Blueberry patriot: variety characteristics, planting and care

Blueberry patriot: variety characteristics, planting and care

Blueberry patriot: variety characteristics, planting and care

Cultivated varieties of tall blueberries are increasingly appearing in summer cottages. Gardeners plant different varieties, guided by personal preferences. At the moment, more than 50 varieties of berries intended for cultivation are known. One of the most popular is the blueberry Patriot.


Blueberry Patriot is a mid-ripening horticultural variety. The berries ripen in mid-July. This is a perennial plant. The bush is quite large, its height can reach up to 2 meters, for the most part it is 1,5 m. However, the branching of the plant is not very developed, the stems have a rectilinear shape. Those who are lucky enough to grow Patriot blueberries note the high decorativeness of the bushes, so planting this variety on the site will delight not only with excellent yields, but with a wonderful appearance: in spring – with beautiful decorative flowering, in autumn – with a cheerful color of foliage.

Blueberry patriot: variety characteristics, planting and care

Top dressing should never be carried out with organic fertilizers! No manure, compost, etc. Only mineral fertilizers are used. The berries have a slightly flattened shape, their average diameter is 17-19 mm, which makes it possible to call the fruits rather large. Unripe berries have a characteristic red color, while ripe ones are light blue. On the bush, the fruits are collected in clusters. The taste of garden blueberries is very pleasant, so experts recommend eating fresh berries. The peel of the fruit is elastic, the berries are perfectly stored and tolerate transportation.Blueberry patriot: variety characteristics, planting and care


Blueberry garden Patriot has a number of advantages over other varieties:

  • The yield of each bush with proper care can reach record sizes. Each bush will annually bring the gardener up to 9 kg of berries. Such a high yield makes it possible to use the variety for growing berries on an industrial scale;
  • The berries keep well and are very tasty;
  • The plant is frost-resistant, able to perfectly endure even severe frosts in winter. Temperatures up to -29 ° C are easily tolerated. At lower values, the bush tolerates cold well if it is previously covered. Therefore, the Patriot is quite suitable for growing in any regions with a fairly harsh climate;
  • The variety is selectively bred, it has inherent grafted protection against common blueberry diseases caused by fungal infections, such as late blight, root rot and stem cancer;
  • Due to the straightness of the branches and the low branching of the plant, the fruits receive a sufficient amount of light for ripening, so planting bushes on the plot may be somewhat thicker, which will save you the allotted space for the plantation;
  • The average ripeness of the fruits shows that the plant does not bloom in early spring, so it has a reduced possibility of frost damage during the flowering period. The critical temperature for a flowering bush is +1 degree;
  • Harvesting at the end of July will allow you to grow Patriot even in conditions of a not too long summer;
  • The berries do not fall from the bush when ripe, they stay on it for up to 10 days, so you will invariably have time to harvest the entire crop.


Planting and caring for the Patriot variety is almost no different from growing blueberries on the site.Blueberry patriot: variety characteristics, planting and care

The plant feels great in a sunny area, protected from the wind. Seedlings are planted in early spring or autumn in prepared soil. Ordinary land from the garden is not suitable. The plant needs acidic soil with good drainage, which should be prepared separately. It is necessary to achieve a pH of 3,5-4,5, and a maximum of 5. If you overdo it, the bush will die. A favorable soil mix for planting contains sand, peat and pine forest soil.

The root system of blueberries is close to the surface, so when planting, try to ensure a good outflow of excess moisture. Many gardeners recommend digging a trench or planting a bush on a small mound.

Care for blueberries consists in timely watering and top dressing. It is important not to allow the plants to dry out, but also not to overdo it. Blueberry patriot: variety characteristics, planting and careIn order for the soil to retain moisture well, the bushes are mulched with pine bark or last year’s needles, by the way, this also helps to get rid of weeds. Water for irrigation should also be acidified.

When the bush reaches 5 years of age, it can be thinned out and pruned. Work is best done in early spring before bud break or in late autumn, as the leaves fall. All activities are simple, and carried out on time and correctly will help you achieve excellent yields.

Video “Features of growing blueberries of the Patriot variety”

From the video you will learn how to properly plant, grow and care for Patriot blueberries.

Blueberry “Patriot” – video review from Greensad

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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