Blueberries tall or garden have gained popularity among gardeners more than currants. Its large berries are rich in valuable substances, they are widely used in alternative medicine. It is not difficult to plant and grow this deciduous shrub on your site, but it has its own characteristics.

Benefits of growing tall blueberries

A shrub of tall blueberries reaches 2 m in height. Its upright shoots tolerate temperature drops well, bloom profusely and bear fruit. Blueberry berries are large – up to 25 g. The yield of tall varieties is stable and reaches 10 kg per bush.

The berry tolerates transportation well, it is in demand on the market. From it prepare jams, compotes, jams and drying. In any form, the valuable qualities of berries are preserved.

Advantages of tall blueberries

Tall blueberry is an excellent honey plant, attracts beneficial insects to the garden and serves as a pollinator for other plants. For its planting, marshy soil is not needed, it grows well and develops on any loose and fertile soil. The shrub develops well in open sunny areas, practically does not get sick and is not affected by pests.

Tall blueberries are grown mainly on an industrial scale, as unpretentious shrubs do not require special care and costs.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

Important! In one place, tall blueberries can bear fruit for about 40 years.

Another advantage is its tendency to shoot formation. No need to spend money on new seedlings, because propagating a shrub on your own is very simple. In a few years, the plantation will be replenished with young plants.

However, it must be remembered that in the middle lane and in the north of Our Country it is necessary to grow early cultivated varieties. It is these plants that will be able to give a bountiful harvest in difficult climatic conditions. There is no such problem in the south of the country.

Features of fruiting

Almost all varieties of tall blueberries bear fruit on last year’s shoots, which is why it is so important to preserve them in winter. If the branches are frozen, then they are cut off quite a bit. The shrub quickly recovers. However, with a strong defeat, the harvest will have to be forgotten.

A young shrub begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year of cultivation, however, the maximum yield is harvested in the 5-6th year.

Many hybrid varieties are self-pollinating. They do not need insects, the formation of fruits does not depend on weather conditions. However, in order to increase the number of fruits, experienced gardeners practice the joint planting of crops of different varieties with one flowering period.

How to propagate tall blueberries

Highbush blueberries propagate in different ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • basal shoots;
  • division of the bush.

However, seed propagation is difficult, the seedlings are grown for 2 years in greenhouse conditions, after which they are transferred to the garden. Such a plant begins to bear fruit in the 7-8th year after planting.

Attention! Seedlings do not retain all the qualities of the variety that the mother plant has.

The simplest and most affordable ways to propagate blueberries are cuttings and planting root shoots. The seedling will begin to bear fruit in the 4th year of cultivation.

The best varieties of tall blueberries

For regions with a difficult climate, tall blueberry varieties are presented, which are distinguished by the most delicious harvest. These are early varieties that any gardener can handle.


The tall blueberry variety Bluecrop with a 50-year history has already managed to establish itself among gardeners only on the positive side. The shrub is absolutely unpretentious. He is not afraid of frost (he winters well at temperatures down to -30 ° C), hot sun, diseases and pests. With proper care, ripe berries do not fall off the branches, do not crack, do not lose their taste during transportation.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

Attention! Fruiting begins in July and continues until August. Up to 9 kg of berries are harvested from the bush during this period.


Tall blueberries of the Patriot variety are valued for their delicate taste of berries, which is especially felt immediately after harvest. The fruits stay on the branches for a long time, do not deteriorate.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

The shrub is frost-resistant, well resists the main diseases: late blight of fruits and leaves, top rot of fruits. Fruiting variety begins in the second half of summer.


The tall blueberry variety Elizabeth is popular for its large berries, which can reach 2,5 cm. The fruits are red-blue, elastic, tasty, well transported, but completely unsuitable for long-term storage. In the middle lane, sometimes they do not have time to ripen on the branches.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

The shrub reproduces well by cuttings, but does not grow well on sandy soil. The variety is completely self-fertile, the yield is 5-6 kg per bush. To get more berries, you need to plant other varieties of blueberries.

North Blue

Nord Blue blueberries are very hardy. It cannot be called a particularly tall variety. Its height reaches 1-1,5 m. The description indicates that the shrub winters well at -40 ° C, but gardeners continue to additionally cover the root zone if frosts fall below -30 ° C.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

The yield of the variety is stable, but not very large. The bush gives an average of 3 kg of berries.


