Blueberries come from North America, the main cluster of shrubs – on the slopes of mountains, floodplains, in the undergrowth. Wild-growing species formed the basis of breeding varieties that differ in the size of the bush, the level of fruiting and frost resistance. Blueberry Chandler is one of the first cultivars to appear on the market. The variety was created by European breeders in 1994, adapted to the climatic conditions of the temperate zone.

Blueberry Chandler (Cherndler, Chandler): variety description, planting and care, cultivation

Variety description

Garden blueberry variety Chandler, as in the photo above, is a perennial deciduous plant of late fruiting. It belongs to tall varieties, the height of adult blueberries is 1,5-1,7 m. The shrub is sprawling, branched, crown diameter is 1,5 m.0 C.

The Chandler variety is cultivated in regions with cold winters and in the south. Blueberries are especially popular with gardeners in Siberia, the Urals and the middle lane, and are often found in the gardens of the Moscow region. Chandler blueberries are grown for gastronomic purposes and as a design option. The shrub retains its decorative effect for the entire spring-autumn period from flowering to changing the color of the leaves. At the end of September, the shrub becomes yellow, then bright burgundy, the leaves do not fall until the first snow.

External characteristics of blueberry variety Chandler:

  1. The bush is rounded, sprawling, forms numerous fast-growing light green young shoots. Perennial stems are completely woody, gray in color with a brown tint.
  2. The blueberry bush Chandler is densely leafy, the length of the leaves is 3,5-4 cm, they are located oppositely. The shape of the plate is obovate with a sharp apex. The surface is smooth, hard, with a pronounced light central vein. Shanks are thick, short.
  3. Flowers pitcher-shaped, small. The buds are pink, and after blooming, white, drooping. Flowering is plentiful.
  4. Fruit clusters are formed on last year’s shoots, density – from 8 to 12 berries, located on the outer part of the bush.

The root system is superficial, underdeveloped, the roots are thin, fibrous type. They cannot provide food for blueberries on their own. The microelements necessary for the vegetation of planting the Chandler variety are obtained from interaction with the mycelium of the fungus, the so-called mycorrhiza, the symbiosis provides food for mushrooms and shrubs.

Attention! Mycelium can develop only in the acidic composition of the soil, so special attention is paid to this factor.

Features of fruiting

The high yield of the Chandler variety is ensured by late flowering, it occurs in June, frosts at this time, even in the Northern regions, are rare. Berries ripen unevenly, collection continues from August to September. If they do not have time to harvest part of the crop before the first frost, blueberries do not fall off, they completely retain their taste and shape.

Blueberry Chandler (Cherndler, Chandler): variety description, planting and care, cultivation

Chandler blueberry forms the first single flowers in the 3rd year of growth, they are removed from the shrub. The productivity of young blueberries is negligible, a certain amount of nutrients will be required for fruit ripening, this will slow down the growing season. Blueberries give a full-fledged harvest in the 5th year of growth, 5-7 kg of berries are harvested from one bush. The yield of the variety is stable every season, the plant is dioecious with cross-pollination.

Advice! If placed next to the late varieties Bonus or Elizabeth, the yield of Chandler blueberries will increase by 30%.

Chandler refers to large-fruited blueberries:

  • berries weighing – 2-2,5 g, diameter – 3 mm;
  • the shape is rounded, slightly compressed on both sides;
  • fruits acquire a dark blue color at the stage of technical ripeness, the tone does not change until full ripening;
  • the surface is smooth with a thin bluish film of wax coating, on the upper part there is a receptacle with jagged edges;
  • the flesh is dense, light purple with small brown seeds.

The taste is sweet and sour, the composition is dominated by sugar. Blueberries of this variety are juicy, with a delicate aroma. They use fresh fruits, make wine, process them into jam, freeze them. Shelf life within 3 days. The peel is thin, poorly resistant to mechanical damage, so transportation is difficult. Chandler is one of the few blueberries not grown commercially. The fruits are harvested by hand, the separation from the berry is not dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Referring to the reviews of gardeners about the variety, Chandler blueberries cannot be characterized unambiguously. The culture has its advantages over other varieties, but there are also disadvantages.

Benefits of Blueberry Chandler:

  • stable long-term fruiting;
  • high yield;
  • frost resistance, suitable for the northern climate;
  • weight, taste and juiciness of the berry;
  • the fruits do not fall off and are not baked in the sun;
  • the variety is self-fertile;
  • agricultural technology is simple.

The disadvantages of the Chandler blueberry variety include poor drought tolerance. With a lack of moisture, the vegetation slows down, the yield and taste of fruits decrease. The berries are sour, small, loose. Short shelf life and difficult transportation are not welcome in mass cultivation. Blueberries of this variety are poorly resistant to infection and pests.

Features of reproduction

Chandler blueberries are propagated only vegetatively:

  1. Layers. Before the buds swell, the lower branch is added dropwise, constantly watered throughout the season. The following spring, sections with rooted buds are cut and planted.
  2. By dividing the bush. For this method, blueberries of 4 years of growth are suitable. Work is carried out before flowering.
  3. Cuttings. The material is taken from the middle part of last year’s shoots in mid-June. Placed in the ground at an angle, watered, sheltered for the winter. In the spring, young shoots will appear on viable seedlings, strong material is chosen and planted in the allotted place.

Blueberry Chandler takes root well, any chosen method of reproduction will give a positive result.

Blueberry Chandler (Cherndler, Chandler): variety description, planting and care, cultivation

Planting and care

Before planting, a self-grown blueberry seedling is disinfected with a solution of manganese (lower the root for 4 hours) or an antifungal drug, act according to the instructions. Then for 3 hours they are placed in “Kornevin” – a growth stimulator. For the purchased material, preparatory measures are not needed, the seedling is processed before sale. The main requirement for blueberries from the nursery:

  • seedling not younger than 2 years;
  • without fungal and mechanical damage;
  • with closed root.

