Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

Blueberries grow in areas with a temperate or cold climate, wild shrubs can be found in the tundra, in the forest zone, in swamps. Self-cultivation of this shrub has some features. More than 20 varieties of taiga blueberries with useful properties have been bred by selection. The best blueberry varieties for Siberia are created taking into account sub-zero winter temperatures and a short summer, which is distinguished by its unpredictability.

Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

Features of growing blueberries in Siberia

Common blueberries are called a variety of deciduous shrubs, the berries of which are similar to lingonberries and blueberries. The shrub grows up to 1,5 m, sometimes its shoots can spread along the ground. The fibrous root system does not have hairs, so nutrition from the soil is carried out through mycorrhiza. Blueberries show high frost resistance, the life of the shrub is calculated in tens of years.

Siberia is a region located in the northeastern part of the mainland. From the east it is limited by the Ural Mountains, in the north is the Arctic Ocean. A detailed description of the region’s climate depends on its location in relation to the northernmost part. The main part of Siberia is characterized as sharply continental. The difference between the average monthly temperatures of winter and summer periods can reach up to 50 °C.

  • Winter is extended by 1,5 – 2 months longer than the calendar one. In some places, winter temperatures can reach -50 °. During the winter, about a quarter of the annual precipitation falls;
  • Spring in Siberia comes late, usually beginning in the second half of April, while the thawing is active, but often there is a return of frosts;
  • Summer is characterized by a division into 3 parts: the beginning is often hot and drought-resistant, then a wet and cool part sets in, later the air temperature drops significantly;
  • Autumn for Siberia begins with the end of August, the air temperature drops rapidly, and frosts are possible by October.

Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

The characteristic features of the climate when planting blueberries in Siberia are taken into account when choosing a suitable variety. The indicators of frost resistance and winter hardiness of blueberry varieties are important.

Blueberry varieties for Siberia

Modern breeders are trying to improve not only the taste characteristics of fruit and berry crops, but also their adaptive qualities. Despite the fact that blueberries are considered a frost-resistant berry, varieties are selected for Siberia, given the especially low temperatures in winter. When self-planting and caring for garden blueberries in a summer cottage in Siberia, only those varieties that can withstand abnormal frosts are considered.

  • blue placer. This is a late-ripening type of blueberry, which has high yields, while demonstrating a compact size, the bush grows up to no more than 1 m. The culture can form about 5-7 berries of the same shape and size on one brush.

    Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

  • north country. Suitable variety for Siberia: withstands frosts down to -35°Cultivar bushes are low, branchy, while the variety has high yields, it is often grown in Siberia because of the sweetness of the berries, which are suitable for making jam or blueberry jam;

    Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

  • Taiga beauty. Variety of medium maturity. The bushes are characterized as tall and sprawling. With the enlargement of the fruit (compared to other varieties), there is a change in the taste characteristics of the berry. Blueberry Taiga beauty is considered to be a sour variety;

    Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

  • Yurkovsky. Adult bushes of culture grow up to 1,5 m, have a spreading crown. The fruits are large and juicy. The advantage of the Yurkovsky variety for the regions of Siberia is considered to be high winter hardiness, among the shortcomings they call the average degree of productivity: about 1 kg of berries are harvested from an adult bush;

    Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

  • Blue Ray. A tall and spreading shrub that winters in Siberia only with additional shelter. It bears fruit steadily, differs in high rates of productivity. Up to 7 kg of berries are harvested from one adult bush. The taste of fruits is characterized as sweet, they are used for preparations, fresh pastries;

    Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

  • Rancocas. Often found in Siberia due to frost resistance and winter hardiness. The plant belongs to tall types with a late ripening period. The fruits on the bushes are large, juicy and sweet.

    Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

How to plant blueberries in Siberia

Due to the climatic features of Siberia, the planting of fruit and berry crops, such as blueberries, is associated with certain rules. In order not to freeze young blueberry seedlings, planting is recommended to be carried out on time. In addition, they take into account the peculiarities of keeping during wintering, spring-summer care.

Recommended dates

It is customary to plant garden blueberry bushes for regions of Siberia in the spring, while the soil should warm up so that it can be dug without hindrance. It is advisable to plant young blueberry bushes before bud formation begins on them. When planted at the right time, there is a 100% chance that the crop will adapt well before early frost. If it became necessary to plant garden blueberries in Siberia not in spring, but in autumn, then care should be such that by the end of October, young plantings have time to adapt and take root.

Site selection and preparation of soil

The further growth and fruit formation of the bush depends on the correctly selected landing site.

Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features

In order for the fruit and berry crop to adapt to new growth conditions, and also begin to bear fruit stably, warm and sunny areas are chosen for blueberries, while excluding:

  • the possibility of through winds;
  • shading from the crowns of neighboring trees or buildings;
  • lowlands with surface occurrence of groundwater;
  • elevated areas;
  • wetlands.

Soil preparation in Siberia for planting blueberries is one of the main agrotechnical rules. The taste of future blueberries depends on what the soil will be like.

Blueberries love acidic soils, this indicator should constantly remain in the range from 3,5 to 4,5 pH. Such soil is difficult to find in Siberia, so it is additionally acidified. Mineral-organic mixtures are added to the soil, but an increased nitrogen content is avoided. It can lead to winter freezing of the soil. On the territory of Siberia, it is recommended to use complexes with a high sulfur content.