Bonus – one of the large-fruited varieties of tall blueberries. Its berry reaches 3 cm in diameter. The fruits are sweet in taste, with a dense skin, which makes them easy to transport. Berries are perfectly preserved in freezing and do not lose their qualities.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

A variety with high resistance to frost and diseases, bears fruit steadily. Productivity – up to 8 kg.

Goldtraub 71

Blueberry Goldtraube belongs to tall varieties of increased winter hardiness. Its shoots tolerate temperatures as low as -35°C. This is the main advantage of blueberries.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

The variety is self-pollinating, bears fruit steadily. Up to 3 kg of fruits are harvested from a bush per season. The berries are medium in size, sweet and sour, more suitable for processing.


Blueberry blueberries ripen very early compared to other tall varieties. The first berries can be tasted already in the middle of June. Fruiting is not stretched, up to 70% of the crop is harvested at a time. The culture of the variety is interesting in industrial cultivation. Berries are easy to harvest mechanically, they do not deteriorate or crack.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

The yield per bush is up to 6 kg, winter hardiness is average, disease resistance is good.


The variety bears fruit with small berries, the diameter of which does not exceed 1,5 cm. However, they are very fragrant and tasty. In addition, there are a lot of berries on one plant. The average yield per bush is up to 6 kg.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

Advice! This blueberry variety can withstand even the most severe frosts. It can be safely planted in the Northern regions.


Brigid’s blueberry bears medium-sized berries, sweet and sour in taste. But the crop does not crumble and does not crack, it is well transported. No more than 4 kg of fruits are harvested from a bush per season. Frost resistance is low, the bush suffers from spring return frosts.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features


Variety Boniface refers to frost-resistant varieties. The shoots and root system of the shrub tolerate temperatures of -37°C well. At the same time, flower buds practically do not suffer. The plant bears fruit stably, the berries are sweet, but only 3 kg are harvested per season.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features


This variety bears fruit in small berries, but there are a lot of them on one plant. Bush for industrial cultivation, since manual assembly is difficult. The berry is sweet, well transported and kept on the branches.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features


The variety bears fruit abundantly, it is possible to collect up to 8 kg of berries from a bush. The fruits are sweet and sour, fragrant. The taste is highly dependent on weather conditions. Blueberry skin is dense, does not crack, but the berry falls off the branches when ripe.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features


Blueberries are tall, with high yields. With normal care, the number of berries reaches 10 kg per bush. Fruiting increases with the age of the plant. The fruits are tasty, fragrant, with dense pulp, well tolerate transportation over long distances.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features


A variety with medium frost resistance. The lower temperature threshold is -24 … -28 ° С. The fruits are large, but there is sourness in the taste. The skin is thin, the berries are not suitable for transportation. They are consumed fresh or immediately processed. Fruiting is extended, which allows you to harvest as it ripens.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

Blue Ray

Blueberries of this variety tolerate frosts down to -34 ° C, while bearing fruit well. Bluray berries are large, tasty, there are a lot of them on one plant. They don’t thrive at the same time. The yield is above average. However, blueberries are more often consumed fresh, they are not suitable for transportation.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

North Country

Bush of medium vigor, bears fruit with small berries. The yield is only 1,5-3 kg per plant. A variety for industrial cultivation, since it is difficult to pick small berries by hand. The taste of blueberries is excellent.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

Comment! The frost resistance of the plant is high, North Country blueberries survive at -40°C.

Planting and caring for tall blueberries

Growing blueberries is not a hassle. It is enough to plant a shrub correctly to enjoy a delicious berry every year.

Recommended dates

You can plant tall blueberries in early spring or autumn. The second option is suitable for regions with a mild climate. But in central Our Country, experienced gardeners recommend not postponing blueberry planting until autumn. It is carried out in the spring, while the buds have not yet blossomed. During the season, the shrub will get stronger, grow up and successfully endure winter frosts.

Site selection and soil preparation for tall blueberries

Grow tall blueberries in well-lit areas. In the shade, the berry becomes small, does not have time to ripen. The fruiting of the shrub is reduced, in some cases it stops completely.

The south side of the site is taken away for landing, well protected from drafts and cold winds.

The shrub is unpretentious to soils, but the neighborhood with other crops does not tolerate well. A few years before planting, it is better to keep the land fallow.

