Blueberry Erliblyu (Earliblue): variety description, reviews

Blueberry Erliblu is a variety of berries, which is characterized by early ripening, pleasant taste and content in its composition of a large number of useful substances. The variety was included in the State Register of the Federation in 2005, distributed not only in Our Country, but also in Belarus. It first appeared in North America in the middle of the last century.

Description of Blueberry Erliblu

Blueberry Erliblu is a medium-sized variety. The main varietal characteristics of the crop are early fruiting, resistance to frost and powdery mildew.

Features of fruiting

The Erliblu variety is self-fertile. Therefore, it needs to be cross-pollinated. To do this, it is necessary to plant several different crop bushes on the site. The main thing is that the flowering dates of the selected varieties coincide (beginning of July), this will ensure the early ripening of Erliblu blueberries, improve the quality and quantity of fruits.

Blueberry stalks have a reddish tint, grow up to 2 meters in height. Bushes do not form a large number of shoots, therefore they do not need constant pruning and thinning. The culture is also grown as an ornamental plant.

The fruits of the shrub have a sweet-sour taste, contain a large amount of vitamins. During the season, about 5 – 7 kg of berries can be collected from a bush, and with special care, indicators can reach 9 – 10 kg. The berries themselves weigh about 2 g, but do not fall off even when fully ripe.

Fruit keeping quality is low – no more than 20 days, so the berries do not tolerate long-term transportation. In this regard, after harvesting the berries, it is preferable to process or freeze.

Advantages and disadvantages

Blueberry garden Erliblu is a storehouse of vitamins and useful trace elements, as well as a berry with excellent taste. But it also has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the positive features of the variety, the following can be noted:

  • early maturation;
  • pleasant taste;
  • frost resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • immunity to powdery mildew.

The disadvantages include:

  • picky attitude to the quality of the soil;
  • low level of transportability of berries;
  • extended period of fruit ripening.

Features of reproduction

The Erliblu blueberry variety can be propagated by cuttings, seeds and layering. Seed propagation in summer cottages is not used, since it is a rather laborious and lengthy process.

Layers are also rarely used for propagation, only subject to experience in breeding a variety in a similar way.

Cuttings are the main way to propagate blueberries. Shoots suitable for planting grow from buds formed on semi-woody and woody cuttings.

Blueberry Erliblyu (Earliblue): variety description, reviews

Woody cuttings must be prepared in the winter by collecting several branches in a bundle. Store them in a cellar or refrigerator.

And semi-lignified branches are cut in the middle of summer, after which they are immediately planted in the soil, resorting to watering with special preparations that stimulate growth.

Planting and care 

Blueberry undersized Erliblu is a variety that is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. The main rule of cultivation is the correct planting of the crop.

Recommended dates

The best time to plant Erliblu blueberries is spring and autumn. Before planting in any season, it is recommended to soak the seedlings in water so that they can be saturated with moisture for 10 to 20 minutes. After that, the root system should be kneaded a little. All this contributes to the oxygen saturation of the roots.

Site selection and soil preparation

In order for seedlings to take root well, it is necessary to choose high-quality soil for them. Erliblu is a blueberry that prefers soil, the acidity of which ranges from 3,5 – 4,5 pH. To give the desired acidity, peat, sawdust, foliage and other materials are used.

Erliblu does not tolerate high moisture, so the variety should not be planted in wetlands and on clay soils. If water stagnates in the soil, the blueberry roots will begin to rot and die.

Erliblu prefers sunny places, but the shade can cause a decrease in yield and nutrients in berries.

Landing algorithm

Planting seedlings is carried out in prepared holes, the width and depth of which is 50 cm, and the distance between them is at least 1,5 meters. They are filled with a substrate with the required level of acidity.

Planting blueberries can be done in a variety of ways.

The first option is on the comb:

  1. It is necessary to dig a trench 10 cm deep and 100 cm wide.
  2. Pour the substrate into it to form a small mound.
  3. Plant a blueberry bush.
  4. Water.

The second option – wells:

  1. Make a trench or pit, the width of which will be at least 80 cm and the depth – 40 cm.
  2. Pour the prepared substrate there flush with the soil.
  3. Plant blueberries.
  4. Shed.

