Blueberry Spartan

Blueberry Spartan is a well-known variety that has become widespread in America and Europe. Its main advantages are winter hardiness, presentation and good taste.

History of breeding

Blueberry Spartan has been cultivated since 1977. Variety bred in the USA. When working on it, wild varieties of blueberries growing in the marshy places of North America were used.

Description of berry culture

The blueberry variety Spartan has a number of features that distinguish it from other varieties.

General idea of ​​the variety

Blueberry Spartan is a deciduous perennial shrub 1,5-2 m high. The shoots are powerful and erect.

The leaves are simple, elongated, dark green. Young foliage is bright green. In September, the leaves turn red, so the shrub takes on a decorative look.

The root system is branched and fibrous, lies at a depth of up to 40 cm. The roots grow when the soil warms up until the end of spring. Then their growth stops and resumes with the onset of autumn. When the temperature drops, the root system stops growing.

Flowers in the variety Spartan are formed at the ends of the shoots. Flower buds are located along the entire length of the shoots. Each bud produces 5-10 flowers.


Characteristics of the Spartan variety:

  • light blue color;
  • round shape;
  • average weight 1,6 g;
  • scale 16-18 mm;
  • dense pulp.

Berries have a pleasant sour taste and pronounced aroma. Tasting properties are estimated at 4,3 points.

Blueberry Spartan


When choosing a blueberry variety, its main characteristics are taken into account: winter hardiness, fruiting time, disease resistance.

Main advantages

Tall blueberries Spartan do not tolerate excess moisture in the soil. When caring for a variety, watering must be normalized.

Variety Spartan has a high winter hardiness. Bushes endure even harsh winters under snow cover. Shoots do not freeze.

Due to the dense skin, the berries endure long-term transportation. It is recommended to transport fruits in containers equipped with temperature controllers.

Blueberries need a special soil composition. To obtain a high yield, plants are provided with constant care: pruning, top dressing and watering.

Flowering period and ripening period

In the middle lane, blueberries bloom in early or mid-June, depending on the climatic conditions of the region. Due to late flowering, the buds are not subject to spring frosts.

Variety Spartan refers to mid-season. Ripening of berries begins in late July – early August.

Yield indicators, fruiting terms

The fruiting of blueberries Spartan is extended in time and is about 2,5 – 3 weeks. During the ripening period, the berries are removed in several approaches, from 3 to 5 times. Harvesting begins when the fruits are fully colored. Berries ripening in 1-2 approaches have the best presentation and large sizes.

The yield of the Sparta variety is from 4,5 to 6 kg. The first berries begin to be harvested 3-4 years after planting the bush. The culture brings a stable harvest for 6-8 years.

Scope of berries

The Spartan variety is recommended for fresh consumption. Vitamin tea, fruit platter, cake decoration are prepared from berries.

According to reviews of Spartan blueberries, the fruits tolerate freezing and drying well. From them get jams, jams, juices, compotes.

Disease and pest resistance

Blueberry Spartan is resistant to diseases of moniliosis, dying off of shoots, mummification of berries. The variety retains medium resistance to pests.

Blueberry Spartan

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of the Spartan variety:

  • good taste;
  • high transportability of berries;
  • self-fertility;
  • disease resistance.

Disadvantages of Blueberry Spartan:

  • sensitivity to high humidity;
  • requires soil acidification;
  • takes a long time to bear fruit.

Rules of landing

Proper planting and care of Spartan blueberries will allow you to get stable high yields. Be sure to analyze the quality of the soil and make nutrients.

Recommended dates

The culture is planted both in autumn and in spring. Planting in the spring is more preferable, since the plant has time to take root during the growing season. Work is carried out after the snow melts, but before the buds swell in the trees.

Choosing the right place

Under the bushes, a well-lit area is allocated, protected from the effects of the wind. Constant exposure to the sun will ensure high yields.

It is important to prevent moisture stagnation on the site. The root system suffers from cold water, the bush develops slowly and does not bear fruit.

