Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features

Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features

Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features

The varietal variety of onions is very rich. However, sweet varieties are especially popular. Purple, or blue onions, not only have interesting taste characteristics, but also help to resist a number of diseases. Today we will tell you what useful properties sweet onions have.

Description of purple onion

Onions are considered one of the most popular vegetable crops, which is grown by almost every summer resident. Depending on the varietal characteristics, the vegetable may differ in taste, aroma and even color.

Purple onions, often called blue or red, came to our region from distant Spain. Few people know that initially the vegetable had a bitter taste. And only after many years, breeders managed to get rid of the sharp bitterness in the taste.

Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features
Purple onions came to our area from Spain

The color of sweet onion husks varies, but purple, red, burgundy, blue, and even shades close to black are most common. The color of the peel depends on the varietal characteristics of the crop and the characteristics of the climatic zone of growth. For example, excess moisture in the soil gives the husk a richer shade.

Calorie content and vitamin composition

The sweet variety differs from ordinary onions in the reddish, purple or lilac color of the pulp. It is the pulp of the vegetable that contains vitamins C, E, P and group B, as well as glucose, sucrose, maltose, fructose, nitrogenous substances, phytoncides, carotene and nicotinic acid. The mineral composition of the product is represented by potassium, magnesium, zinc, bromine, chromium, iodine, calcium and iron.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product – 42 kcal. The amount of carbohydrates – 9,1 g, proteins – 1,4 g, no fats.

Useful and medicinal properties

Sweet onions contain a large amount of antioxidants, so it is often used to neutralize inflammatory processes in the human body. Regular consumption of vegetables helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents the development of malignant neoplasms.

Blue onion has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antimicrobial, wound healing, sugar-lowering, diuretic and anthelmintic effects. It can be used for disorders of the digestive, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The vegetable is used in cosmetology for the preparation of anti-aging and regenerating masks. Purple onion is useful for hair loss and depletion of hair follicles. Masks and infusions prepared on the basis of onion juice have a firming and tonic effect.

Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features
Useful and medicinal properties of culture

Contraindications and possible harm

The use of blue onions is not recommended for individual intolerance and a tendency to allergic reactions. Sweet and bitter varieties are contraindicated in gastritis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, colitis, hypertension and asthma. An increase in acidity can cause indigestion and a deterioration in overall well-being.

We recommend limiting the use of purple varieties of onions for violations of the liver and kidneys.

Author’s advice

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the vegetable is consumed in moderation. The bitterness present in the pulp is transferred to the mother’s milk. As a result, a breastfed infant may refuse milk.

Video “The benefits of purple onions”

This video talks about the beneficial and healing properties of the vegetable.

★Purple onion for the prevention of cancer, diabetes, constipation. Eat 1 head a day and you will

Scope of purple onion

The rich chemical composition and variety of useful properties have led to a wide range of uses for sweet onions. Purple varieties are actively used in cooking, nutrition, cosmetology and traditional medicine.


Consider a few simple, but very effective traditional medicine recipes based on purple onions:

  1. Nourishing hair mask. Grind 1 medium-sized onion with a blender. Add 20 g of burdock oil. Apply the paste to your hair. Put on a rubber hat and tie a towel. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and wash your hair thoroughly.
  2. Expectorant. Mix onion juice with liquid honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. You need to take the “medicine” 20-30 minutes before a meal. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.
  3. Cold remedy. Mix onion juice and goose fat (1:1). Rub the chest area with the prepared product. Put on a tight T-shirt or jacket, lie down under the covers. It is better to perform the procedure before going to bed.
  4. Means for restoring the menstrual cycle. Blue onion peel (1 kg) is poured with boiling water (500 ml), put on a slow fire and boiled for another 15-20 minutes. The broth is filtered and taken 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features
A mixture of onion and honey is an effective expectorant


Depending on the variety, purple bulbs can be sweet, semi-sweet, and bittersweet. The variety of taste allows using the product for making salads and appetizers, sauces, meat and fish marinades, dumplings, dumplings and pies. Sweet onions are one of the main ingredients in first courses and side dishes.

Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features
Purple onions are actively used in cooking

The best varieties of sweet onions

The varieties described below enjoy special attention of summer residents and housewives.

Red Baron

It is characterized by high yields and rapid adaptation to various growing conditions. So, about 1 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1,5 m² of the garden. It can be grown both by sevkom and by seed method.

The husk of the bulbs has a red-burgundy hue. The shape of the vegetable is round and slightly flattened at the top. The Red Baron variety is characterized by a bitter-sweet taste, for this reason the vegetable is often used as an additive in the first and second courses.

Black Prince

Sweet variety for transportation over long distances. Differs in long term of storage and high productivity. Under favorable weather conditions, at least 1 tons of product are collected from 50 ha of land. The average weight of one bulb is 100 g.

The taste of the Black Prince is bittersweet. Often used in salads and vegetable dressings.

Danilovsky 301

A favorite vegetable of summer residents of the Moscow region. Danilovsky 301 refers to varieties of medium ripening. Differs in stable fructification and high keeping at the correct storage. The weight of the bulb can reach 150 g. The color of the husk is rich burgundy with an admixture of purple.


High yielding variety. Subject to the cultivation practices, about 1–3 kg of succulent bulbs are harvested from 3,3 m² of land. The vegetable has a pleasant sweet taste, can be used for salads and snacks. A characteristic feature of the variety is the purple color of the husk and pulp.


The Alvina variety is distinguished by good transportability and long maturation. When stored in a cool room, the harvested crop retains its taste and commercial qualities for 6-7 months. The fruits have an oblong shape and a purple-red hue of the peel.


It is unlikely that there is such a person in Our Country who does not know what the Yalta bow looks like. Strong and dense fruits are characterized by a flattened shape and a rich purple color. The average weight of an onion ranges from 200 to 250 g. A real Crimean onion has no more than 7 scales. The taste of the vegetable is sweet.

Peculiarities of growing

Bulb sweet onions are grown mainly by seedlings. Sowing seeds occurs at the end of February or the beginning of March.

Subtleties of landing

Seeds are soaked in water, slightly dried and planted in loose fertile soil. Between the “beds” maintain a distance of 2-3 cm. Seed containers are covered with glass or plastic wrap. The air temperature in the room should be in the range of +22…+27 °C.

When shoots appear, the film / glass is removed. The containers are moved to a cooler place. The optimum temperature regime is +10…+13 °C. Periodically, seedlings are watered and thinned out.

Onion planting care

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out in early May. If the weather is cold and damp, you can postpone the procedure for 7-10 days.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings are watered abundantly. The roots and leafy part are cut to a third of the length. Such manipulations increase the survival rate of seedlings planted in the ground.

Further care involves periodic watering and top dressing. At first, onion beds require intensive moisture, gradually the interval between watering increases. A few days before the bulbs begin to ripen, watering is completely stopped.

Top dressing with organic matter is carried out in May-June. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil during the formation of bulbs.

Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features
Crop care involves watering, fertilizing and removing weeds

Harvesting and storage of crops

Leaves that turn yellow and fall to the ground are a sign of the technical maturity of the bulbs. The harvested crop must be thoroughly dried. Even slight moisture under the husk can lead to rot.

Store harvested purple onions in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. The room should be dry, cool and periodically ventilated.

Blue onions, purple and other sweet varieties: description, benefits and harms, application, cultivation features
The harvested crop must be dried well.

Blue onion has an interesting taste. At the same time, the vegetable can be used not only for the preparation of culinary delights, but also to strengthen the immune system and prevent a number of pathologies.

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