Blueberry Erliblyu (Earliblue): variety description, reviews

The third option is containers:

  1. Prepare a special container (you can use plastic and wooden containers).
  2. Make a few holes in it.
  3. Cover with suitable soil.
  4. Dig the container into the ground (you can not completely deepen the container, the main thing is that it is stable).
  5. Plant a blueberry bush.
  6. Water.
Attention! The container should be 5 times the size of the blueberry root ball. It is advisable to choose a wider container so that the roots can grow in breadth.

Planting Erliblu in containers is preferred as it is easier to provide the plant with soil of the right quality.

Cultivation and care

In order for Erliblu blueberries to look no worse than in the photo, they need to be grown properly. The culture needs top dressing, regular watering, pest control and rare pruning.

Blueberry Erliblyu (Earliblue): variety description, reviews

Watering Schedule

Since the yield of Erliblu blueberries is completely dependent on the level of moisture in the soil, watering must be taken responsibly. The variety does not like stagnant moisture at the roots, but it does not tolerate drought well. Therefore, the schedule for watering the bush must be strictly observed.

Experienced gardeners recommend shedding shrubs twice a week. And for every day there are two waterings – in the morning and in the evening. The amount of water is determined by the condition of the soil and the amount of precipitation. The average volume for each bush is 1 bucket at a time.

Important! In a dry hot period, the plant should be sprayed so that it does not overheat in the sun.

Top dressing schedule

Top dressing is one of the most important factors in growing blueberries, since the culture is demanding on soil acidity, and if the requirements are not met, it can die. This variety must be fertilized according to a specific schedule:

  1. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring.
  2. Nitrogen preparations are added in June, July and August.
  3. Phosphorus is applied in mid-summer and early autumn.
Attention! Blueberries of this variety are contraindicated organic.

The main signs that a plant needs soil acidification are its yellowing and dryness of the foliage. You can change the situation both with specialized preparations and by adding powder of sulfur, ammonia, citric acid (25 g per 5 liters of water) to the soil.


Annual pruning is not required. To maintain the health of the shrub, sanitization is carried out, starting only from the 3rd year of blueberry life. To do this, dried and diseased bushes are removed. To give decorativeness, you can cut the root growths.

Preparation for winter

Since one of the distinguishing features of Erliblu blueberries is that it belongs to varieties with a high level of frost resistance, the culture does not need special preparation before winter.

The only exceptions are regions whose climate is considered harsh, and frosts reach -40 degrees. In this case, it is recommended to erect a bush shelter. To do this, use the bark or needles, non-woven fiber.

Pests and diseases

Among the diseases that blueberries of this variety are susceptible to, there are both fungal and viral pathologies:

  • mummification of berries;
  • gray rot;
  • black spot;
  • stem cancer;
  • anthracnose.

Among pests, most often only birds become enemies of culture, from which the bush just needs to be covered with a net.

To prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to use special preparations with which blueberries are treated at the very beginning of spring.


Blueberry Erliblu is a variety that can please with juicy tasty berries already in July. At the same time, the berry does not require special care. The main thing is to follow the rules of planting, monitor the acidity of the soil and timely water and fertilize the crop.

Erliblu Blueberry Reviews

Vera, 34 years old, Zaraysk
Erliblu is one of the blueberry varieties planted on our site. In general, the culture is very unpretentious, although the ripening of the fruits is not yet uniform. But the plant is still young – only the 4th year, so this factor has to be put up with. As a rule, an older bush gives a more uniform crop, which can already be used for winter harvesting.
Galina, 53 years old, Lyubinsky
Growing blueberries in the Omsk region is no more difficult than other berries. Erliblu has been growing on the site for about 10 years, during which time they managed to identify the main advantages of the variety for themselves – the speed of ripening, the taste of fruits, and good frost resistance. Of the minuses, only the need to acidify the soil can be noted – you have to carry out such a procedure several times per season.
Blueberry variety Erliblu, Herbert, Darrow, Bluecrop. Season 2018. First training camp

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