Blueberry Bluecrop

Blueberry Bluecrop is one of the popular varieties, characterized by tall stature and a stable yield. The culture is able to adapt to places with different climatic conditions, and also tolerates changes in soil acidity.

History of breeding

The variety was bred in 1915-1917 in the state of New Jersey by American breeders Frederick Coville and Elizabeth White from tall blueberries. In the middle of the last century, the culture was brought to the territory of the USSR, due to which it is still popular in Our Country, Belarus and Ukraine.

Blueberry Bluecorp breeders consider the standard for other varieties.

Description of berry culture

The description of the blueberry variety Bluecrop should begin with the fact that the plant is planted not only for the purpose of harvesting, but also as an ornamental shrub. Changing the color of foliage in accordance with different seasons looks very impressive in gardens and home gardens.

Blueberry Bluecrop

General idea of ​​the variety

The height of blueberry Bluecrop is about 1,6-1,9 m, and the width of the crown is about 1,7-2 m. The leaves have a jagged edge, an oblong, slightly elongated shape and a characteristic bright green color.

Shoots are erect, spreading and strong. The root system of blueberry Bluecrop is fibrous type, devoid of villi and located at a distance of 35-40 cm from the ground.

The flowers are white with a greenish tinge, no more than 1-1,5 cm long. In their shape, they resemble barrels or bells.

Blueberry Bluecrop grows only in cold regions, so planting a crop in the south is pointless. The plant needs acidic peaty soils, which are available only in the northern regions.


The fruits are deep blue in color, rather large, about 2 cm in diameter, have a pronounced bloom. The weight of each berry varies between 1,8-2,5 g. Blueberry blueberries taste sweet and sour.

The fruits grow in dense clusters that ripen within 20-25 days after flowering ends. For clarity, below is a photo of Bluecrop blueberries.

Blueberry Bluecrop


The characteristic of blueberry Bluecrop has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other varieties. For example, the shrub is highly frost-resistant, which allows you to grow plants in regions with a cold climate. This variety is most often cultivated in the USA as an industrial crop.

Main advantages

The frost resistance of blueberry Bluecrop is one of the main advantages of the variety. The shrub can tolerate temperatures up to -30-32 ° C. The advantages of Bluecrop over other varieties include:

  • relative resistance to drought;
  • immunity to most diseases;
  • regular and abundant fruiting;
  • good keeping quality and transportability of berries.

In addition, the plant is unpretentious in care, does not require special preparation before the onset of cold weather. It is only important to observe the irrigation regime, regularly weed and mulch the landing site, and also trim the shoots.

There are a lot of varieties of blueberries, they are often compared with each other. For example, Bluecrop or Northland blueberries have several differences. Bluecrop ripens later, but you can collect 2-3 kg more berries from one bush than from Northland blueberries. In addition, Bluecrop is resistant to a wider range of diseases.

Flowering period and ripening period

Pollination of blueberry Bluecrop is most often cross-pollinated. Therefore, to obtain a crop next to the shrub, it is necessary to plant other varieties with the same flowering periods.

Blueberry Bluecrop

The plant begins to bloom in May, and at the end of July the first berries appear. At the same time, the ripening of blueberries occurs unevenly.

Yield indicators, fruiting terms

Tall blueberry Bluecrop shows high yields. From one adult bush you can collect about 8-10 kg of berries. The culture begins to bear fruit from the end of July to the beginning of August. Harvest times may vary depending on the climate and region.

Scope of berries

The blueberry variety Bluecrop is widely used for making jams, marmalades and other preparations for the winter from tasty and ripe berries. The fruits can also be consumed fresh.

Disease and pest resistance

The description of garden blueberries Bluecrop also includes resistance to various diseases and pests. This culture has an average resistance to most viruses and pathogens.

Advice! Proper care and disease prevention will increase the immunity of the plant several times.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Numerous reviews of Bluecrop blueberries indicate the following advantages of this variety:

  • high yields;
  • resistance to cold;
  • good taste of fruits;
  • immunity to a wide range of diseases;
  • easy care;
  • large berries;
  • good transportability.

The disadvantages include:

  • long ripening of berries;
  • excessive branching of shoots;
  • congestion of the bush with berries.

But, despite these shortcomings, Bluecrop is the benchmark for other blueberry varieties.

blueberry breeding

Blueberry garden Bluecrop can reproduce in three main ways:

  • seeds – the most time-consuming method in which the grown seedling begins to bear fruit only for 5-6 years of life, but does not inherit varietal characteristics;
  • layering – the best option for breeding blueberries, which consists in bending the shoots to the ground and sprinkling them with soil for rooting;
  • cuttings – they are harvested in the fall, after which they are stored in a cool place all winter, placed in the ground in the spring and covered with film material until the end of August.

Blueberry Bluecrop

Advice! For beginner gardeners, it is recommended to propagate blueberries by layering.

Rules of landing

Planting blueberries Bluecrop is not difficult. It is only important to choose the optimal place and day of planting, as well as to take all the necessary measures to prepare the substrate.

