Blue potatoes: variety description
Potatoes are an important element in the diet of Russians. When growing potatoes, not only the appearance of the tubers is important, but also the quality of the potatoes. Sort “Golubizna” is an excellent option that combines both. In the article you will see a photo of the blue potato and read about its benefits.
Description of the potato variety “Golubizna”
This potato variety was bred in Russia and given its name due to the blue flowers that appear during the flowering of the potato. This variety has a thin, light-colored rind. The potatoes have few eyes, and the peel is covered with a fine mesh.
Potatoes “Golubizna” have good characteristics and are excellent for making mashed potatoes
The variety gets its name from the blue flowers that appear during the ripening period.
The flesh of the potato is white and crumbly when cooked. The friability of the “Golubizna” potatoes will delight you when preparing food, as it makes delicious mashed potatoes.
Benefits of “Golubizna” potatoes
Despite the good appearance of this variety, it also has other advantages:
- Resistant to temperature changes. Summer in Russia is sometimes cold and sometimes hot. Therefore, the frost resistance of this variety is its main advantage. You do not need to be afraid of changes in the weather, as your potatoes will not be harmed.
Productivity. This potato variety produces a large amount of harvest. Approximately 500 kg per one hundred square meters of land. Experienced summer residents say that if you sow potatoes with seedlings, the yield will increase.
Unpretentiousness. Potatoes are unpretentious to the soil.
Shelf life. Potatoes retain their appearance for a long time, which is especially useful in sales, since potatoes are sometimes transported over long distances.
Immunity. Also, this variety is immune to many diseases that potatoes are susceptible to.
These advantages distinguish the variety over others. Also, thanks to them, this potato is very popular not only among summer residents, but also among producers who grow potatoes for sale.
You need to plant potatoes in early May, but if the spring is warm, you can start earlier. Planting potatoes early will yield more yield than planting late.
Potatoes need abundant watering 3 times during growth, also treat potatoes from insects and pests 3 times
Potatoes are harvested in late summer. Potatoes are suitable for sale because of their characteristics. This variety is suitable for Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, the North Caucasus and many other regions.
If you are a summer resident who cares about the quality of the vegetables grown, but does not want to spend a lot of money on it, then “Blueness” potatoes are what you need. You will receive a large amount of high-quality and tasty harvest that you can sell or store for yourself for a long time.