Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

Blueberry compote for the winter must be prepared by every housewife who has access to a berry. In regions where it is not possible to harvest for spins, the main drink is diluted, including other fruits in the total mass for a richer taste and aroma.

Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

The benefits of blueberry compote

Everyone knows about the benefits of berries, but it is worth considering in more detail the main advantages of eating them. It is an excellent antioxidant, has proven itself well as a method for the prevention of oncology.

The structure of the berries is varied. If we compare blueberries with other fruits, then the concentration of nutrients in it is significantly higher.


  • carbohydrates;
  • potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper;
  • organic acids;
  • mineral compounds;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • complex of vitamins of groups B, A, E.

Pectins, which are in abundance, cleanse the body. Consequently, when used, the body is smoothly released from toxins, toxic compounds, free radicals.

Blueberry compote improves eyesight. Enjoying a pleasant drink, you can evaluate its effect:

  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The use of compote from berries helps to normalize blood sugar levels, stabilize the bladder. You can improve digestion, stool, menstrual cycle.

Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

How to cook blueberry compote

Mostly all recipes for compotes from berries are similar to each other in terms of cooking technology, but each housewife has her own secrets on how to add zest. Before you start cooking, choose ripe, dense berries.

Important! Blueberries should not be overripe, as this will make the drink cloudy and unattractive.

The workpiece is rinsed, allowed to drain the water. Prepare in the winter for storage or cook compotes.

You can enjoy the drink in season or in winter if the crop is pre-frozen.

Frozen blueberry compote

Freezing does not affect the quality of berries and compote. The drink will support immunity, save at the first sign of a cold.

For cooking you will need:

  • frozen berry – 200 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1-1, 5 tablespoons;
  • water – 1 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The water is brought to a boil.
  2. Add sugar, simmer until completely dissolved.
  3. Frozen berries are poured into a container with water.
  4. Let simmer covered for 1 minute.
  5. After the drink has boiled, set aside without removing the lid until it cools.

It is better to serve a fragrant drink cool, but in winter it will be relevant and warm.

Fresh blueberry compote

During the harvest season, compote is brewed from freshly picked berries, sometimes diluted with seasonal fruits. To preserve the vitamin composition, some housewives do not boil blueberries.

For cooking, take the following ingredients:

  • fresh berry – 300 g;
  • granulated sugar – 300 g;
  • water – 2 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Disturbed blueberries, leaves, branches – eliminate.
  2. The workpiece is washed, allowed to drain.
  3. Pour blueberries and sugar into a sterilized jar.
  4. Boil water, pour the mixture.
  5. Close with a tight plastic lid.
  6. They let it brew.

Refrigerate the drink before drinking.

Important! Since the berries are not boiled, the contents of the jars are not designed for long-term storage.

Recipes for blueberry compote for the winter

In winter, blueberry compote must be present in the diet. This is a natural natural way to fill the body with vitamins and minerals. Drinking a drink during a cold, at elevated temperature, fever, you can avoid dehydration and speed up the recovery process of the body.

How to cook double pot blueberry compote

For cooking you will need:

  • blueberries – 750 g;
  • granulated sugar – 500 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • jar, volume 3 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour the prepared blueberries into the bottle.
  2. Add sugar to berries.
  3. Pour boiling water.
  4. Hold for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Drain the liquid part into a container and boil again.
  6. Pour the finished broth into jars, roll up, wrap.
Important! All jars for blanks must be sterilized.

Classic blueberry compote recipe

The classic approach to making blueberry compote does not require a lot of time. Three ingredients are used to make it:

  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Berries are prepared in the usual way.
  2. Half fill sterilized containers with blueberries.
  3. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar (5 minutes after boiling).
  4. The preparation of berries is poured with syrup.
  5. The containers are covered with lids and sterilized for about half an hour.
  6. Twist the lids, turn the container over, wrap it.
Important! To make the compote transparent, the sugar syrup should be filtered through several layers of gauze before pouring the berries.

Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

Blueberry compote for the winter without sterilization

Few people know that sterilization significantly reduces the amount of nutrients in the finished dish. In order not to deprive the compote of all the most valuable, the housewives learned to bypass this stage and prepare blueberry compote without sterilization.

For cooking you will need:

  • harvest – 600 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • bottle, 3 l;
  • water.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Berries that have been selected and prepared are poured into a container.
  2. Pour boiled water – for a quarter of an hour.
  3. The liquid is drained, sugar is added, boiled (5 minutes).
  4. All ingredients are combined, rolled up.
  5. The container is turned over, wrapped.

If necessary, prepare several bottles, the proportions are increased by 2-3 times, based on the number of cans required.

