Blueberry Bluegold

Blueberry Bluegold is a promising variety adapted to the climate. When growing a crop, attention is paid to soil quality and care.

History of breeding

Bluegold tall blueberry was bred in 1989 in the USA. The author of the variety was the famous breeder Arlen Draper. When working on the variety, tall forms of blueberries were used, growing in marshy places in North America.

Description of berry culture

Blueberry Bluegold has a number of features that distinguish it from other varieties.

General idea of ​​the variety

Blueberry is a perennial deciduous shrub. The root system is fibrous and branched, located at a depth of 40 cm.

Description of tall blueberries Bluegold:

  • bush height up to 1,2 m;
  • a large number of upright shoots;
  • strong branches with a diameter of 2,5-3 cm;
  • Leaves are simple, elliptical in shape.

At the end of August, the leaves of the shrub begin to change color. By the end of September, the bush is covered with burgundy leaves.


The taste appears simultaneously with the ripening of the berries. And they are painted much earlier than ripening. The fruits are easily separated from the stalk, in the stage of ripeness they often crumble.

The fruits of the Bluegold variety are light blue in color and round in shape. Berries of medium size, 15-18 mm in diameter, weighing up to 2,1 g. The juice has no pronounced color. The pulp contains many seeds.

The fruits of the Bluegold variety are sweet and sour in taste. The sugar content is 9,6%. Tasting score – 4,3 points.

Photo of Blueberry Bluegold:

Blueberry Bluegold


According to its characteristics, the Bluegold blueberry variety stands out among other varieties of this crop. Winter hardiness and productivity of the variety deserves special attention.

Main advantages

Bluegold garden blueberries are moderately drought tolerant. Watering the bushes is one of the conditions for the fruiting of a crop.

The Bluegold variety is highly resistant to winter frosts. According to American experts, the bushes can withstand temperatures down to -29 … -35 ° С.

Important! Blueberry flowers are able to tolerate frosts down to -7 ° C.

When growing a crop in a cold climate, a slight freezing of the shoots is observed. In the spring, the bush is quickly restored. Freezing does not seriously affect the growth and yield of bushes.

Berries tolerate transportation well due to the dense skin. It is better to store and transport blueberries at low temperatures.

When following the rules for planting and caring for Bluegold blueberries, bushes bring a stable harvest. The variety is considered one of the most unpretentious and is recommended for growing novice gardeners.

The Bluegold variety is suitable for growing in the middle lane, in the North Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Flowering period and ripening period

Blueberry Bluegold begins to bloom in the first decade of June and ends at the end of the month. The variety bears fruit in the middle or late periods, which depends on the region of cultivation. The berries ripen in early August.

Yield indicators, fruiting terms

The variety brings the first harvest for 4 years after planting. Regular fruiting begins at 6 years. From one blueberry bush of the Bluegold variety, from 4,5 to 7 kg of berries are harvested.

The yield of the Bluegold variety is stable. Fruiting period: from the beginning to the end of August.

Scope of berries

Blueberries are used fresh, including for decorating confectionery, making desserts and vitamin tea.

Harvested berries are frozen or dried for long-term storage. Jams, juices, compotes, jams, fillings for baking are prepared from them.

Blueberry Bluegold

Disease and pest resistance

The Bluegold variety has an average resistance to diseases and pests. The variety is susceptible to mummification of berries and needs additional preventive treatments.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Benefits of growing blueberries Bluegold:

  • dense pulp;
  • long-term storage;
  • high yield;
  • self-fertility;
  • resistance to winter frosts.

Disadvantages of the Bluegold variety:

  • high growth rate;
  • fruits fall off after ripening;
  • roasting berries in the heat.

Rules of landing

If the planting rules are observed, blueberries develop quickly and bring a high yield.

Recommended dates

It is recommended to plant a crop in the spring. During the growing season, the bushes will have time to adapt to a new place. In warm regions, autumn planting is allowed.

Choosing the right place

Bluegold blueberries grow well in well-lit areas protected from the wind. The culture does not tolerate moisture stagnation, so the bushes are planted on an elevated or level place.