Recommended dates

Planting blueberries Bluecrop is best in the spring. But in the southern regions with the absence of early frosts, planting can be done in the fall.

Choosing the right place

The planting site should be located in a sunny place, where there will be no other large trees nearby that prevent sunlight and air circulation. Groundwater should lie at a distance of up to 55-60 cm from the surface of the earth. It is best if Bluecrop blueberry pollinators are planted nearby.

Soil Preparation

In order to plant Bluecrop blueberries, you need to prepare the substrate. The composition of the soil is one of the most important conditions for the successful cultivation of a crop. The soil should be acidic (pH about 3,5-5), consisting of peat, black soil, sand with the addition of sawdust and bark.

Planting blueberries. Secret ingredient. Bluecrop and Elliot variety

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Bluecrop tall blueberry reviews often contain information on how to choose seedlings. Planting material should be at the age of 2-3 years, with a closed root system, without any damage to the shoots and signs of disease.

Important! It is best to buy seedlings only in trusted nurseries specializing in growing berry crops.

Algorithm and landing scheme

The process of planting blueberries includes the following main steps:

  1. Digging a hole with a depth and diameter of about 55-60 cm.
  2. Laying a drainage layer (crushed stone or broken brick) at the bottom of the pit.
  3. Mixing soil with acidic peat, sand and black soil.
  4. Sprinkling 1/3 of the entire substrate and planting a seedling.
  5. Straightening the root system, falling asleep the rest of the soil.
  6. Mulching the soil with sawdust or needles and abundant watering.

Blueberry Bluecrop

When watering for the first time after planting, 10 liters of table vinegar must be diluted in 0,1 liters of water.

Culture aftercare

Planting and caring for blueberries Bluecrop is so simple that even novice gardeners can do it. Blueberry is an unpretentious culture, thanks to which it is possible to avoid the consequences of mistakes in caring for it.

Necessary activities

Regular and plentiful watering is one of the most important stages in caring for a berry crop. But it is important not to overdo it, because blueberries do not tolerate moisture stagnation in the root system. Watering is recommended 3-4 times a week. The frequency of irrigation depends on the time of year and the climate of the region.

In addition, the cultivation of Bluecrop blueberries includes feeding the plant. Fertilizers should be selected in such a way as not to disturb the acidity of the soil, it is best to choose preparations containing boron, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Fertilizers are applied twice a year: in April and June.

Loosening and weeding the soil should be carried out after each watering. Needles, peat and sawdust are perfect as mulch.

shrub pruning

Blueberry blueberry care also includes regular pruning. The procedure is carried out in the fall, all branches that are close to the surface of the earth are removed and only upright shoots are left. The formation of the bush allows you to achieve the highest possible yield.

Preparation for winter

Planting and caring for tall Bluecrop blueberries must necessarily include measures to prepare the bush for winter. Branches in mid-October should be bent to the surface of the earth, fixed and tightly covered with spruce or pine branches.

Collection, processing and storage of crops

The garden blueberry variety Bluecrop has a long fruit shelf life. After picking the berries in August, they can be stored at a temperature of 4-5 ° C for about 14-16 days, and in the freezer – up to several months.

Blueberry Bluecrop

Important! Storing the crop for more than one year may be useless, since the berries lose all their useful properties over such a long time.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Tall blueberry Bluecrop (Blyukrop) is characterized by medium resistance to diseases and pests. The main methods of control and prevention are presented in the tables.


Methods of prevention and treatment

stem cancer

Treatment of shoots with fungicides, top dressing and compliance with the irrigation regime.

Gray mold

Removal of the affected branches of the shrub and cauterization of the cuts. It is important to monitor the application of nitrogenous fertilizers and regularly weed the landing site.

Mučnistaâ rosa

The most effective preparations for the treatment of leaves and shoots are Sulfaride, Topaz and Bayleton.

Blueberry Bluecrop


Methods of control and prevention.

The Mite

Nitrafen and copper sulfate are used.

Black and red aphids

The shrub is sprayed with Spark and Actara.

Regular inspection of the plant and the timely use of the above methods of control will avoid serious consequences.


Blueberry Bluecrop is rightfully considered a reference variety. The culture is characterized by high frost resistance, unpretentious care, good keeping quality of fruits, as well as high yields.


Makeeva Julia Stanislavovna, 52 years old, Troitsk
There are 4 different varieties of blueberries growing on my plot, and I consider Bluecrop one of the best. The culture is completely unpretentious, tolerates frosts well, gives a rich harvest. Moreover, the shrub fit perfectly into the overall style of the garden and gave it some charm. For me, planting and caring for Bluecrop blueberries in the Moscow region is not difficult. It is important to monitor the watering regime and trim the bush in time.
Kiseleva Olga Sergeevna, 60 years old, Ryazan
Five years ago, I bought a Bluecrop blueberry seedling from a nursery. In the spring I planted it on the site and for the second year now the shrub has been giving us a rich harvest. The fruits are very tasty, juicy, with a characteristic sourness. In spring and autumn, I always fertilize with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, regularly form a shrub and follow all the rules for caring for it. As a result, blueberries feel great on our site!

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