Blueberry compote with orange for the winter

The rich taste of blueberries harmoniously complements the orange. This is how you get a sweet compote with a slight sourness, a unique aroma.

For cooking take:

  • harvest – 600 g;
  • oranges – 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 600 g;
  • water – 5 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Blueberries are washed, allowed to drain.
  2. Orange is poured over with boiling water, cut into circles.
  3. Syrup is prepared (a mixture of water and sugar).
  4. Orange with berries are laid out in containers.
  5. Pour in syrup.
  6. Roll up.

Ready cans are turned upside down, wrapped. Leave until completely cool.

Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

Compote of blueberries and red currants

Redcurrant garnishes blueberry compote. If allergies do not allow the use of red varieties, you can replace them with white ones. Compote of blueberries and currants looks attractive, with amber color and sourness.

For cooking you will need:

  • prepared currants and blueberries, without stalks and leaves;
  • granulated sugar.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The finished product in arbitrary proportions is scattered over the banks.
  2. Syrup is made from water and sugar.
  3. Pour hot liquid into containers.
  4. Roll up.
  5. Turn over, wrap, let cool.

The finished drink is always relevant for the holidays and for daily use. Feeling the taste of summer is always nice on frosty winter days.

Raspberry and blueberry compote

Such a composition is a storehouse of vitamins and other substances valuable for the body. It should be noted that the number of berries may not be the same as indicated in the recipe. The proportions can be changed depending on the possibilities and preferences.

For cooking, take the following components:

  • blueberries – 300 g;
  • raspberries – 300 g;
  • granulated sugar – 300 g;
  • water – 3 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Banks are sterilized.
  2. The harvest is washed (raspberries can not be washed).
  3. Water is boiled with sugar added.
  4. Scatter the berry mix in a container.
  5. Pour in boiled syrup.
  6. Roll up, turn over, wrap.

The result is a drink of intense color and aroma. Berries during manipulations do not lose their shape. Compote of blueberries and raspberries for the winter should be prepared for all mothers who have small children and often suffer from colds.

Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

Compote of blueberries and apples

Varieties of apples for preparing a mix with blueberries are not of decisive importance. For cooking you will need:

  • apples and blueberries in a 1:1 ratio;
  • granulated sugar at the rate of 1 cup per 1 liter of water.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the fruits, cut into slices.
  2. Arrange the ingredients in layers in a bowl.
  3. Pour boiling water over, let it brew (a quarter of an hour).
  4. Drain liquid, add sugar.
  5. Boil the solution for about 5 minutes.
  6. Pour back to berries and fruits, roll up.

Banks are turned over, wrapped warm, allowed to cool.

Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

Blueberry compote for the winter with cranberries

Lingonberries can significantly complement the list of useful properties of compote. In order to get a delicacy and a useful tool for strengthening the barrier functions of the body all year round, it is worth trying to make a drink from blueberries with lingonberries.

For cooking you will need:

  • berries 700 g;
  • granulated sugar – 250 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • lemon zest – 2 teaspoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Berries are prepared in the usual way.
  2. Water is poured into a container set on fire, adding sugar, zest, juice;
  3. After dissolving the sugar, pour in the berries, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Leave upside down under a warm blanket until completely cooled.

Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

Blueberry and Lemon Compote

In areas where blueberries are in abundance, you can dilute the usual taste of compote by adding a little lemon notes.

For cooking, take the following components:

  • blueberries – 100 g;
  • lemon – a third of the average fruit;
  • granulated sugar – 90 g;
  • water – 850 ml.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Harvest is prepared for conservation.
  2. Lemon is poured over with boiling water, the zest is removed.
  3. The juice is squeezed carefully, taking away the seeds.
  4. Blueberries are scattered in sterile jars.
  5. Sprinkle zest on top, pour in juice.
  6. Syrup is made from water and sugar.
  7. With a boiled solution without grains, pour the product to the top.
  8. Roll up after sterilization.

Compote is well stored, but it is worth taking care and sterilizing the lids. You can enjoy your drink.

Blueberry compote for the winter: simple recipes

Terms and conditions of storage

Berry compote prepared according to the recommended recipes can be stored until the next berry season. At a temperature of 0 to 20 degrees, the drink can stand fully for a year and a half. The humidity in the storage room should be within 80%.


Blueberry compote for the winter is a convenient preparation that is a good alternative to frozen or fresh berries. Since not everyone has a place to store the crop at low temperatures, canning comes to the rescue. Having spent a little time, all year round you can enjoy a delicious drink, surprise guests, pamper children. Stocks of vitamin compotes make it possible to avoid unreasonably expensive purchases of industrial dietary supplements of unknown origin.

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