Soil Preparation

The culture prefers acidic soil with a pH of 4,0 – 5,0. For planting, a soil mixture is prepared, consisting of high-moor peat, sawdust, sand and fallen needles. In a heavy clay soil, a drainage layer must be equipped.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Bluegold seedlings are purchased from nurseries. The root system should not contain damage, mold and other defects. Before planting, blueberry roots are dipped in water for 2 hours. A seedling with a closed root system is watered.

Algorithm and landing scheme

The order of planting varieties Bluegold:

Dig a hole with a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of 50 cm. Leave 1 m between the bushes.

Pour crushed stone and prepared soil mixture at the bottom.

Plant blueberries in the ground.

Water the seedling abundantly and mulch the ground with bark, coniferous sawdust or peat.

Blueberry Bluegold

Culture aftercare

With constant care for Bluegold blueberries, their bushes are actively developing and bring a high yield.

Necessary activities

Excess and stagnant moisture is detrimental to culture. Bushes require moderate watering.

In early spring, Bluegold blueberries are fed with ammonium sulfate (100 g per bush), potassium (40 g) and magnesium (15 g). Every 7-10 days, the culture is watered with a solution of colloidal sulfur (1 g per 1 liter of water).

In order for the roots to better absorb nutrients, the soil is loosened. Mulching the soil with sawdust or peat helps to reduce the number of waterings.

shrub pruning

Shrubs older than 6 years need regular pruning. The procedure allows you to eliminate thickening and increase productivity.

Be sure to eliminate root shoots and branches older than 6 years. 3-5 shoots are left on the bush.

Preparation for winter

The Bluegold variety tolerates winter well without shelter. The bush is fed with superphosphate (100 g). Young blueberries are covered with agrofibre; in winter, a snowdrift is thrown over it.

Collection, processing, storage of crops

Bluegold blueberries are harvested by hand or using specialized equipment. After harvesting, the berries are stored in the refrigerator.

The Bluegold variety is suitable for sale. The berries are consumed fresh or processed to make homemade preparations. Blueberries withstand long transportation and are suitable for industrial cultivation.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The main diseases of the culture are shown in the table:



Methods of struggle


Fruit mummification

The first stage is the drying of the shoots, the appearance of a gray mass on them.

The second stage – ripe berries wither and turn orange or brown.

Spraying with Bordeaux liquid or Topsin solution.

Be sure to remove the affected fruits, which are the source of infection.

Removal of fallen leaves.

Preventive spraying with fungicides.


Reddish spots on the leaf plate, leaf fall.

Treatment of bushes with Bordeaux mixture or Rovral solution.

Compliance with the rules of care: watering, fertilizing.

Treatment with fungicides.

Soil mulching.

Blueberry Bluegold

Blueberry pests and measures to combat them are indicated in the table:


Signs of defeat

Methods of struggle


fruit moth

Fruit moth caterpillars feed on buds, shoots and berries.

Treatment of the bush with Lepidocide with an interval of 10 days.

Pruning and burning broken and frozen shoots.

Loosening the soil under the bush.

Spraying with insecticides in spring and autumn.


The insect lays transparent eggs on the underside of the leaf.

Elimination of damaged branches. Spraying with Fufanon.


Blueberry Bluegold

Blueberry Bluegold is a proven variety that is suitable for planting in the garden. Due to the high quality of the fruit, blueberries are grown on an industrial scale.


Vasily, 48 years old, Moscow
I have been growing American blueberries for over 10 years, including Bluegold. The main condition for successful fruiting is acidic soil. I pour several layers of compost around the plants: first straw, then sawdust of coniferous trees, straw and pine needles. Top with straw again. Between the layers it is important to add a little ammonium sulfate. With this compost I collect a high yield. Last year, the branches above the snow froze. Therefore, I advise you to throw a snowdrift on the bushes to increase the winter hardiness of the bushes.
Maria, 27 years old, St. Petersburg
Garden blueberries produce healthy and tasty berries. A few years ago, I purchased two seedlings from a local nursery. Before planting, I studied reviews about the Bluegold blueberry variety for a long time. For planting, I chose a place in partial shade and added a little peat, sand and spruce bedding. While the bushes are small, but I harvest every year. The taste is wonderful, sweet and sour. Berries are very fond of children.
Tasting the variety “Blue gold”

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