secret
  • Simple Leadership
  • The art of managing your time
  • Money is good for women
  • Breakthrough to financial success
  • The road to financial independence

Personal life

The financier was married twice and has three children. His zodiac sign is Virgo.


Don’t miss the video “Bodo Schaefer: Biography” – short and clear.

Bodo Schaefer | Laws of Winners

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