Soil Preparation

Blueberries prefer acidic soil with a pH of 4 to 5. Soil for cultivation is obtained by mixing peat with sand, sawdust and pine needles. If the soil is clay, a drainage layer is required.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Spartan seedlings are bought in trusted centers or nurseries. It is recommended to choose plants with a closed root system. Before planting, the blueberries are carefully removed from the container and the roots are kept in water for 15 minutes.

Blueberry Spartan

Algorithm and landing scheme

The order of planting blueberries Spartan:

  1. Pits are dug on the site with a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of 50 cm. Between the bushes they stand 1 m.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer of crushed stone or pebbles is poured. A prepared substrate is placed on top to form a small hill.
  3. The plant is carefully planted on a mound, the roots are straightened and covered with earth.
  4. The seedling is watered abundantly, the soil is covered with peat, straw or bark with a layer of 5 cm.

Culture aftercare

To obtain a high yield, blueberries are provided with constant care. Be sure to normalize watering, fertilize, trim the bush.

Necessary activities

When growing Spartan blueberries, it is watered moderately, the soil should not dry out and contain too much moisture. Mulching the soil with sawdust helps to reduce the amount of watering. The optimal layer of mulch is from 5 to 8 mm.

In the spring, blueberries are fed with mineral complexes containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Every 10 days, to acidify the soil, the bushes are watered with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

Important! Blueberries are not fertilized with organic matter.

Loosening the soil provides oxygen and nutrients to the roots. As a result, the growth and yield of bushes improves.

shrub pruning

Pruning is required for blueberries older than 6 years. At the bottom of the bush, shoots are removed. Branches older than 6 years are also cut out. From 3 to 5 of the largest shoots are left on the bush.

Pruning allows you to rejuvenate the bush and increase its yield. The procedure is carried out in late autumn after leaf fall or in spring before the start of the growing season.

Preparation for winter

With proper planting and care for Spartan blueberries in the Moscow region, bushes tolerate winters well without shelter. In autumn, 100 g of superphosphate is added under the plant.

Young seedlings are insulated with agrofiber and spruce branches. In winter, snow is thrown on the bush.

Blueberry Spartan

Collection, processing, storage of crops

Blueberries are harvested manually or mechanically. Berries are frozen, dried or processed into blanks.

According to reviews of the Spartan blueberry variety, due to the dense skin, the berries tolerate long-term storage well. Fruits are kept in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The most dangerous blueberry diseases are shown in the table:





Mučnistaâ rosa

Yellowish spots on the leaves, with time the leaf plate becomes wrinkled.

Spraying with drugs Fundazol or Topaz.

  1. Irrigation regulation.
  2. Timely pruning.
  3. In spring and autumn, spraying blueberries with fungicides.


Brown spots on leaves. Gradually, the foliage turns yellow and falls off ahead of time.

Treatment of bushes with Bordeaux liquid or fungicide Abiga-Peak.

Common crop pests are listed in the table:


Description of the lesion

Methods of struggle



Leaves curl and fall, fruits shrink.

Treatment with Aktara.

  1. Soil digging.
  2. Burning fallen leaves.
  3. Spraying with insecticides in spring and autumn.

The Mite

The pest eats out the kidneys, sucks the juice from the leaves.

Spraying the bush with Nitrafen or iron sulfate.


Blueberry Spartan gives a high yield with constant care. Bushes need fertilizing, watering and pruning.

Blueberry Spartan


Mikhail, 54 years old, Zelenograd
I grow several varieties of blueberries, last year I decided to add a Spartan seedling to them. Focused on the reviews of garden blueberries Spartan. Under the culture, I have a well-lit area. This variety has the sweetest berries. Be sure to mulch the soil under the bushes with sawdust. To water less often, I cover the soil with roofing material.
Larisa, 42 years old, Leningrad Region
A few years ago I saw powerful blueberry bushes with beautiful berries from my friends. I planted several bushes of the Spartan variety in the country. The seedlings took root well, the first plentiful harvest was received after 4 years. Berries with a pleasant illuminating taste, are stored in the refrigerator for a long time and do not deteriorate.
Blueberry Spartan. Vaccinium corymbosum Spartan. Landing 2016

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