Blueberry tincture at home – 4 best recipes

Blueberry is an unfairly underestimated berry in the production of tinctures and liqueurs. Say, her taste is watery, and the aroma is not enough – not that coat. Our today’s recipes are designed to dispel skepticism in relation to blueberries – you can make wonderful homemade drinks from it, the main thing is to approach the matter correctly. Moreover, the popular name of this fruit “drunkard” speaks for itself!

Making a regular blueberry tincture at home is not difficult at all – you fill a jar, fill it with vodka, wait a couple of weeks – you’re done! But the pure taste of this berry is, indeed, rather plain. Therefore, it needs to be shaded and emphasized with other ingredients – spices, herbs, fruits – mainly citrus fruits. With a little effort and a bit of imagination, we can get a more than worthy drink – both recognizably “blueberry” and with a whole bouquet of subtle flavors-aftertastes that can please a gourmet!

Blueberry tincture at home – 4 best recipes

Homemade blueberry tincture with vodka

Frozen blueberries are best suited for this recipe – the cold breaks down the pectin compounds and fibers of the berry, transforms the structure of sugars and improves further maceration. Therefore, even fresh blueberries need to be washed, dried and put in the refrigerator for two days – the tincture will cook faster and be sweet with less added sugar.

Blueberry tincture at home – 4 best recipes

  • can of 0,5 l frozen blueberries
  • 350 ml of vodka or moonshine 40-45%
  • 1/2 lemon – zest only
  • 180 ml simple sugar syrup 1:1
  • 3 button Gvozdik

Additionally, other spices can be added to the drink: a couple of black peppercorns, cinnamon, a couple of juniper berries, a piece of vanilla pod. But for the first time, it’s better to get by with only cloves – the tincture will turn out quite rich and tasty anyway.


Take blueberries out of the freezer and let them thaw naturally. For cooking, we need a liter jar – we shift the berries into it, crush it with a pusher or a fork. Thinly cut the zest from half a lemon, without touching the albedo, also send it to a jar, put the cloves in the same place. Pour everything with vodka, cork tightly and send to a warm dark place. The drink will be infused for about a month, every couple of days the jar must be shaken so that the berry does not settle to the bottom.

After a month, drain the tincture, squeeze the cake and filter the liquid through gauze. We cook a simple syrup from equal amounts of water and sugar, add to the infusion to taste – it should be sweet, but so that the tasters do not stick together. The drink should again stand in a jar in a dark, but now in a cool place, at least a month, preferably three. Before bottling, it will need to be filtered again and that’s it – our homemade blueberry tincture is ready!

Blueberry tincture at home – 4 best recipes

Blueberries on alcohol with raspberries and honey

Sweet, tasty, very rich drink! Before making blueberry tincture according to this recipe, be sure to purchase very good, fragrant honey – linden, heather, herbs, you cannot replace it with sugar! Raspberries will shade and enhance the taste of blueberries, add sourness to the tincture, and make the color more beautiful. You can use black raspberries or replace them with blackberries.

Blueberry tincture at home – 4 best recipes

  • 750 g fresh blueberries
  • 250 g fresh or frozen raspberries
  • 8 art. l. without a slide of fragrant honey
  • 750 ml food grade alcohol 95,6%
  • water – as needed

Technology of preparation:

We put blueberries, raspberries and honey in layers in a jar, pour alcohol on top and put in a warm dark place for 6 weeks. After a day, you need to add alcohol to the top of the container. Shake or twist the jar every couple of days. After a month and a half, we drain and, if possible, filter the first infusion. Pour the rest of the alcohol into a jar of berries – if it is not enough, then add water to the top. We insist another 6 weeks, drain, filter and combine both infusions.

Now you have to try the drink. If it is too strong for your taste, carefully dilute it with clean, unboiled water. You can also sweeten the tincture, but with so much honey in the composition, this is unlikely to be necessary. When the taste suits you, we filter the liquid again, pour it into bottles and send it to rest in the basement or other dark cool place. It will be possible to try in three months, but the full taste and aroma of this wonderful blueberry tincture will be revealed only after six months.

By the way, blueberries are a berry with a whole bunch of useful properties! It contains carotene, catechins, vitamin K, but most importantly, a huge amount of P-active compounds (anthocyanins). It has been proven that these substances slow down the aging of the body and even destroy cancer cells by interfering with their blood supply. In addition, anthocyanins contribute to the growth of calogen, which is healthy elastic skin, elastic capillaries and protection against cataracts. Eating blueberries in any form is not worth it only in two cases – with a stomach ulcer and biliary dyskinesia.

Spicy blueberry tincture with oregano

An interesting, original recipe from the Home Distiller forum – the result was enthusiastically accepted and consumed by tasters with pleasure!

Blueberry tincture at home – 4 best recipes

  • 1 kg ripe blueberries
  • 2 liter food alcohol 95,6%
  • 2 kg of sugar
  • 1,2 liters of water for syrup
  • 3 liter of clean water
  • a handful of dried oregano
  • 10 cloves – less can be
  • 2 hours. L. ground nutmeg
  • 1 medium cinnamon stick

How to cook:

Pour blueberries with 1 liter of alcohol, close tightly and infuse for 2 weeks, shaking regularly. Then drain and filter. Add another liter of pure alcohol, all the spices, insist in a dark place for a month. Filter again. Now you need to boil the syrup from all the sugar and 1.2 liters of water – cook until the foam stops forming. Dilute the tincture with three liters of water, sweeten with sugar syrup to taste. Defend in a cool place for at least six months, preferably a year. If necessary, filter again before tasting. Ready!

Blueberry tincture at home – 4 best recipes

Spicy blueberry tincture with orange

Spicy, rich, moderately strong tincture with an interesting way of preparation.

Blueberry tincture at home – 4 best recipes

  • 1 kg ripe blueberries
  • 0,5 kg sugar + to taste
  • 1 liter food alcohol 95,6%
  • 0,5 liter of clean water
  • 1/2 large orange
  • piece of cinnamon stick – 1 cm
  • 3-4 Carnation Bud

How to do it:

My blueberries and carefully crush in a jar. Let stand for several hours and squeeze the juice in any convenient way. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add spices, thinly cut orange zest, let it boil. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid – let it cool naturally. Strain and discard the rest of the spices. Separately, prepare the syrup from all the water and sugar. Cool, combine with flavored blueberry juice and alcohol. Mix thoroughly and try. If there is not enough sugar, feel free to add.

Now the liquid needs to be poured into a jar, tightly sealed and rearranged in a warm place for infusion. The term is at least 2 months. After this, the tincture must be thoroughly filtered, poured into bottles and allowed to stand in a cool place. At home – in the basement or cellar – blueberry tincture will rest for another 3-4 months. But the final taste and aroma of the drink fully justifies the time and effort spent!

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