The echoes of Bożena Dykiel’s recent visit to the “Dzień Dobry TVN” program continue. The actress shared, among others Depression is diagnosed as being due to a lithium deficiency, a pandemic is a conspiracy of the rich, and the flu is killing more than the coronavirus. Does anything Dykiel said have any factual basis? We check.

  1. Bożena Dyklel is a popular actress, known, among others from the series “Na Wspólnej” and the films “Wedding”, “Brunet in the evening”, “Healer” or “Nothing funny”
  2. Until recently, she was the face of the “Faces of Depression. I do not judge. I accept”
  3. However, after what Dykiel said in “Dzień Dobry TVN”, the Foundation “Faces of depression” noted that this opinion is only the personal opinion of the actress
  4. On Monday, the Foundation announced that, in agreement with Bożena Dykiel, it was decided to end the cooperation
  5. What exactly did the actress say?
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Bożena Dykiel about depression

On Friday Bożena Dykiel was a guest on the program “Dzień Dobry TVN”. The occasion was the new edition of the campaign «Faces of Depression. I do not judge. I accept”. The actress was still one of those faces back then. But after the ignorance of this disease, Dyklel revealed herself in an interview with Agnieszka Woźniak-Starak and Ewa Drzyzga, she ceased to be.

«The Faces of Depression Foundation« as an organizer of the social campaign »Faces of Depression. I do not judge. I accept. ”In agreement with Ms Bożena Dykiel, she decided to end the cooperation. The outstanding actress has been our ambassador for six editions and we would like to thank her for her support »- we read on the foundation’s profile.

What did Dykiel say in the program? When she recalled that Wojciech Mynarski was struggling with the disease, she said that «that is, the lack of the element lithium«.

– Not that it is refilled, this lithium. The body should produce it itself, we just have to give it the material for it. So you have to be careful what you put in your mouth, don’t eat anything, eat good things. In addition, move, read, not just stare at the phone and TV – Bożena Dykiel shared her diagnosis.

The rest of the article under the video.

One actress’s sentence about depression made sense. “I figured depression was a silent killer,” Dykiel confessed.

But then it was a little less sense. – It appears out of nowhere and how, and people suffer from it alone. It’s great if they have someone who can take care of them, but often they are people who have no one to argue with, drink a cup or sit down to Sunday dinner – she said.

Expert: Lithium is toxic

Dykiel’s words were commented on Facebook by Maja Herman, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

– Why should famous people not speak up as medical authorities? Because they slowly flow from information to information, then creating a meaningless web of chatter. Lithium is an element that does not occur naturally in our body. Not only that, it is toxic and deadly in excess. Encouraging its consumption is contributing to the development of side effects. Our body does not produce lithium, so no substances will stimulate our body to naturally produce lithium. Lithium as a drug is a mood stabilizer, its mechanism of action is still not fully understood (there are several hypotheses), and its intake is prescribed by a doctor, under strict control of its level, so as not to exceed the toxic dose – wrote Herman.

  1. Psychiatrist: lockdown increased depressive tendencies in children

The psychotherapist noted that the usefulness of lithium in unipolar disorder is still being investigated. Currently, it is not a therapy recommended in depression, but only as an adjunct to antidepressant drugs.

– Mr Wojciech Młynarski said many times that he suffered from bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder). In this disease, and yes, lithium is used, and from my experience and from many medical studies, we have confirmation that as a stabilizer (a drug that ensures the absence of manic or depressive episodes) it is very good. The biggest limitation is the need for full cooperation – added Herman.

Depression is a dangerous and long-term disease

– Depression is a multi-factorial disease. Genetics, the biological aspect and the environmental are crucial. Stress is usually a factor that triggers depression – said Herman, noting that it is a serious disease, often long-lasting, which is treated pharmacologically and not by giving good advice.

– It’s not that what we put in our mouths (that is, we eat) or how much sport we do, and whether we look someone in the eyes or a TV set will cause depression – she noted.

  1. Patients after COVID-19 may experience mental disorders

Herman stressed that Dykiel’s theories hurt medicine and people suffering from depression.

Depression is a brain disease, imagine it like a broken leg. Your brain has broken, you need to see your doctor to find out where, how and what treatment will be optimal. The recommended drugs or therapy (or both) are the same as the orthopedic surgeon orders casts, operations and immobilization – emphasized the psychotherapist.

