BLW – infant diet, what is it, rules, advantages and disadvantages

BLW is an abbreviation of the first letters of the English phrase “baby led weaning”. Means a method of feeding children where non-dairy foods are gradually introduced into the child’s diet. The Polish phrase, short for which is BLW, reads “Babas Liki choos”.

What is the BLW?

BLW is a gradual weaning of a child from dairy foods and introducing more and more solid foods. In other words, it is getting the child used to eating independently and introducing a diet based not only on products intended for children. BLW is also referred to as “infant self-eating early”. Extending the diet with the BLW method is primarily about teaching the child to eat independently such products as cooked vegetables, fruit, pasta, rice and meat. It is very important that the child gets these foods not mixed into a mush, but in their natural consistency and shape (fruits, vegetables). When is BLW used? According to the opinions of people using BLW, it is best to start using this method when the child can sit up independently, i.e. around the age of seven months. When your baby is able to sit up, you can give him a cooked carrot or an apple peeled and sliced ​​so that he can eat it safely. The child has an already developed grasping reflex, so he can hold the product in the hand and put it in his mouth.

What are the principles of BLW feeding?

The basic principle of the BLW method is that the child eats meals with the whole family. The rest of the family members get exactly the same products as the child – they can season them freely, but the child should see that they are eating the same as their older siblings and adults. Another rule of thumb is that your baby must sit straight or slightly tilted forward. This reduces the risk of choking with too much food. Food given to a child should be easy to hold. Vegetables and fruit are best cut into sticks. Another issue is the choice. The child should be able to choose what he wants to eat from several different foods. We give the child as much time as it needs to eat a meal. We don’t rush him and take the plate away. Another principle of BLW is to allow your child to experiment with eating. The toddler can crush them, chew on them and throw them apart. Our job is to watch what he likes and make sure he doesn’t choke. BLW is a school of patience also for the parent – there will be plenty of cleaning after the meal. We do not add salt or sugar to meals for children at BLW. We give the child mineral, non-carbonated water to drink, preferably in a cup. We also do not force the child to eat if he or she does not feel like it. The basis of the diet of a child at this age is milk, so he will definitely not be hungry, even if he eats a little fed with the BLW method.

When expanding your baby’s diet, make sure that the meals prepared for him are healthy and properly balanced. The Neno Cibo Steamer Blender, which you can buy at Medonet Market, will surely help you in your culinary struggles.

Advantages and disadvantages of BLW

Among the advantages of BLW is that this method of feeding allows your baby to develop various senses – touch, sight, smell and taste. The child has a chance to look at the received food, check its consistency and compare the taste. BLW also supports the development of the chewing and biting reflexes. Foods given to a child are not mixed into a mush, so they need to put some effort into eating them. According to supporters of this method of extending the diet, the child also prepares to speak in this way. A child fed according to BLW rules also has the opportunity to independently decide what and how much to eat. Therefore, these children usually do not fuss when eating – a meal becomes an opportunity for them to have fun and explore the world. Another advantage of BLW is that the child develops coordination of movements and synchronizes the eye-hand movement faster. Some parents are also convinced that a child grasping foods on his own and deciding what he wants to eat, instinctively avoids foods that sensitize him. Supporters of the BLW method emphasize that a baby fed this way becomes a gourmet, not a passive consumer of the pulp from the jar. The biggest disadvantage of the BLW method is the mess generated by a child who examines, crushes and consumes food by himself. At the beginning, it happens that the child misses the mouth and the carrots or porridges end up in different places in the room. After some time, however, it learns to coordinate its movements, and its clothing and seat can be properly secured. One of the most serious disadvantages of BLW is the risk of choking on poorly chewed food. This can be prevented by cutting vegetables and fruit into small pieces. Of course, you should supervise the meal so that you can react in time.

When expanding the infant’s diet, accessories such as:

  1. Neno Mantello silicone bib,
  2. Neno Frutta teether for serving fruit for children.
  3. Thermal food set for children Neno Polpo,
  4. Neno Mucca baby food learning set.

They will definitely make it easier for you to keep order and for your child to eat on his own.

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