Blueberry leaf: useful properties and contraindications

Since ancient times, blueberries have been especially popular not only in medicine, but also in other areas of life. It is known that the medicinal properties and contraindications of blueberry leaves depend not only on the composition of the berry itself, but also on the conditions for the collection, preparation and storage of this unique product. There are many technologies that preserve the benefits of blueberry leaves, everyone can find a recipe to their taste.

Blueberry leaf: useful properties and contraindications

Composition of blueberry leaves

The properties of blueberry leaves depend primarily on the chemical composition. This part of the black berry is known to contain the same substances as other parts of the plant. However, their concentration is much lower. However, the benefits of blueberry leaves are very high.

So, blueberry leaves contain:

  • tannins (18-20%);
  • flavonoids and carotenoids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • arbutin;
  • sahara and disasahara;
  • organic acids: citric, gallic, malic, oxalic, benzoic, tartaric;
  • vitamins: A, B, C;
  • trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulfur, calcium, chlorine;
  • essential oils.

The beneficial properties of blueberry leaves are due to the complex action of all these compounds.

What is useful blueberry leaf

Blueberry leaf has many beneficial properties.

The main substances that characterize the blueberry leaf on the positive side:

  1. Vitamins help strengthen immunity and improve a person’s well-being with beriberi in autumn and spring.
  2. Essential oils give a unique scent. At the same time, they contribute to the normalization of blood circulation and the work of the heart muscle in general.
  3. Organic acids restore the chemical balance in the human body. In addition, they help bring down the temperature and normalize bowel function during various attacks of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Trace elements in blueberries help to fill the deficiency in the human body of certain substances.
  5. Anthocyanins help to improve the state of prolonged stress. Improve the functioning of the nervous system, reduce fatigue and apathy, increase efficiency.
  6. Tannins are compounds that help restore and strengthen the body in various viral infectious diseases.
  7. Arbutin. This substance plays an important role in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system of the body.
  8. Flavonoids and carotenoids regulate the concentration of glucose in the blood. That is, blueberry leaf is useful for diabetes. At the same time, it is not the shoots themselves that should be used as efficiently as possible, but a decoction of them (tea from blueberry leaves).

Blueberry leaf: useful properties and contraindications

In blueberries, not only medicinal leaves are useful, but also products made from them. Infusions and teas cope with increased acidity of the stomach and poor functioning of the intestinal tract. Medicines help reduce blood cholesterol and normalize the entire cardiovascular system. Not only leaves, but also ointments, creams, tinctures contribute to the complete healing of burns, abscesses, wounds, and superficial injuries. Tablets, capsules, drops help people suffering from diseases of the eyes, genitourinary system, viral and bacterial infections.

In addition, many doctors recommend using blueberries as a prevention of cancer. Various products based on blueberry parts help to effectively lose weight, while improving the external data of a person.

Comment! In addition to useful substances, blueberry shoot contains toxic compounds, so it should be consumed in moderation.

When to Harvest Blueberry Leaves

Blueberries are harvested at the time of flowering – the period from May to June. At this time, gardeners recommend choosing bright green, succulent leaves without specks.

Since blueberries are easily contaminated, you should not take shoots and berries with:

  • white or brown spots;
  • black dots;
  • withered branches.

Darkened blueberries are also not worth taking.

Here are some more important tips:

  1. It is best to cut the branches and collect the desired parts in dry, calm weather with your hands. And in the rainy season, it is better to use gloves and scissors.
  2. You can not immediately cut off all the shoots, otherwise blueberries will not be able to bear fruit for a long time.
  3. Since this berry is subject to the toxic effects of various substances, it should be collected away from highways and highways.

After collecting the leaves, it is important to properly prepare them for further processing.

Rules of raw material procurement

Blueberry leaf: useful properties and contraindications

The preparatory work algorithm is quite simple:

  1. Raw materials should be laid out in a thin layer on a special fabric for fruits or vegetables (canvas or cotton bags).
  2. Put in a well-ventilated dark place.
  3. Leave for 4-5 days. The temperature in the room should reach 40-45 degrees above zero.
  4. To prevent mold and rot, the leaves should be sorted out regularly.
  5. The completion of the process occurs when the raw material can easily crumble in the hands.

You should be aware that many shoots may darken during the drying process – they cannot be used.

How to brew blueberry leaves

There are many ways to prepare a decoction from different parts of blueberries.

Classic Edition


  • water;
  • shoots.


  1. Boil the kettle.
  2. Pour dry ingredients into a sieve.
  3. Pour water.
  4. Boil.

For flavor, you can add mint, jasmine or lemon.

1 option


  • water (mineral) – 1 l;
  • shoots.


  1. Prepare the berry.
  2. A quarter of the volume of dry raw materials should be boiled in water.
  3. Cool and strain through cheesecloth.

It is used for dermatitis and ulcers. It is enough to moisten the cloth with this decoction and apply it to the damaged areas, make a compress.

2 option

Blueberry leaf: useful properties and contraindications


  • water (mineral) – 1 l;
  • prepared shoots.


The same as in the previous version. However, the volume of water is taken 2 times less. This infusion should be used as enemas and lotions for hemorrhoids.