Recommended dates

Blueberry variety Chandler takes root quickly, frost resistance in adult shrubs and seedlings is on the same level. Blueberries are planted in spring and autumn. Dates are subject to local weather conditions. In spring, planting is possible after the soil warms up to +80 C. For the central part of Our Country – in May, in the south – in March-April. In autumn, planting is carried out 40 days before frost.

Site selection and soil preparation

The fruiting rate and growth rate of Chandler blueberries are completely dependent on sunlight. The variety does not tolerate even partial shading. The place should be open, with satisfactory air circulation, the plant is not afraid of drafts.

Soils need light, aerated, well-moistened, necessarily acidic. You can plant blueberries in lowlands or wetlands. Waterlogging of the root for a variety is the norm, drying leads to the death of mushrooms, and subsequently the blueberry itself. Before planting, the site is dug up. And to increase the acid level, colloidal sulfur is added.

Landing algorithm

Nutrient soil is preliminarily prepared, peat is mixed with sawdust and a turf layer of soil. A hole with a diameter of 55 * 55 cm, a depth of 60 cm is dug the day before planting, completely filled with water. The acquired seedling has fungal spores in its root system. If the material is grown independently, the mycelium is pre-harvested, it can be bought at a nursery or a specialized outlet.

Planting blueberries:

  1. The bottom of the planting recess is covered with ½ part of the nutrient substrate.
  2. Mushroom spores are poured from above.
  3. Blueberries are placed vertically, the root system should completely cover the area with mycelium.
  4. Fall asleep with the rest of the mixture, compact.
  5. The recess is filled to the edge with soil, the root neck is left on the surface.
  6. Pour in plenty of water, mulch with peat with sawdust or needles.

With mass planting, the distance between the bushes is 1,5 m.

Blueberry Chandler (Cherndler, Chandler): variety description, planting and care, cultivation

Cultivation and care

Agrotechnics of blueberry Chandler consists of frequent watering, fertilizing, pruning. It is also important to maintain the necessary acidity of the soil.

Watering Schedule

The daily rate of moisture consumption for blueberries up to 3 years of growth is 5 liters, an adult shrub needs 8 liters. According to this norm, the amount and frequency of watering are determined. The procedure is carried out in the morning or in the evening. In hot months with low air humidity, in order to prevent overheating of the bush, it is necessary to sprinkle blueberries in the morning. The main task in care is that the trunk circle should not be dry.

Top dressing schedule

Fertilize the Chandler variety the following year after planting. In the spring, nitrogen-based products are applied, at the time of fruit set, a mixture of superphosphate (115 g), potassium sulfate (40 g) and ammonium sulfate (95 g) is prepared. The norm for 3-year-old seedlings is 2 tbsp. l., for an adult bush – 5 tbsp. l.

A prerequisite for the normal growth and fruiting of blueberries is to maintain the necessary acidity of the soil. In a neutral environment, the mushrooms will die, the plant will not receive the necessary nutrition, the vegetation will stop, the leaves will turn white or light pink instead of green. To prevent the death of the plant, the soil must be acidified in any of the possible ways. Funds are designed for 2 m2:

  • colloidal sulfur – 2 cap. /2 l;
  • oxalic or citric acid – 10 g / 20 l;
  • electrolyte – 60 ml / 20 l;
  • apple essence – 100 g / 20 l.

When growing blueberries, organic fertilizers are not applied.

Important! Potassium chloride should not be used as a top dressing, the substance causes the death of the mycelium.


Form a bush of the Chandler variety in the 3rd year of growth, shorten the stems by 1/3 in early spring. Continue pruning until the bush begins to fully bear fruit. Then in the fall they thin out the middle, cut off the old, twisted branches. In the spring, sanitary cleaning is necessary from dry areas and stems damaged by frost.

Preparation for winter

For the formation of fruit buds in the spring, in the fall, water-charging watering is carried out for plants from 4 years of growth. Branches are collected in a bundle, fixed with a rope, the measure is necessary so that they do not break under the weight of snow. Increase the layer of mulch, use needles or wood chips. Saplings spud, mulch, install arcs with covering material. The structure is covered with dry leaves or coniferous branches.

Pests and diseases

A common blueberry disease that affects young shoots and leaves is the spread of the Phomopsis fungus. Infected parts of the stem dry, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. In the fight against infection, Topsin is used. For prevention, blueberries are treated in the spring with a solution of copper sulfate and potassium hydroxide. The beetle and the leafworm parasitize on the Chandler variety, and the Inta-Virom and Iskra pests are eliminated.


Blueberry Chandler is a high-yielding horticultural variety with large berries. A plant with high frost resistance, adapted to the weather conditions of the north and the temperate climate zone. Fruits with high gastronomic characteristics, versatile in use. They grow a crop for berries and as an element of landscape design.

Blueberry Chandler (late variety)

Blueberry Chandler Reviews

Igor Samoylenko, 42 years old, Volgograd region
The garden is planted with blueberries of several varieties with different ripening periods. Chandler has been fruiting for me for the second year, I have never seen such large berries. The first year mistakenly considered that the fruits were sour, the color fully corresponded to a mature berry. Only this season I realized that the fruits need time to fully ripen. The Chandler variety actually has sweet, juicy berries with a pleasant aroma.
Svetlana Ryzhova, 53 years old, Penza
I have been growing blueberries in the country for a long time, I tried different varieties, left some, removed others. I especially want to note the Chandler culture, it has become my favorite for the size of the berries, taste and unpretentiousness. Satisfied with the yield, this season has collected 6,5 kg. I like the duration of fruiting. I recommend this variety to everyone.

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