Blueberry liqueur: 4 recipes at home

To prepare blueberry liqueur, you can use fresh, dried and frozen berries. In recipes using an alcohol base, you can add alcohol, vodka or high-quality moonshine.

Before proceeding with the preparation of the liqueur, blueberries must be sorted out and spoiled and rotten berries removed.

They also make from blueberries: wine, liqueurs, tinctures, syrup

Blueberry liqueur «Double alcohol»


  1. Blueberries – 1,5 kg

  2. Vodka – 1 l

  3. Food alcohol – 500 ml

  4. Granulated sugar – 750 g

  5. Cinnamon – 1,5 sticks

  6. Cloves – 3 buds

Method of preparation

  1. Blueberries must be washed, dried and transferred to a glass jar.

  2. Add sugar and spices to the berries, shake the container well and cover with gauze.

  3. We leave it for 3-7 days on the windowsill and shake it daily so that the berry does not sour.

  4. After the blueberry syrup is formed, pour food alcohol and insist 30 days in a dark, cool place.

  5. A month later, we drain the first infusion, and fill the berries with vodka and insist another 14 days.

  6. Then we filter the second infusion and mix it with the first.

  7. Before bottling the finished liquor, it must be filtered.

  8. Before tasting, we keep the drink for another 6 months in a dark, cool place.

Blueberry liqueur from dried berries on moonshine


  1. Dried blueberries – 250 g

  2. Moonshine (45%) – 750 g

  3. Granulated sugar – 250 g

  4. Water – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the berries into a glass container and fill it with moonshine. Let it brew for 14 days in a cool dark place.

  2. After 2 weeks, pour the blueberry tincture into another container.

  3. We cook a simple sugar syrup and, after cooling, pour it into the alcoholized berries. We let it brew for about 7 days.

  4. After the required time, we filter the blueberry syrup and mix it with the tincture.

  5. The finished liqueur is filtered and bottled.

  6. Before tasting, we keep in a dark, cool place for at least six months.

Blueberry liqueur without alcohol component

Please note that this recipe does not use an alcoholic component and the liqueur is prepared through natural fermentation. According to this recipe, the berry cannot be washed, this is due to the fact that upon contact with water, wild yeast is washed off, which is necessary to start the fermentation process.


  1. Blueberries – 1,5 kg

  2. Water – 300 ml

  3. Sugar – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Fresh unwashed berries must be chopped in a way convenient for you (with a blender, pusher, hands or a meat grinder).

  2. Transfer the prepared blueberries to a glass container, add sugar and water.

  3. After everything is well mixed, cover the neck with gauze and leave for 3-4 days in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25 degrees. Once a day, stir the contents of the jar with a clean wooden spoon.

  4. As soon as the first signs of fermentation appear, instead of gauze, we install a water seal and leave it in a dark place for 1–1,5 months.

  5. After the fermentation is completely over, the drink must be filtered and then passed through the filter.

  6. The finished liquor is poured into glass bottles and kept for 2-3 months in a dark, cool place.

  7. Then you can start tasting.

Spicy blueberry liqueur


  1. Blueberries – 1 kg

  2. Food alcohol – 1 l

  3. Granulated sugar – 750 g

  4. Water – 400 ml

  5. orange zest – to taste

  6. Cinnamon – 0,5 sticks

  7. Carnation – 2 pcs.

  8. Calamus root – small slice

Method of preparation

  1. Wash blueberries, crush a little with your hands and leave for 3 hours at room temperature. Then rub the blueberries through a sieve.

  2. Add all the spicy ingredients to the resulting juice and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain through a strainer or gauze.

  3. Cook classic sugar syrup.

  4. After the syrup has cooled, mix it with strained spicy juice and pour into a glass container.

  5. Now we pour in the alcohol base and insist 90 days in a warm place.

  6. After the specified time, we pass the liquor through a home-made or purchased filter and bottle it.

  7. Before tasting, the drink is kept for 3 months in a dark, cool place.

Relevance: 05.12.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueur Recipes

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