Blueberry confiture and marshmallow

Blueberries are a unique berry that contains a large amount of useful vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. There are many ways to harvest blueberries for the winter. One of the most delicious delicacies for children and adults is blueberry pastille, which can be prepared at home without any problems, without the use of special equipment.

Blueberry confiture and marshmallow

When preparing marshmallows, the taste of berries almost does not change, since blueberries are subjected to minimal heat treatment. It also contributes to the preservation of all the beneficial vitamins contained in the berries. Blueberry confiture can rightly be considered another appetizing and fragrant dessert.

Blueberry confiture and marshmallow

Berry preparation

Blueberries are harvested at the end of summer. It is better to pick berries in a cool time: in the morning and in the evening. And the collected fruits should immediately be removed away from direct sunlight. Berries heated in the sun lose their appearance and taste.

Перед приготовлением пастилы или конфитюра ягоды черники перебирают, отбраковывают гнилые и поврежденные. Далее чернику откидывают на дуршлаг и промывают под холодной проточной водой.

Рецепты черничной пастилы

Any pastila gives scope for creativity. You can easily experiment. There are many options for making blueberry pastille. There are time-tested old classic recipes, and ideas invented by modern confectioners.

A simple recipe for blueberry marshmallow in the oven

Этот рецепт довольно прост. Для ее приготовления нам понадобится всего два ингредиента:

  • blueberry;
  • sugar.

Method of preparation:

  1. The berries are thoroughly washed and thrown into a colander.
  2. After all the water has drained, the blueberries are crushed using a blender.
  3. Add granulated sugar. This step can be skipped if there is enough sweetness.
  4. Пюре переливают в кастрюлю и ставят на средний огонь. Его следует варить в емкости с толстым дном.
  5. Доводят чернику до кипения. Варят не более трех минут.
  6. Leave the puree to cool. And at this time prepare a place for drying.
  7. Parchment paper is cut out in the form of a baking sheet and smeared with refined sunflower oil. Next, a thin layer of blueberry mixture (about 0,5 cm) is poured onto a baking sheet.
  8. Put the oven at 60-80 degrees and dry the marshmallow for 5-6 hours. The oven door is left ajar to allow the liquid to evaporate.
  9. The readiness of the formation is checked by gentle pressure. It shouldn’t stick to your hands. If it has dried sufficiently, remove the baking sheet from the oven and allow to cool.
  10. Cut the marshmallow into pieces, sprinkle with powdered sugar if necessary and serve with tea.

Blueberry confiture and marshmallow

Important! При приготовлении пастилы лучше воспользоваться силиконизированным пергаментом. С ним не возникнет проблемы со снятием пласта.

Blueberry pastille with apricots and strawberries

The taste of blueberries is combined with many other berries and fruits. An unusual combination is obtained by mixing apricots, strawberries and blueberries. Such pastille turns out to be multi-colored, elastic, and sweet, with a subtle pleasant sourness.

Necessary ingredients:

  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 8 tablespoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash fruits and berries.
  2. Strawberries are cleaned of sepals.
  3. Apricots are scalded with hot water and peeled off. Remove bones.
  4. Fruits and berries are separately crushed into puree using a blender.
  5. Sugar is divided into 3 parts and added to fruit and berry puree.
  6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease with vegetable oil.
  7. Каждое пюре тонким слоем поочередно наливают на противень. Должны получиться разноцветные полоски. Эти полоски с помощью кисточки или палетки соединяют между собой.
  8. Pastila is put to dry in the oven at a temperature of 80 degrees for 3-4 hours. A thin pencil is placed under the door.
  9. Readiness is checked with fingers. If the marshmallow does not stick to your hands, then it is completely ready.
  10. The finished layer is cut into thin strips. These strips are wrapped in the form of rolls.

Fragrant and healthy delicacy is ready.

Pastila from Apricots, Strawberries and Blueberries || Photo Kitchen on FOOD TV

Рецепты черничного конфитюра

Blueberry blanks are very popular. But not everyone knows how to make delicious confiture from this berry. A home-cooked product cannot be compared with a store-bought one.

Classic Blueberry Confiture Recipe

The recipe for making blueberry marshmallow is quite simple, and the preparation turns out to be unusually tasty.


  • blueberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Preparation of jam:

  1. Blueberries are picked. Wash under running water.
  2. Transfer the berries to a heavy-bottomed saucepan and add sugar to them. Mix gently.
  3. Put the saucepan on medium heat. When the mass boils, remove the resulting foam.
  4. Then the confiture is boiled over low heat for 1 hour, stirring regularly. As a result, the confiture should thicken and decrease in volume by 2 times.
  5. While the confiture is cooking, prepare the jars. They are pre-washed with warm water and must be sterilized.
  6. After 1 hour has elapsed, hot confiture is poured into sterilized jars and the lid is tightly closed. Flip upside down. In this state, it should completely cool down.

Fragrant blueberry confiture is ready! Now it can be served with tea or put away for storage.

Blueberry confiture and marshmallow

Attention! For the preparation of confiture, you should take dishes made of stainless steel or copper. Because a different kind of material may change the taste of the product.

Quick confiture “Five minutes”

This confiture was given such an interesting name, based on the method of its preparation. Boil it three times for five minutes. This blueberry delicacy is prepared for the winter, or you can enjoy it immediately after cooking. According to this recipe, a thick, fragrant and very tasty confiture is obtained.


  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 800

Description of preparation:

  1. Blueberries for confiture are sorted, washed. Remove branches.
  2. Then the berries are sent to an enamel pan and sugar is added. All this is left for 2-3 hours to isolate the blueberry juice and dissolve the sugar.
  3. Next, put the blueberries on medium heat and let this mass boil. Immediately after boiling, remove all the resulting foam. Boil 5 minutes.
  4. После этого его оставляют остывать.
  5. When the blueberry confiture has completely cooled, put it back on the fire and cook for another 5 minutes. Then let cool. And so repeat 3 times (total cooking time will be 15 minutes).
  6. Pour hot sweetness into sterilized jars.

Blueberry confiture and marshmallow

Terms and conditions of storage

Blueberry pastille is stored in glass jars or in airtight containers at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees and a relative humidity of 60%. However, it must be well dried.

Blueberry confiture is stored in a dark, cool place for up to 12 months. An open jar must be stored in the refrigerator. It should be noted that confiture with a lower sugar content is stored less.

Blueberry confiture and marshmallow


Blueberry confiture and blueberry marshmallow are such delicacies, by preparing which you can please yourself and your family with excellent taste, enrich the body with useful vitamins.

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