Before planting, the site is dug up, mineral fertilizers are added. To give looseness to the soil, sawdust is added.

How to plant tall blueberries in spring or autumn

Planting in spring is not much different from autumn. You need to choose the right seedling. It is better to purchase seedlings with a closed root system. They get along well.

This shrub cannot be planted by transshipment. Before planting, blueberry seedlings are soaked in water to completely free them from the earthen clod and straighten the roots. The plant will not be able to develop roots in the ground on its own. The root system is very fragile.

The size of the landing pit is standard – 60 x 60 cm. At the same time, the depth of the hole reaches half a meter. If it is planned to plant several plants, then up to 1,5 m is left between them. At least 3,5 m recede between rows.

The bottom of the pit is filled with a nutrient substrate mixed with sawdust, needles and sulfur. During planting, the root neck is deepened by 3 cm. The roots are straightened, the remaining voids are filled with soil.

Important! After planting, the trunk circle is mulched. The height of the layer depends on the season. In autumn, the thickness of the mulch is up to 12 cm.

Rules for growing tall blueberries

Tall blueberries do not need special care, but some nuances must be taken into account when growing. The shrub is demanding on soil moisture, so watering is an important part of care.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

Watering tall blueberries should be plentiful, the soil should always remain moist. However, in 2 days all moisture should be absorbed. Otherwise, a fungus will develop on the roots, which will cause rot. It is considered correct to water blueberries 2 times a week. You need to be especially attentive to soil moisture during the fruiting period. If there is not enough moisture, then the flower buds will not have time to prepare for the next year.

During a period of intense heat, the bushes are not only watered, but also sprayed. This will help keep the plant from overheating.

There is no need to feed blueberries. However, mineral fertilizers can be applied, especially if the soil is not nutritious enough. In the spring they are fed with nitrogen complexes – up to 90 g per plant. In this case, the norm is divided by 2 times. The first time they fertilize in early May, then – in the first decade of June.

Blueberry tall: fruit and berry crops, growing features

After that, potash fertilizers are applied until the very autumn at the rate of 100 g per bush. They are also divided into several times.

Loosening and mulching the soil

You need to loosen the soil around the bush a couple of times a season. Frequent loosening dries out the soil, which is unacceptable for blueberries. The root system will experience a lack of moisture.

It is important to remember that blueberry roots are located superficially, so careless loosening can injure them. The tool is not buried more than 8 cm.

To ensure oxygen access to the roots, but to avoid frequent loosening, you need to mulch the soil surface with sawdust or other organic mulch. Several times a season, the layer needs to be updated. This will create the necessary growing conditions for tall blueberries and reduce the number of irrigations.

Features of trimming

Pruning for blueberries is very important. The shrub quickly ages and overgrows, so you need to remove unnecessary shoots in time. In the spring, after the buds swell, all diseased branches are cut out, broken and thickening the bush. Last year’s shoots are pruned just a little to stimulate growth. They will develop the bulk of the crop. In summer, cut out the entire basal growth. In autumn, bushes older than 5 years are rejuvenated. For this, 3-5 young shoots are left, and the rest are cut out completely.

How to winterize tall blueberries

Many varieties of tall blueberries winter well in open ground and do not require additional shelter. But young plants or newly planted ones need to be protected from upcoming frosts. To do this, they are well spudded and covered with spruce branches or a layer of dry foliage, the soil is preliminarily mulched to a height of 12-15 cm.

Pests and diseases of tall blueberries

If you properly care for blueberries, then the bushes grow strong and healthy, well resist major diseases. But preventive treatments in early spring and after harvesting will not interfere. They will prevent:

  • leaf spots;
  • botrytis;
  • fruit moniliosis;
  • late blight;
  • root rot.

It is difficult to fight diseases, so it is better to spray the bushes with Bordeaux liquid. Treatments are repeated at intervals of 2-3 weeks. If they are not carried out, then blueberries may die.

Of the pests, blueberries are annoyed by:

  • crunches;
  • may beetles;
  • caterpillars;
  • aphid;
  • scale shield.

Blueberries are also damaged by birds. To prevent the reproduction of pests, blueberries are treated with insecticides. Aktellik has proven itself especially well.


Blueberries are tall – a useful berry that you can grow yourself. It is enough to choose the right variety and comply with all the conditions of agricultural technology.


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