Landing algorithm

A hole for blueberries in Siberia is prepared in the spring 2 weeks before the main planting.

Dimensions depend on varietal characteristics:

  • For tall bushes, dig holes up to 60 cm deep;
  • For undersized varieties – 40 cm.

The hole is filled with a nutrient mixture of peat, sand and soddy soil, left for 2 weeks. Before planting, the pit is dug up, if necessary, supplemented with peat.

A support is placed in the center, then blueberries are deepened. The root neck should be above the surface. Side voids are covered with nutrient soil, rammed.

After leveling the near-stem circle for ease of watering and watering abundantly. The next day, the trunk circle is mulched.

How to grow blueberries in Siberia

Planting a seedling is the beginning of a complex and long process of growing blueberries in Siberia. The climate of the region dictates special rules, while gardeners have learned to take into account the characteristics of the crop and get the harvest in a timely manner.

Schedule and feed

Blueberries, which are grown in Siberia, love watering. The shrub is watered in the summer 2 times a week. With heavy rainfall, irrigation is minimized. Despite the fact that blueberries love moist soils, regular stagnant water is dangerous for the root system of the crop. Soaking its roots leads to the appearance of rot, the development of fungal diseases.

Top dressing for blueberries in Siberia is carried out according to a certain scheme.


Characterization of processes inside blueberry bushes

Type of fertilizer

Early spring

Start the juices flowing.

Ammonium sulfate, zinc sulfate, magnesium sulfate, superphosphate.

Spring Summer

Growing greenery, fruit formation.

nitrogen-containing complexes.

One time, spring or fall

Before bud formation or after fruiting.

Magnesium, potassium, zinc.

Loosening and mulching

Agrotechnical methods of loosening and protecting the soil with a layer of mulch perform several simultaneously assigned tasks:

  • prevent the development of weeds;
  • protect the soil from moisture loss;
  • contribute to the prevention of the development of fungal infections in the soil.

Loosening is carried out after each heavy watering, while it is important not to damage the root system, the upper part of which is located close to the soil. For mulching the near-stem circle of blueberries in Siberia, coniferous needles or fresh sawdust are chosen.

Advice! The layer of mulch should not exceed a height of 4 – 6 cm, otherwise the soil begins to rot.


When growing blueberries in Siberia, care includes spring and autumn pruning procedures:

  • Autumn pruning necessary to remove dry, damaged branches, to rid the shrub of fallen leaves, to remove dried fruits. This is one of the stages of preparing blueberries for wintering in the regions of Siberia;
  • Spring pruning is formative and sanitary in nature. After wintering, some shoots freeze out and become unviable. They are removed in the spring, while each gardener can form the crown of the shrub at his discretion. Pruning is carried out over the selected bud to stimulate further shoot formation.
Advice! Pruning in the summer can be corrective. Most often, branches are cut off in the summer, which close access to the sun for most of the shrub.

Preparing blueberries for winter in Siberia

Experienced gardeners believe that a special role in the cultivation of blueberries throughout the entire length of Siberian regions belongs to the correct shelter in winter. When planting varieties adapted to low temperatures, as well as characterized by increased winter hardiness, sheltering shrubs will become an additional preventive measure.

The development of fruit and berry culture at different stages has its own characteristics.

Important! When an adult bush enters wintering insufficiently prepared, the likelihood of freezing increases.

Preparing blueberries for winter in Siberia is different from similar preparations for other crops.

  1. Bushes are not covered at positive temperatures, because parts of the plant may be steamed due to condensation. A humid environment promotes the development of the fungus and the formation of rot on the shoots.
  2. Agrofiber materials, as well as burlap, are suitable for shelter. The peculiarity of these materials is that they retain heat, but allow air to pass through.
  3. Blueberry branches are bent to the ground before shelter, this is done carefully so as not to break the shoots. At the same time, additional strengtheners are provided so that the blueberry bushes do not straighten up again.
  4. Snow becomes the top layer when sheltering in Siberia. Gardeners specially form snowdrifts: they create additional heaviness, which provides protection from the cold.

Pests and diseases

On the territory of Siberia, the most dangerous for blueberries are fungal diseases of the root system or stem. They infect bushes with excessive soil moisture, as well as with the spread of infections by pests.

In summer, leaflets may appear on the leaf plates, they can be detected by leaf curling and selective wilting. To get rid of leaflets, foliar treatment is carried out with a solution of tobacco or laundry soap. Timely preventive measures help to prevent the development of the fungus and the appearance of parasites:

  • regular loosening of the soil in order to destroy weeds;
  • autumn whitewashing of the trunk to repel insects and rodents in winter;
  • removal and burning of fallen leaves;
  • timely change of mulch;
  • irrigation control.

Blueberries in Siberia: planting and care in spring, growing features


The best blueberry varieties for Siberia are adapted to low winter temperatures. But when caring for blueberries, they provide for special winter preparation and additional shelter. Blueberries are called taiga berries. It is able to enrich the organisms of Siberians with useful substances, to please with the excellent taste of fresh berries or prepared jams.

Blueberry – a plant of taiga places

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