3 option


  • water (mineral) – 0,35 l;
  • shoots – 1/3 of all raw materials.


  1. Boil dry ingredients in water.
  2. Let it brew for 2 hours.

Such a drink treats diseases of the oral cavity well. It is enough to rinse your mouth with this infusion every 3 hours. Improvement on the third day of treatment.

4 option


  • water (boiling water) – 3 tablespoons;
  • shoots – 3 tablespoons.


  1. Boil dry ingredients in water for a quarter of an hour. In this case, the container must be closed. However, stir regularly.
  2. Cool the drink and strain through cheesecloth. Cool down.
  3. Dilute with water 1:3.

The drink helps with diabetes. This amount should be consumed per day.

How to ferment blueberry leaf

Fermentation is needed for good absorption by the human body of all the nutrients of blueberry shoots. In this case, the leaf tissues are subjected to additional processing: sparingly soluble compounds are converted into easily digestible elements.

The main process of fermentation of blueberry leaves occurs during harvesting (drying). Moreover, you can use different options: convection oven, oven, microwave, basement, cellar. The temperature in these appliances is different and the drying time will be different.

Fermentation is completed by preparing infusions, decoctions, alcohol medicines and teas based on this part of the berry.

Important! Do not overdry blueberry leaves, as this will lead to the loss of the main beneficial properties.

Recipes of traditional medicine

There are many different ways to treat almost all diseases of the body with this unique product.

With diarrhea


  • water – 0,5 l;
  • shoots – 0,1 kg;
  • suitable container.


  1. Put the prepared ingredient in an iron dish, pour water.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool, strain.

Take orally 3 times a day after meals.

With constipation

Blueberry leaf: useful properties and contraindications


  • water – 0,2 l;
  • shoots – 0,1 kg;
  • capacity.


  1. Similar technique as in the previous version.
  2. Let it brew for four hours.

Consume inside a day with an interval of 2 hours.

With diabetes


  • water – 0,5 l;
  • shoots (blueberries, dandelions, nettles) – 0,05 kg each;
  • capacity.


  1. Mix all the ingredients in one bowl, pour water.
  2. Boil 20 minutes.
  3. Cool and strain.

Consume hot.



  • water – 0,5 l;
  • shoots (blueberries, motherwort, lemon balm, arnica) – 0,05 kg each;
  • capacity.

Cooking Method:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in one bowl, grind, pour prepared water.
  2. Boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Cool and strain.

Use at least three times a day for 0,05 liters. The composition is useful for pregnant women and women when breastfeeding.

For diseases of the genitourinary system


  • water – 0,25 l;
  • shoots – 100 g;
  • capacity.


  1. Mix all the components in one bowl, pour water.
  2. Boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Cool and strain. Leave to infuse for 8 hours.

Drink hot daily 3 times a day for a month. The course can be repeated in two weeks.

For eye diseases

Blueberry leaf: useful properties and contraindications


  • water – 0,5 l;
  • shoots -0,5 kg;
  • capacity.


  1. Mix all the constituent parts in one bowl, grind, pour water.
  2. Boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Cool and drain.

Drink hot 2-3 times a day.

Use in cosmetology

Blueberries are used not only in the industrial production of cosmetics, but also at home:

  1. Infusions, decoctions are used as antiseptics against unhealthy skin. They are used to remove acne, acne or allergic manifestations. Useful for herpes on the skin of the face.
  2. Frozen leaf decoction tones and improves skin condition.
  3. For girls with any skin type, a moisturizing mask based on blueberry parts is suitable. It does not leave any marks on the face.
  4. In addition to masks, you can make wellness scrubs by adding cream or sour cream to the base.

A decoction of these leaves can be washed.

Blueberry leaves for diabetes

Although the blueberry leaf and products from it reduce blood sugar, they should still be used together with the main complex of therapeutic agents. This is due to the fact that the tests are carried out on rodents, in which the metabolism is 4-7 times faster than in humans.

This means that a 40% reduction in sugar in rodents will not correspond to the rate of glucose decline in humans over the same time. But this product should not be completely removed from the diet.

Advice! If you have diabetes, you should drink blueberry tea.


Despite their beneficial properties, blueberry leaves also have contraindications.

The use of plant leaves is not recommended for:

  • possible individual intolerance to the components of the composition of blueberry leaves, this applies to both external agents and preparations intended for internal use.
  • oxalaturin in various chronic diseases, since blueberries are a good choleretic agent, oxalates (salts of useful metals) can be removed with urine, which then leads to dehydration and, in advanced cases, death;
  • with kidney stones, partial blockage and obstruction due to the action of blueberry leaves is possible.

Blueberries should be used with caution in diabetes mellitus.

Terms and conditions of storage

Blueberry leaves should be stored in linen or canvas bags in a cool, dark place for two years.

Infusions, decoctions, as well as other medicines from blueberry leaves can be put in the refrigerator. The shelf life is 1 year.


The medicinal properties and contraindications of blueberry leaves presented above should suggest the correct option for using this product in each individual case. Do not forget: everything should be in moderation. Before eating blueberry leaves, you should consult your doctor.

Blueberries – useful properties

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