Treatment of depression

At the end of the interview on TVN, the actress boasted another patent for diseases related to the psyche. These are… colorful, “wonderful” glasses.

“My dear, something like that helps me a lot.” These are glasses where a little button is pressed here. A green light appears, then it presses harder and a red light appears with varying frequency, Dykiel said, putting it on her face.

It was too much for the hosts of the program. Woźniak-Starak quickly announced the next topic and ended the conversation with the actress.

And what does the treatment of depression look like, according to specialists with slightly more knowledge and experience than Bożena Dykiel? Therapy is carried out with the use of pharmacological agents and psychotherapy.

  1. Scientists are straightforward: these mushrooms can relieve symptoms of depression

Pharmaceuticals that your doctor may prescribe to someone with depression are:

  1. antidepressantsinfluencing blood levels of serotonin and norepinephrine;
  2. nonselective norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (tricyclic antidepressants);
  3. selective norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

The effects of the above-mentioned drugs should occur after several weeks of use. It is possible to take pharmacological agents during psychotherapy treatment. When it comes to psychotherapy, people with depression often have:

  1. interpersonal therapy;
  2. cognitive behavioral therapy;
  3. psychodynamic therapy.

Bożena Dykiel: the pandemic is caused by the rich

Depression is not the only topic on which Bożena Dykiel – to put it mildly – missed the truth. When she spoke about the coronavirus, it turned out that she stood in line with people who believed that the pandemic, which has been going on for almost two years, is a conspiracy of the rich. We have already heard from the mouths of anti-vaccines that, for example, George Soros and Bill Gates, together with pharmaceutical companies, are behind everything. Dykiel duplicated it now.

  1. “The fourth wave will be long and flat”. Here’s what awaits us [FORECAST]

– I would put it this way: the last two years has been a world struggle with people – with the rich who want to rule us. This is my conviction, because if we are intimidated and if we are constantly locked down and not allowed to meet … The flu raged for so many years and many people died, even more than in this pandemic. And this pandemic is a camp for us, she said quite seriously on DDTVN.

Flu or COVID-19: Which is More Deadly?

To Agnieszka Woźniak-Starak’s remark that the mortality rate in the case of the flu was not as high as in the case of the coronavirus, the actress replied that “it was, it was”.

– I read numbers that it turned out that more people died of the flu than of the pandemic – Dykiel assured.

So let’s check the data from recent years. According to the data of the National Institute of Public Health-National Institute of Hygiene, no deaths due to this disease were recorded in the 2020/21 flu season. It is known that the figures for the previous season are distorted due to the pandemic. Diagnostics changed, there were problems with diagnosis, and we were also more concerned with the prevention of infectious diseases.

  1. When is the best time to get a flu shot? [WE EXPLAIN]

And what was it like in the previous years? In the 2019/20 season, 64 people died in Poland due to influenza, and in the 2018/2019 season – 145.

Data – on an annual basis – NIPH-PZH for recent years are as follows. In the last 20 years, the number of deaths from influenza has only once exceeded 200.

As for COVID-19, about 41,5 thousand people died from it last year in Poland. people.

Globally, 4,9 million people have died from the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, the number of deaths of influenza is from 290 to 650. annually.

Seasonal flu mortality is 0,1-0,5%. (i.e. 1-5 per 1000 people who fall ill) die. The COVID-19 mortality rate at the beginning of the pandemic was on average around 3,4, but there were times when – for example in Italy in spring 2020 – exceeded 14%. Currently, with a significant vaccination of the population, it ranges from 0,5-3 percent.

You can buy a package of laboratory tests for depression, which allows you to determine the general condition of the body, and thus helps in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, you can buy at Medonet Market.

As you can see, the flu does not stand up to the coronavirus in terms of mortality. Unless Bożena Dykiel took into account the global number of victims of the first disease, calculated, for example, from the beginning of the 100th century. Then, in fact, including all epidemics and pandemics, led by the Spanish woman, this number may even reach XNUMX million. Well, to be able to compare it, we would have to wait for 120 years for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the world.

Also read:

  1. Important changes from November. It’s about flu vaccines for children
  2. RSV on the attack. “There are definitely more cases this year”
  3. Depression in a senior. Characteristic symptoms of depression in the elderly

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