BMI, OB, HPV, EEG – what do these abbreviations mean?

Can you decipher these medical and health abbreviations?

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1. EEG is a test:

the brain
the brain Next question
EEG, or electroencephalography, is the study of the work of the brain using electrodes attached to the scalp.
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2. HPV – this name stands for:

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non-invasive examination of internal organs
human papillomavirus
one of the hormones of the hypothalamus
human papillomavirus Next question
There are over a hundred types of this virus; they are responsible for the formation of both benign skin lesions (e.g. warts) and neoplastic lesions – including cervical cancer.

3. You surely know that DNA is the carrier of genetic data of living organisms. What is the full name of this substance?

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Kwas deferoksaminowy
Dicarboxylic acid
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Deoxyribonucleic acid Next question
DNA is found in the cells of plants, animals and viruses. Most often it has the form of two strands wrapped around one axis – that is, a double helix.

4. We will find out whether the OB coefficient is within the normal range from the results:

urine test
Blood tests
magnetic resonance imaging
Blood tests Next question
ESR is an abbreviation of the name “Biernacki precipitation” – this factor is used to indicate the rate of depletion of red blood cells in the blood sample. Abnormal ESR can be a symptom of, for example, heart failure, pregnancy, joint diseases, inflammation.
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5. The fetal heart test is known as:

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KTG Next question
Cardiotocography examines both the work of the fetal heart (cardiography) and the contractions of the uterine muscle (tocography); allows for early detection of the threat to the life of the fetus.

6. The disease abbreviated to MS is:

multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis Next question
MS is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “sclerosis multiplex”, which means an autoimmune, chronic disease of the central nervous system.

7. AD is a chronic disease:

joints and muscles
skin Next question
Atopic dermatitis, or atopic dermatitis, is an inherited disease; its first symptoms are usually visible in the first months of life.

8. The index of normal body mass, calculated on the basis of body weight and height, is called:

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BMI Next question
The body mass index, i.e. BMI, was developed in the mid-nineteenth century and is used to determine the correct body weight in adults.

9. DTP – or DiPerTe – is the short name of:

combined vaccine
irritable bowel syndrome
all B vitamins
combined vaccine Next question
DiPerTe is the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine, usually given in childhood in several doses.
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10. Mental disorder abbreviated PTSD is:

post-traumatic stress disorder
bipolar disorder
social phobia
post-traumatic stress disorder Next question
Post-traumatic stress disorder (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) can arise as a result of trauma, for example related to an accident, war experience, physical assault, or other highly stressful event.
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11. NSAID is the collective name for:

prenatal tests
drug group
childhood diseases
drug group Next question
NSAIDs, i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, include, inter alia, acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen.
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12. PMS abbreviation means:

premenstrual syndrome
fetal alcohol syndrome
Parkinson’s disease
premenstrual syndrome Next question
Symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome can be sudden mood changes, headache, breast pain, irritability, aggravation of allergy symptoms.
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