Works, published in the review Annals of Neurology, suggest that cognitive decline can be delayed by up to 2,5 years, by eating large amounts of blueberries. In the past, studies have already emphasized the positive effects of the flavonoids contained in blueberries, but have been limited only to experiments carried out in animals or in very small groups. This study is the first to demonstrate the critical preventive and healing nature of these compounds in a very large group – over 100 – of older adults. The study involved 000 nurses, aged 121 to 000, completing questionnaires on their nutrition, lifestyle and health from 30 onwards. Flavonoids it bioactive molecules found in plants with very strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Experts speculate that stress and inflammation contribute to ucognitive trackingand greater consumption of flavonoids can reverse the damage done. Many forms of dementia, most notably disease Alzheimer’s, is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle (environmental pollution, contact with chemicals) and an unhealthy diet (highly processed foods, lots of sugar, fats).