Everyone knows about the health benefits of wild berries. That is why these products are used in order to saturate the body with vitamins. In folk medicine, the most popular berry for the preparation of medicines is blueberries. As a rule, it is collected in the forest and canned. The easiest way to harvest is blueberries in their own juice.
The benefits of blueberries in their own juice
If we consider the useful properties, we can distinguish the content of the following valuable components:
- vitamins of groups A, B, C;
- organic acids;
- tannins;
- potassium;
- chlorine;
- magnesium;
- iron;
- sodium;
- sulfur;
- calcium;
- phosphorus.
These components bring enormous health benefits. Due to the content of antioxidants, fruits are used in the fight against cancer.
With the help of berries, you can normalize blood sugar levels. If you cook blueberries in your own juice without adding granulated sugar, then diabetics can safely use the finished product. An anticoagulant can reduce the ability of blood to clot, which is very important for people suffering from thrombosis.
Berry preparation
As a rule, only berries and granulated sugar are included in the recipe for cooking. To improve and enhance the taste, some housewives add a number of other ingredients:
- raspberries;
- strawberries;
- pear;
- lemon zest.
Everyone adds these components at their own request. Blueberries used for cooking must be prepared. To do this, it is sorted out, the twigs and leaves that have fallen during the collection are removed.
Промывку сырья выполняют в кастрюле. Такой способ позволяет убрать мусор, который всплывает на поверхность воды. Промытые плоды перемещают в дуршлаг и дают стечь. Как правило, для заготовок рекомендуют использовать свежесобранное сырье либо то, что было собрано не более двух дней назад.
How to make blueberries in your own juice
Making blueberries is pretty easy. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step recipe algorithm. In the process of cooking, the fruits should release their own juice in a water bath. Such a dish subsequently has a wide scope. For example, you can drain the juice – it is very healthy, the fruits are used in cooking.
How to cook blueberries in your own juice in the oven
You can cook blueberries in the oven very quickly, as a result of which the beneficial properties remain in full:
- Плоды тщательно промывают, подсушивают и перетирают при помощи деревянного пресса. При необходимости можно добавлять сахар в соотношении 1:2.
- The resulting puree is poured into sterilized jars and sent to an oven preheated to +120 ° C for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, the cans can be taken out and twisted.
In the multivariate
To prepare blueberries, you can use a slow cooker, adhering to the following recommendations:
- The collected fruits are washed and filled with a slow cooker almost to the very top.
- The multicooker bowl is half filled with water.
- Set the extinguishing mode.
- The berry is allowed to sweat for 30 minutes, after which the leftovers are added and left for another 20 minutes.
After that, you can pour the finished product into sterilized jars and send it to the cellar for further storage.
In air grill
Cooking blueberries in your own juice using an air grill does not take much time. The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- Сырье промывают, высушивают и засыпают в предварительно приготовленные и стерилизованные банки до самых краев.
- Заполненные банки помещают в аэрогриль и выставляют температурный режим +180°С.
- Depending on personal preference, sugar can be added to raw materials in a ratio of 1:2.
- Процесс приготовления занимает 30 минут.
After the specified time, the banks are taken out, twisted and sent for storage.
Recipes for blueberries in their own juice for the winter
There are a large number of recipes for preserving blueberries for the winter. You can make jam, jam, compote from the berry, but most often it is cooked in its own juice, as a result of which all useful properties are preserved. A feature of this option is the absence of granulated sugar in the composition, as a result of which even diabetics can consume the finished product (if necessary, sugar can be added).
Recipe for blueberries in their own juice without sugar
Данный рецепт идеально подходит для тех, кто стремится по максимуму сохранить полезные свойства лесных ягод. Алгоритм приготовления выглядит следующим образом:
- The berries are sorted, washed thoroughly in a saucepan, placed in a colander, allowed to drain.
- While the water is draining, the glass jars are sterilized. Often use containers of 500 and 700 ml.
- Blueberries are poured into prepared jars, covered with sterilized iron lids, but not rolled up.
- They take a large pot, lay a towel or a piece of cloth on the bottom, place jars with berries and pour cold water over their shoulders.
- Put the pan on a slow fire, bring the water to a boil and cook for 45 minutes.
- In the process of heating, the fruits will release juice, which is why it is not recommended to put jars to the brim.
- Если после того, как черника пустила сок, банка осталась неполной, то ягоды можно досыпать и продлить процесс кипения еще на 20 минут.
- После этого из кастрюли достают банки, закручивают и укрывают одеялом до момента остывания.
The finished product can be used to make desserts or consumed with herbal tea.
Blueberries in their own juice with sugar
Для того чтобы приготовить чернику в собственном соку, потребуется 1 кг сахарного песка, 2,5 кг лесной ягоды и следование следующей рецептуре:
- Raw materials are carefully sorted, washed, allowed to dry.
- In a small container, you need to knead 500 g of fruit, pour into a saucepan, add the rest of the blueberries and sugar.
- Dissolve sugar over low heat. After boiling, remove the pot from heat.
- Pour into sterilized jars and pasteurize over low heat for 25 minutes.
After that, the cans can be twisted and sent for storage.
Terms and conditions of storage
The conditions and terms of storage of blueberries completely depend on the form in which they plan to store it:
- freshly picked fruits can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 10 days; they should not be washed before being sent for storage;
- frozen berries can lie in the freezer for 8 months, while the quality will not be lost;
- если высушить чернику и после этого поместить в мешочек из хлопка либо льна, то срок хранения составляет 12 месяцев, важно понимать, что в таком виде плоды не стоит хранить в стеклянных банках, так как может появиться плесень;
- blueberries in their own juice and jam from it can be stored in a refrigerator or cellar; in this form, finished products can be stored for up to 3 years;
- черничное желе хранят в холодильнике на протяжении 24 часов, такие же сроки отводят другим блюдам из ягоды, которые не законсервированы.
Независимо от выбранного метода хранения уникальные полезные свойства продукта не будут потеряны. Главное не превышать указанный срок годности приготовленного блюда.
Blueberries in their own juice are a unique product that can be used not only in cooking, but also for medical purposes. Due to the balanced composition, the fruits can be consumed not only by adults, but also by children, since the berry does not cause an allergic reaction and the appearance of diathesis. If you plan to introduce blueberries into the diet for children under 2-3 years old, then you must first consult with your doctor, as there is a possibility of harm due to the body’s intolerance to some components.